- Boards
- Current Events
- If Trump refuses to condemn his voter base for all of last night, it'll escalate
More and more people will think it's okay. Those on the fence will join in and those who are alt right and maybe even just general Trump supporters will think it's okay. Okay to go March with f***ing Nazi's, or maybe become one even. Especially so when the person/people who died last night are glossed over as if their life didn't matter.
Things like this need to be put down before they begin to escalate​ and then spiral out of control.
I do drawings and stuff
https://www.fiverr.com/blueblitz |
I'm sure many already do. they keep saying s*** like "this is why we voted for Trump! TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK GREAT LEADER"....you don't think they're thinking "nice, he didn't call us out...he calls out the MUSLIMS and LIBERALS all the time but not us....HE SUPPORTS US! We're winning..MAGA"...
...they're not very smart people. |
A) Trump DID condemn the violence.
B) Trump DOES NOT have to go on an apology tour for s*** he didn't do.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
get ready for Civil War 2. time to kill some naht-zees, bay-bee!
I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign.
I mean he was starting to sound like a broken record with how often he had to do it.
https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20- Monthly Competitions with Karma or Steam prizes!
RIP Mith. You were a good friend and will be missed. ;-; |
I don't think he has to go out and say "I denounce my voter base," but he should be clear that White Supremacism of the sort that fueled yesterday's events is toxic, and has no place in our society. His equivocation allows the white supremacists to shape their narrative, to pretend the other side was just as much at fault.
kin to all that throbs
AssultTank posted...
I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign. Trump has never boldly condemned David Duke, the KKK, or the alt-right. You know very well what happened during the campaign. Getting him to say so much as "I disavow" was like prying up fingernails. |
Glass_Phantom posted...
AssultTank posted...I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign. http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/03/politics/donald-trump-disavows-david-duke-kkk/index.html
https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20- Monthly Competitions with Karma or Steam prizes!
RIP Mith. You were a good friend and will be missed. ;-; |
Glass_Phantom posted...
AssultTank posted...I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign. That's a load of horses***. He disavowed THE FAKE endorsement of David Duke. David Duke never endorsed Trump yet liberal media continued to say he did and Trump disavowed that fake news endorsement like 30 f***ing times.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
AssultTank posted...
Glass_Phantom posted...AssultTank posted...I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign. You are a conservative. Do you really think this is what your political movement ought to be about? Tip-toeing around denouncing Neo Nazis and the KKK? You know all too well those were flimsy "denunciations" that only happened after many, many weeks of people begging him to say more, and those weeks were full of horse s*** excuses on his part. "My earpiece wasn't working, so I didn't hear Jake Tapper say David Duke and KKK three times and I didn't know what he was talking about." It utterly, utterly baffles me how much moral cowardice there is about this. Stand up for what's right. |
![]() Try again.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
Glass_Phantom posted...
AssultTank posted...Glass_Phantom posted...AssultTank posted...I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign. You know how I know you didn't read the CNN link? Maybe a video will help you. ![]() I can keep pulling citations where he denounces the KKK if you want... I have a long list...
https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20- Monthly Competitions with Karma or Steam prizes!
RIP Mith. You were a good friend and will be missed. ;-; |
Ignoring the obvious troll topic, he should unequivocally denounce neo nazi groups and call them out for the violence that just occurred. He s*** on obama for showing the same trepidation about calling out radical Islamic terrorists, and the right s***s on the left for not condemning violent groups like antifa all the time... but then again he complained about obama's golf vacations and we know how that went.
BillyKidd posted...
A) Trump DID condemn the violence. Trump needs to lick Comey's shoe for firing his ass under the advice of the DoJ.
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya |
Do trolls not realize how stupid they look when they call Nazis and white supremacists Trump's "voter base"? Get a f***ing clue. Trump didn't win election because of racist Alt-right members. He turned Obama blue counties to red, flipping states that gave him the electoral college.
https://www.cnbc.com/heres-a-map-of-the-us-counties-that-flipped-to-trump-from-democrats/ Those are the voters that awarded him the presidency. So unless you want to actually claim that Americans who voted for a black man twice are secretly white supremacists, with facts and statistics to back it up, just shut the f*** up with your flimsy trolling. Typical CEmocrat flopix
Off with the horns,
On with the show! |
Winner of the Third Hacked User Contest.
World's #1 Phoenix Wright fan. |
TC is right. The literal neo-nazi's who openly have stated they felt Trump's statement didn't attack them and was actually empowering them. You f***s can keep deflecting and denying it all you want, but when you have the white supremacists literally saying that Trumps words are helping them then you're wrong. Period.
AssultTank posted...
You know how I know you didn't read the CNN link? I think you need to come to terms with the fact that Donald Trump is not a force for good in this universe. He is a force for ill; a force for certain members of the disgruntled white majority in this country who are terrified of losing its preponderance of power in the face of the increasing Hispanic share of the vote, who lay the blame for job losses at the feet of minorities and immigrants. I've members of my families who think and feel this way, and I think most of us do. Please don't try to tell me otherwise after I've listened to my own father go on about how there's "a great conspiracy against whites in this country by people trying to pick our pockets and give all our money away to the blacks" -- every time a white anchor has gotten fired from Fox News for sexual harassment this year, he's indulged crackpot conspiracies about how it was one giant frame job to replace the Caucasian faces on the TV with black faces by promoting minorities above whites. If you truly believe those people are a myth, and Donald Trump isn't deliberately appealing to them with this kind of business, then you are blind. You have the chance, right now, to take back your political party and forge it into something good. Other conservatives like Mitt Romney and Bill Kristol are out there speaking boldly about this, calling on the president to do more. Take a look in the mirror at the person you are, and think about what it is you're really fighting for, and what you want the Republican Party to be. |
I mean seriously, not that hard to find that he did indeed condemn the violence.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
BillyKidd posted...
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/896420822780444672 https://www.google.com/amp/s/thinkprogress.org/white-supremacists-cheer-trumps-response-to-charlottesville-violence-3d0d50196c52/amp/ Everyone saw it for the joke it was
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
BillyKidd posted...
I mean seriously, not that hard to find that he did indeed condemn the violence. You don't get it |
BillyKidd posted...
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/896420822780444672 Yes, he condemned hate -- in general terms. He condemned the violence "on both sides." He said repeatedly, through clenched teeth, and never particularly enthusiastically, "I disavow the KKK." BELIEVE ME. The KKK got the message. The message they heard was, "We've got our guy in the White House now, and if he can't come out and telegraph his support for us, and he has to rap us lightly across the knuckles every now and then, then that's okay! We understand, and we read his wink-wink nudge-nudge loud and clear." https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DHD61dKUwAAOOak.jpg Give me a break. |
Glass_Phantom posted...
BillyKidd posted...https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/896420822780444672 So, the nazis are doing the same as the liberals. He never said "on both sides". Didn't say it through clenched teeth. Why do you keep lying? Both of those sides are saying he was implying, when the fact is he was saying hate needs to stop, period. You keep looking for something that isn't there and making conclusions based on what you feel.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
There's a sizable gap between the statement of Trump, denouncing violence "from many sides," and even the responses of his fellow Republicans.
https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/896483980857532416 https://twitter.com/SenCoryGardner/status/896472477844385792 https://twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/status/896509908383911936 https://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=press-releases&id=64ED6753-345F-4F64-9B64-2D8BDAE952B5 In comparison, Trump's statement is more equivocal, and softer on white supremacists. I think it's worth wondering why that is, particularly given Trump's past comments on "political correctness" and calling our enemies by name.
kin to all that throbs
BillyKidd posted...
Glass_Phantom posted...BillyKidd posted...https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/896420822780444672 You're right! He never said "on both sides", he said "on many sides". Nice try playing at semantics, though. http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/12/politics/trump-statement-alt-right-protests/index.html There's the video of his statement if you want to listen to it for yourself. What he did was the equivalent of a parent walking into a room, seeing their son literally beating their daughter to death with a baseball bat, saying "Hey guys like be nice, okay", and walking away.
Winner of the Third Hacked User Contest.
World's #1 Phoenix Wright fan. |
You do know outside of 1 lone guy driving his car into people, both sides got into multiple fist fights, right?
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
Webmaster4531 posted...
BillyKidd posted...You do know outside of 1 lone guy driving his car into people, both sides got into multiple fist fights, right? So it's okay for antifa to hit people with bike locks, as long as they don't actually kill someone? Trump said the hate and violence needs to stop from everyone.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
BillyKidd posted...
Webmaster4531 posted...BillyKidd posted...You do know outside of 1 lone guy driving his car into people, both sides got into multiple fist fights, right? He said many sides. Many is a weasel word that can be interpreted to mean he's just against the non-nazis.
Ad Hominem.
It is both okay and morally justified to hit Nazis yes
oh give me a f***ing break. The videos posted show Trump repetitively saying he denounces all hate groups, kkk in particular. How many times does he have to go out and say he wants nothing to do with them before you actually hear him?
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
Glass_Phantom posted...
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DHD61dKUwAAOOak.jpg People only hear what they want to hear. Surprise, surprise. Case in point: many posters in this topic.
BillyKidd posted...
oh give me a f***ing break. The videos posted show Trump repetitively saying he denounces all hate groups, kkk in particular. How many times does he have to go out and say he wants nothing to do with them before you actually hear him? I would never believe him. You'd always believe him.
Ad Hominem.
RebelElite791 posted...
It is both okay and morally justified to hit No it's not
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
Webmaster4531 posted...
BillyKidd posted...oh give me a f***ing break. The videos posted show Trump repetitively saying he denounces all hate groups, kkk in particular. How many times does he have to go out and say he wants nothing to do with them before you actually hear him? only a sith deals in absolutes
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
Annihilated posted...
When it was BLM terrorizing white people last year, Obama didn't disavow them even once and BLM got the message, and liberals were fine with this because it encouraged more anti-white anti-cop hate. If BLM and nazis are comparable, you're too far gone
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
1NfamousACE_2 posted...
BillyKidd posted...A) Trump DID condemn the violence. In his tweet, he generally condemned violence. His speech said many sides, referring to all the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, not the sole car attack. Did Obama apologize?
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
http://i.imgur.com/4GzX1.jpg |
RebelElite791 posted...
It is both okay and morally justified to hit Nazis yes Correct. Their violence exists independently of anything else. If they didn't exist, antifa would never be violent. Antifa exists only to defend us from scum like Nazis.
Pokemon Moon FC: 1994-2190-5020
IGN: Vanessa |
BillyKidd posted...
1NfamousACE_2 posted...BillyKidd posted...A) Trump DID condemn the violence. He said their violence is just as bad He would never actually condemn nazis or the KKK. He refused to even name them as perpetrators yesterday.
Pokemon Moon FC: 1994-2190-5020
IGN: Vanessa |
- Boards
- Current Events
- If Trump refuses to condemn his voter base for all of last night, it'll escalate
- Boards
- Current Events
- If Trump refuses to condemn his voter base for all of last night, it'll escalate
Webmaster4531 posted...weasel word.
Paragon21XX posted...Glass_Phantom posted...
People only hear what they want to hear. Surprise, surprise.
Case in point: many posters in this topic.Hmm...FrisbeeDude posted...Annihilated posted...
When it was BLM terrorizing white people last year, Obama didn't disavow them even once and BLM got the message, and liberals were fine with this because it encouraged more anti-white anti-cop hate.
If BLM and nazis are comparable, you're too far gone
Of course that has nothing to do with me, so... liberal logic?Glass_Phantom posted...I think you need to come to terms with the fact that Donald Trump is not a force for good in this universe. He is a force for ill; a force for certain members of the disgruntled white majority in this country who are terrified of losing its preponderance of power in the face of the increasing Hispanic share of the vote, who lay the blame for job losses at the feet of minorities and immigrants. I've members of my families who think and feel this way, and I think most of us do.
Please don't try to tell me otherwise after I've listened to my own father go on about how there's "a great conspiracy against whites in this country by people trying to pick our pockets and give all our money away to the blacks" -- every time a white anchor has gotten fired from Fox News for sexual harassment this year, he's indulged crackpot conspiracies about how it was one giant frame job to replace the Caucasian faces on the TV with black faces by promoting minorities above whites. If you truly believe those people are a myth, and Donald Trump isn't deliberately appealing to them with this kind of business, then you are blind.
You have the chance, right now, to take back your political party and forge it into something good. Other conservatives like Mitt Romney and Bill Kristol are out there speaking boldly about this, calling on the president to do more. Take a look in the mirror at the person you are, and think about what it is you're really fighting for, and what you want the Republican Party to be.
@AssultTank literally blames black people for a bunch of a******s who bullied him as a kid
I wish he'd read it this and take it to heart, but he seriously voted for Trump over Clinton because he thought he was the better of the two.Everybody knows that everybody diesBillyKidd posted...1NfamousACE_2 posted...
BillyKidd posted...
A) Trump DID condemn the violence.
B) Trump DOES NOT have to go on an apology tour for s*** he didn't do.
A) He didn't condemn the Nazi group. He condemned it from both sides
B) Weren't the conservatives saying Obama had to apologize for BLM?
In his tweet, he generally condemned violence. His speech said many sides, referring to all the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, not the sole car attack.
Did Obama apologize?
So why not condemn the neo-nazi's and KKK by name?
And why should Obama apologize for s*** he didn't do? That still didn't stop conservatives from wanting one.#Free OJ Simpsongunplagirl posted...RebelElite791 posted...
It is both okay and morally justified to hit Nazis yes
Correct. Their violence exists independently of anything else.
If they didn't exist, antifa would never be violent. Antifa exists only to defend us from scum like Nazis.
I'd suggest you research antifa, then. They attack people who are wandering through. But I know this is your gimmick.southcoast091NfamousACE_2 posted...BillyKidd posted...
1NfamousACE_2 posted...
BillyKidd posted...
A) Trump DID condemn the violence.
B) Trump DOES NOT have to go on an apology tour for s*** he didn't do.
A) He didn't condemn the Nazi group. He condemned it from both sides
B) Weren't the conservatives saying Obama had to apologize for BLM?
In his tweet, he generally condemned violence. His speech said many sides, referring to all the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, not the sole car attack.
Did Obama apologize?
So why not condemn the neo-nazi's and KKK by name?
And why should Obama apologize for s*** he didn't do? That still didn't stop conservatives from wanting one.
Literally his first 100 days was him going to countries that hated us and apologized to them.ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya1NfamousACE_2 posted...BillyKidd posted...
1NfamousACE_2 posted...
BillyKidd posted...
A) Trump DID condemn the violence.
B) Trump DOES NOT have to go on an apology tour for s*** he didn't do.
A) He didn't condemn the Nazi group. He condemned it from both sides
B) Weren't the conservatives saying Obama had to apologize for BLM?
In his tweet, he generally condemned violence. His speech said many sides, referring to all the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, not the sole car attack.
Did Obama apologize?
So why not condemn the neo-nazi's and KKK by name?
And why should Obama apologize for s*** he didn't do? That still didn't stop conservatives from wanting one.
I guess Trump doesn't need to condemn it either since he didn't do it...right?I AM society, you fool!
PSN: I_am_SpaghettiTropicalwood posted...1NfamousACE_2 posted...
BillyKidd posted...
1NfamousACE_2 posted...
BillyKidd posted...
A) Trump DID condemn the violence.
B) Trump DOES NOT have to go on an apology tour for s*** he didn't do.
A) He didn't condemn the Nazi group. He condemned it from both sides
B) Weren't the conservatives saying Obama had to apologize for BLM?
In his tweet, he generally condemned violence. His speech said many sides, referring to all the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, not the sole car attack.
Did Obama apologize?
So why not condemn the neo-nazi's and KKK by name?
And why should Obama apologize for s*** he didn't do? That still didn't stop conservatives from wanting one.
Literally his first 100 days was him going to countries that hated us and apologized to them.
Proof?Posted with GameRaven 3.2.1The deranged right wingers trying to defend their president is all sorts of pathetic yoNot removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.pngCapn Circus posted...BLM and Antifa burn down schools and cities
lmaoCapn Circus posted...BLM and Antifa burn down schools and cities, among other things.
It's perfectly reasonable for Trump to denounce all radical groups
This. If Trump took a side against the neo-nazis, he'd be letting antifa off the hook even though they're the bigger threat. Instead he was the bigger person and condemned both sides, and lefties are butt-mad about it.Annihilated posted...This. If Trump took a side against the neo-nazis, he'd be letting antifa off the hook even though they're the bigger threat.
You're aware that "antifa" did not cause the mayhem in Charlottesville, yes?
Nor was antifa responsible for that terror attack yesterday.
You're aware of that, right?Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.pngAlso, the so-called "President's" inability to actually call out when these proto-fascists carried out violent attacks speaks towards his cowardly nature, if not his approval of their actions.Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.pngDoom_Art posted...The deranged right wingers trying to defend their president is all sorts of pathetic yo
Let them. The ugly face of the alt-right is finally getting the media coverage they've always wanted, and now that s*** is starting to hit the fan they are acting like innocent victims. Boo f***ing hoo, you embrace neo nazism, expect people to react angrily. That's what you get for trying to be a troll in real lifeDoom_Art posted...Annihilated posted...
This. If Trump took a side against the neo-nazis, he'd be letting antifa off the hook even though they're the bigger threat.
You're aware that "antifa" did not cause the mayhem in Charlottesville, yes?
Nor was antifa responsible for that terror attack yesterday.
You're aware of that, right?
The point is not which specific group it was, but that in the past couple of years all of the unchecked anti-white rhetoric has given newfound relevance to white supremacy groups. When every media outlet, public school, and college is conditioning everyone to hate white people, white people are going to start to flock towards the only groups that will accept them. The most surprising thing really is that anybody is surprised about this. I predicted this years ago during the Ferguson case.Annihilated posted...The point is not which specific group it was
Yes, that is actually the point of all this.Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.pngDoom_Art posted...Annihilated posted...
This. If Trump took a side against the neo-nazis, he'd be letting antifa off the hook even though they're the bigger threat.
You're aware that "antifa" did not cause the mayhem in Charlottesville, yes?
Nor was antifa responsible for that terror attack yesterday.
You're aware of that, right?
BLM and Antifa certainly contributed to the mayhem. They were confronting the other group, throwing things, attacking them, throwing urine, spraying fire at them, etc.
Both groups were implicit in the violence we saw yesterday."I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom HanksAnnihilated posted...The point is not which specific group it was, but that in the past couple of years all of the unchecked anti-white rhetoric has given newfound relevance to white supremacy groups. When every media outlet, public school, and college is conditioning everyone to hate white people, white people are going to start to flock towards the only groups that will accept them. The most surprising thing really is that anybody is surprised about this. I predicted this years ago during the Ferguson case.
Keep shifting the blame off of the literal neo nazis, but it still doesn't change the reality that if a person embraces that kind of ideology they are the ones to blame, and not the society around them.
Likewise you don't use that same excuse for members of ISIS, do you? Because I sure as hell don'tCapn Circus posted...Both groups were implicit in the violence we saw yesterday.
Not really.
Your buddies were the ones beating on people and tossing s*** on them/journalists.
Also don't forget one of your pals intentionally rammed a car into a group of people (coincidentally just like those ISIS folks you hate so much)Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.pngThis is only going to be worse at the next events this coming weekend. Go to the s***hole sites and you can already see them planning another "rally" with the intent to incite violence and plead ignorance.
It's a f***ing joke that people are defending this bulls***, but I suppose it's the end result of "IT'S JUST A JOKE BRO, WHY YOU SO TRIGGERED?!" mentality that festers with these people. f*** emit's mind-boggling to me
Trump doesn't mince words. he's loud and boisterous, in fact it's something both his supporters and critics agree on (although one likes it and the other doesn't). so why is he so wishy-washy with regards to them?
like, even if you think that he was criticizing them, he barely even did it. he's attacked a bunch of democrats way more, hell even quite a few republicans (Cruz, Rubio, Jeb, during the primaries, and McConnell, Paul, Murkowski, McCain, lately, etc.) and went fairly hard on them.
But he doesn't go that hard on the white nationalists or Putin. I'm not saying he's a nazi-loving kkk member, but it's the easiest f***ing thing in the world to disavow them strongly
but he doesn't. even if we accept that he does criticize them, not nearly to the level of all of the politicians he attackedThe Great Muta 22 posted...This is only going to be worse at the next events this coming weekend. Go to the s***hole sites and you can already see them planning another "rally" with the intent to incite violence and plead ignorance.
It's a f***ing joke that people are defending this bulls***, but I suppose it's the end result of "IT'S JUST A JOKE BRO, WHY YOU SO TRIGGERED?!" mentality that festers with these people. f*** em
Its called freedom of speech. Something Antifa wants to take away."I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom HanksCapn Circus posted...Something Antifa wants to take away.
Says the dude arguing in favor of neo-fascists. lol
prince_leo posted...But he doesn't go that hard on the white nationalists or Putin. I'm not saying he's a nazi-loving kkk member, but it's the easiest f***ing thing in the world to disavow them strongly
Oh I'll certainly say that.
His inability to disavow and criticize them either means
A) He's a coward
B) He believes in what they say
C) He's desperate to hold onto their supportNot removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.png--kresnik-- posted...gunplagirl posted...
RebelElite791 posted...
It is both okay and morally justified to hit Nazis yes
Correct. Their violence exists independently of anything else.
If they didn't exist, antifa would never be violent. Antifa exists only to defend us from scum like Nazis.
I'd suggest you research antifa, then. They attack people who are wandering through. But I know this is your gimmick.
You didn't provide any evidence the other day when you said this and if you somehow do come up with evidence and not from a bs site like infowars, then odds are good they weren't beating up anyone "wandering through" but instead that the people were marching with literal Nazis and KKK members, and then got way closer to the antifa groups than was necessary.
Keep in mind antifa aren't the ones with police guarding them. An antifa aren't the ones waving and even brandishing guns and torches at others.Pokemon Moon FC: 1994-2190-5020
IGN: VanessaCapn Circus posted...BLM and Antifa burn down schools and cities, among other things.
So that makes it perfectly fine for the alt-right to go and kill people. Gotcha.I don't have to insult you. I have proven that you are a hypocrite and a fool. That's not insulting you, that's exposing you.
PSN-Bishop9800Capn Circus posted...BLM and Antifa burn down schools and cities, among other things.
It's perfectly reasonable for Trump to denounce all radical groups
Trump doesn't make these meek, ambiguous comments any other time. He can call people and groups out by name, but now It's great that he can't do the same for Nazi rallies and terror attacks? Were you this supportive of Obama when he was getting hammered for not saying Islamic terrorism?Capn Circus posted...Yes really
Which side committed a terror attack yesterday?Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.png--kresnik-- posted...gunplagirl posted...
RebelElite791 posted...
It is both okay and morally justified to hit Nazis yes
Correct. Their violence exists independently of anything else.
If they didn't exist, antifa would never be violent. Antifa exists only to defend us from scum like Nazis.
I'd suggest you research antifa, then. They attack people who are wandering through. But I know this is your gimmick.
You didn't provide any evidence the other day when you said this and if you somehow do come up with evidence and not from a bs site like infowars, then odds are good they weren't beating up anyone "wandering through" but instead that the people were marching with literal Nazis and KKK members, and then got way closer to the antifa groups than was necessary.
Keep in mind antifa aren't the ones with police guarding them. And antifa aren't the ones waving and even brandishing guns and torches at others.Pokemon Moon FC: 1994-2190-5020
IGN: VanessaDoom_Art posted...Capn Circus posted...
Yes really
Which side committed a terror attack yesterday?
One lone wolf, seemingly unaffiliated with Nazis or white supremacists, as the nation's sleuths have yet to produce any evidence of such (as far as I know).
Does one person doing something more violent magically erase other violence from BLM/Antifa?
It's certainly causing you to say "No the other side wasn't violent at all""I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom HanksBishop9800 posted...Capn Circus posted...
One lone wolf, s
So was Dylan Roof was a "lone wolf" also?
A lone wolf would be considered anyone who separately commits an act of violence without anyone telling them to go out and do something violent.
If several white nationalists decided to storm and shoot up the church, then it would not be considered a lone wolf incident."I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom HanksCapn Circus posted...One lone wolf, seemingly unaffiliated with Nazis or white supremacists, as the nation's sleuths have yet to produce any evidence of such (as far as I know).
About thatThere are some things where I just bypass critical thinking. - ROD
http://error1355.com/ce/Hinakuluiau.htmlRebelElite791 posted...Capn Circus posted...
BLM and Antifa burn down schools and cities
Where is the lost city that burned to ground? I'm not too aware of any schools burned down either
Also, just to hip someone of y'all to the game, there's a difference between a business being in a community and being a part of it. A CVS falls into the former categoryNo one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!Capn Circus posted...Bishop9800 posted...
Capn Circus posted...
One lone wolf, s
So was Dylan Roof was a "lone wolf" also?
A lone wolf would be considered anyone who separately commits an act of violence without anyone telling them to go out and do something violent.
If several white nationalists decided to storm and shoot up the church, then it would not be considered a lone wolf incident.
Since you can't answer the question, I'm going to assume that's a yes. It's seems you're defending these white supremacist. So if Roof and Fields are "lone wolves" of the supremacists, can you tell me what the real message the other wolves was trying to deliver?I don't have to insult you. I have proven that you are a hypocrite and a fool. That's not insulting you, that's exposing you.
PSN-Bishop9800AssultTank posted...I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign.
I mean he was starting to sound like a broken record with how often he had to do it.
All 0 times?If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.Annihilated posted...The point is not which specific group it was, but that in the past couple of years all of the unchecked anti-white rhetoric has given newfound relevance to white supremacy groups.
By "unchecked anti-white rhetoric," do you mean "racist email chain letters that show up in people's inboxes, with quotes from Barack Obama cherry-picked and taken out of context to make him look like he's racist against white people? (That Kenyan-born Muslim?)"It doesn't matter at this point. Condemning them now would do nothing. His true feelings for this country have surfaced to everyone. Even his party's own senators.i.imgur.com/OBxVnqJ.png ~ www.azaleasdolls.com/dressupgames/heroine-creator.php
i.imgur.com/Pj3WBiE.jpg ~ www.dolldivine.com/sailor-moon-senshi-maker.phpI can't believe people on this board actually believe in "anti-white rhetoric" as they continually talk s*** about BLM with no sense of irony/hypocrisy.If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.Bishop9800 posted...Capn Circus posted...
Bishop9800 posted...
Capn Circus posted...
One lone wolf, s
So was Dylan Roof was a "lone wolf" also?
A lone wolf would be considered anyone who separately commits an act of violence without anyone telling them to go out and do something violent.
If several white nationalists decided to storm and shoot up the church, then it would not be considered a lone wolf incident.
Since you can't answer the question, I'm going to assume that's a yes. It's seems you're defending these white supremacist. So if Roof and Fields are "lone wolves" of the supremacists, can you tell me what the real message the other wolves was trying to deliver?
I'm not defending anyone. I defend the first amendment. Everyone has a right to organize and voice their opinions in this country.
I don't know what every group's specific "message" is, so I can't answer that question."I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom HanksKineth posted...AssultTank posted...
I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign.
I mean he was starting to sound like a broken record with how often he had to do it.
All 0 times?
See post 14.
Not sure how reliable a source this really is, but it seems to link to sources where possible, and some research I did on my own confirmed the quotes.
Posted March 2nd. Before the quote in post 14... <_<
Maybe before spouting off this whole liberal fantasy of "Trump never denounced the KKK" you should do some research and see that the facts contradict you.https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20- Monthly Competitions with Karma or Steam prizes!
RIP Mith. You were a good friend and will be missed. ;-;Kineth posted...AssultTank posted...
I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign.
I mean he was starting to sound like a broken record with how often he had to do it.
All 0 times?
I'm actually confused here. I know that during his campaign he was forced to disavow the KKK, but what about neo Nazis? What about last night? Why couldn't he say anything about white nationalism and neo Nazis, today? What the people they hurt and killed? Does the president not care about them at all?
All it would've taken, was just reaffirm your stance on the KKK, and talk bout the other two. Maybe say something for the deadI do drawings and stuff
https://www.fiverr.com/blueblitzgunplagirl posted...--kresnik-- posted...
gunplagirl posted...
RebelElite791 posted...
It is both okay and morally justified to hit Nazis yes
Correct. Their violence exists independently of anything else.
If they didn't exist, antifa would never be violent. Antifa exists only to defend us from scum like Nazis.
I'd suggest you research antifa, then. They attack people who are wandering through. But I know this is your gimmick.
You didn't provide any evidence the other day when you said this and if you somehow do come up with evidence and not from a bs site like infowars, then odds are good they weren't beating up anyone "wandering through" but instead that the people were marching with literal Nazis and KKK members, and then got way closer to the antifa groups than was necessary.
Keep in mind antifa aren't the ones with police guarding them. And antifa aren't the ones waving and even brandishing guns and torches at others.
It doesn't matter who publishes it. There are videos and pictures of them doing as I said. There not "proving" to do. You and anitfar are the only democrats who even take up for them. You clearly have no clue who these people are.southcoast09- Boards
- Current Events
- If Trump refuses to condemn his voter base for all of last night, it'll escalate
- Boards
- Current Events
- If Trump refuses to condemn his voter base for all of last night, it'll escalate
Kineth posted...Sayoria posted...
It doesn't matter at this point.
stfu, you don't take s*** seriously enough to be in political discussions.
Jesus Christ, who pissed in your coff.... oh right, I did.i.imgur.com/OBxVnqJ.png ~ www.azaleasdolls.com/dressupgames/heroine-creator.php
i.imgur.com/Pj3WBiE.jpg ~ www.dolldivine.com/sailor-moon-senshi-maker.phpAssultTank posted...Kineth posted...
AssultTank posted...
I would assume he's tired of condemning the KKK and Nazis after how many times he had to do it during the campaign.
I mean he was starting to sound like a broken record with how often he had to do it.
All 0 times?
See post 14.
Not sure how reliable a source this really is, but it seems to link to sources where possible, and some research I did on my own confirmed the quotes.
Posted March 2nd. Before the quote in post 14... <_<
Maybe before spouting off this whole liberal fantasy of "Trump never denounced the KKK" you should do some research and see that the facts contradict you.
I saw his apologies. They were half-assed and took multiple requests to actually get him to say something.
It was a fake or at least half-hearted apology. But hey, if being right is the point of the argument as opposed to being exact, then sure, you're right, he apologized more than 0 times.
*eye roll*If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.Capn Circus posted...Bishop9800 posted...
Capn Circus posted...
Bishop9800 posted...
Capn Circus posted...
One lone wolf, s
So was Dylan Roof was a "lone wolf" also?
A lone wolf would be considered anyone who separately commits an act of violence without anyone telling them to go out and do something violent.
If several white nationalists decided to storm and shoot up the church, then it would not be considered a lone wolf incident.
Since you can't answer the question, I'm going to assume that's a yes. It's seems you're defending these white supremacist. So if Roof and Fields are "lone wolves" of the supremacists, can you tell me what the real message the other wolves was trying to deliver?
I'm not defending anyone. I defend the first amendment. Everyone has a right to organize and voice their opinions in this country.
I don't know what every group's specific "message" is, so I can't answer that question.
Yes, they do have that freedom. As do counterprotesters and anyone that wants to negatively judge them and treat them like pariahs.
By the way, the problem yesterday was that it was more then peaceful organization. There were armed militias, pepper spray, beatings, harassment, and a terror attack resulting in a murder.hockeybub89 posted...Yes, they do have that freedom. As do counterprotesters and anyone that wants to negatively judge them and treat them like pariahs.
By the way, the problem yesterday was that it was more then peaceful organization. There were armed militias, pepper spray, beatings, harassment, and a terror attack resulting in a murder.
I realize counter protesters have that freedom as well, but no one should be violent. And we saw that from both sides yesterday. You act as if BLM/Antifa weren't armed, didn't have pepper spray and weren't beating people either. There's pictures and video evidence.
So for the president to condemn violence from both sides is a very accurate statement."I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom HanksCapn Circus posted...I'm not defending anyone. I defend the first amendment. Everyone has a right to organize and voice their opinions in this country.
No, what you're doing is making excuses for them. People coming on here talking about what they did, and all you can say is "But BLM burned down a school ". Yes, everyone has a right to free speech. So what "free speech" was Fields and Roof trying to project? The right to murder minorities?I don't have to insult you. I have proven that you are a hypocrite and a fool. That's not insulting you, that's exposing you.
PSN-Bishop9800AssultTank posted...Maybe before spouting off this whole liberal fantasy of "Trump never denounced the KKK" you should do some research and see that the facts contradict you.
Maybe before you vote for a republican again you should do your own research and realize that they've been instigating these kind of rallies and Neo-Nazi types for decades, and now that Trump is in office they've felt stronger than ever.
Thanks to Trump being in the White House and doing the most piss-poor job of condemning them, they felt emboldened enough to hold a rally which caused the direct death of one person, indirect death of two police officers, and multiple injuries
And after all of that, Trump is asked to comment on the situation. How does he do it? By saying there is hatred on both sides, by walking away when a (Fox News) reporter asked him if he'll disavow the White Nationalists: https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedNews/status/896459431419944960
You have a choice here: you can stick your head in the mud and ignore the rhetoric coming from the alt-right and our president and how bad it is affecting white nationalists and neo-nazi types, or you can condemn them and our politicians who refuse to disavow those types and instigate it, including the very man you voted to be president.Everybody knows that everybody diesDirtyAim posted...AssultTank posted...
Maybe before spouting off this whole liberal fantasy of "Trump never denounced the KKK" you should do some research and see that the facts contradict you.
Maybe before you vote for a republican again you should do your own research and realize that they've been instigating these kind of rallies and Neo-Nazi types for decades, and now that Trump is in office they've felt stronger than ever.
Thanks to Trump being in the White House and doing the most piss-poor job of condemning them, they felt emboldened enough to hold a rally which caused the direct death of one person, indirect death of two police officers, and multiple injuries
And after all of that, Trump is asked to comment on the situation. How does he do it? By saying there is hatred on both sides, by walking away when a (Fox News) reporter asked him if he'll disavow the White Nationalists: https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedNews/status/896459431419944960
You have a choice here: you can stick your head in the mud and ignore the rhetoric coming from the alt-right and our president and how bad it is affecting white nationalists and neo-nazi types, or you can condemn them and our politicians who refuse to disavow those types and instigate it, including the very man you voted to be president.
You can talk when your side stops with the violence. Fact: it flared up in the left first and obama fueled it.southcoast09Kineth posted...
I saw his apologies. They were half-assed and took multiple requests to actually get him to say something.
It was a fake or at least half-hearted apology. But hey, if being right is the point of the argument as opposed to being exact, then sure, you're right, he apologized more than 0 times.
*eye roll*
You really didn't read the links, did you?
Here is the actual quote from Feb. 26, 2017.Asked, “How do you feel about the recent endorsement from David Duke?”
TRUMP: “I didn’t even know he endorsed me. David Duke endorsed me? OK. All right. I disavow. OK?”
Literally the day after David Duke endorsed him. But okay...
Also of note: David Duke literally endorsed Obama in 2008...
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=96373766https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20- Monthly Competitions with Karma or Steam prizes!
RIP Mith. You were a good friend and will be missed. ;-;Capn Circus posted...hockeybub89 posted...
Yes, they do have that freedom. As do counterprotesters and anyone that wants to negatively judge them and treat them like pariahs.
By the way, the problem yesterday was that it was more then peaceful organization. There were armed militias, pepper spray, beatings, harassment, and a terror attack resulting in a murder.
I realize counter protesters have that freedom as well, but no one should be violent. And we saw that from both sides yesterday. You act as if BLM/Antifa weren't armed, didn't have pepper spray and weren't beating people either. There's pictures and video evidence.
So for the president to condemn violence from both sides is a very accurate statement.
He still should have explicitly denounced an act of terrorism and condemned white supremacy rallies. Trump suddenly found his fair, diplomatic side?Bishop9800 posted...Capn Circus posted...
I'm not defending anyone. I defend the first amendment. Everyone has a right to organize and voice their opinions in this country.
No, what you're doing is making excuses for them. People coming on here talking about what they did, and all you can say is "But BLM burned down a school ". Yes, everyone has a right to free speech. So what "free speech" was Fields and Roof trying to project? The right to murder minorities?
I have not made any excuses nor defended them. You're seeing things that aren't there.
One group assembled, the other group counter protested that assembly---members from both groups clashed and fought. Both are to blame. It's really as simple as that."I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom HanksAssultTank posted...Kineth posted...
I saw his apologies. They were half-assed and took multiple requests to actually get him to say something.
It was a fake or at least half-hearted apology. But hey, if being right is the point of the argument as opposed to being exact, then sure, you're right, he apologized more than 0 times.
*eye roll*
You really didn't read the links, did you?
Here is the actual quote from Feb. 26, 2017.Asked, “How do you feel about the recent endorsement from David Duke?”
TRUMP: “I didn’t even know he endorsed me. David Duke endorsed me? OK. All right. I disavow. OK?”
Literally the day after David Duke endorsed him. But okay...
Also of note: David Duke literally endorsed Obama in 2008...
Odd because all his white supremacist talking points that he continued to espouse afterward makes the apology worthless. But like I said, if being right is the only thing that concerns you, then you're right. Ethos and Pathos will be over here waiting though.If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.When has Donald Trump had a problem sounding like a broken record. He brings up the wall, his ban, his win every chance he gets. He is all about bringing the same things up over and over again because that is what his support base does. He will continue this piss poor condemnation of white nationalists because he has white nationalists working for him, and he knows they helped bring him to power. Yes he has condemned them in the past but he also said he would support the LGBT community in the past and we know he didn't mean that ether. When he means something he will always bring it up.when you stub your toes it's the SJWs fualt.Capn Circus posted...Bishop9800 posted...
Capn Circus posted...
I'm not defending anyone. I defend the first amendment. Everyone has a right to organize and voice their opinions in this country.
No, what you're doing is making excuses for them. People coming on here talking about what they did, and all you can say is "But BLM burned down a school ". Yes, everyone has a right to free speech. So what "free speech" was Fields and Roof trying to project? The right to murder minorities?
I have not made any excuses nor defended them. You're seeing things that aren't there.
One group assembled, the other group counter protested that assembly---members from both groups clashed and fought. Both are to blame. It's really as simple as that.
One side committed terrorism. One side organized a giant hate rally in a peaceful town because they wanted to remove a Confederate statue. I'm sorry you think this is when Trump should finally take a fair and balanced stance. You would not be making this argument if the roles were reversed, but gotta defend Daddy Trump, right?Kineth posted...Odd because all his white supremacist talking points that he continued to espouse afterward makes the apology worthless. But like I said, if being right is the only thing that concerns you, then you're right. Ethos and Pathos will be over here waiting though.
So you're saying that emotion is more important than facts. Good to know.https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20- Monthly Competitions with Karma or Steam prizes!
RIP Mith. You were a good friend and will be missed. ;-;--kresnik-- posted...You can talk when your side stops with the violence. Fact: it flared up in the left first and obama fueled it.
How did Obama fueled this?I don't have to insult you. I have proven that you are a hypocrite and a fool. That's not insulting you, that's exposing you.
PSN-Bishop9800itachi15243 posted...More and more people will think it's okay. Those on the fence will join in and those who are alt right and maybe even just general Trump supporters will think it's okay. Okay to go March with f***ing Nazi's, or maybe become one even. Especially so when the person/people who died last night are glossed over as if their life didn't matter.
Things like this need to be put down before they begin to escalate​ and then spiral out of control.
lolwut? Your attitude is exactly why this s*** has become a problem in the first place. Take responsibility for a change. Your widescale protests and destruction of large portions of cities are getting others to protest.(\/)(\/)|-|
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay CashZeus posted...itachi15243 posted...
More and more people will think it's okay. Those on the fence will join in and those who are alt right and maybe even just general Trump supporters will think it's okay. Okay to go March with f***ing Nazi's, or maybe become one even. Especially so when the person/people who died last night are glossed over as if their life didn't matter.
Things like this need to be put down before they begin to escalate​ and then spiral out of control.
lolwut? Your attitude is exactly why this s*** has become a problem in the first place. Take responsibility for a change. Your widescale protests and destruction of large portions of cities are getting others to protest.
This started because a Robert E. Lee statue was being taken down.Ad Hominem.Capn Circus posted...
I have not made any excuses nor defended them. You're seeing things that aren't there.
White Supremacists used a car to kill 3 people.
You: But BLM burned down a school.I don't have to insult you. I have proven that you are a hypocrite and a fool. That's not insulting you, that's exposing you.
PSN-Bishop9800AssultTank posted...Kineth posted...
Odd because all his white supremacist talking points that he continued to espouse afterward makes the apology worthless. But like I said, if being right is the only thing that concerns you, then you're right. Ethos and Pathos will be over here waiting though.
So you're saying that emotion is more important than facts. Good to know.
If that's how you literally read what I said, this explains some of the terrible modding on this site.
Of course, I guess you would have problems viewing different things as having equal levels of importance/significance.If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.Zeus posted...itachi15243 posted...
More and more people will think it's okay. Those on the fence will join in and those who are alt right and maybe even just general Trump supporters will think it's okay. Okay to go March with f***ing Nazi's, or maybe become one even. Especially so when the person/people who died last night are glossed over as if their life didn't matter.
Things like this need to be put down before they begin to escalate​ and then spiral out of control.
lolwut? Your attitude is exactly why this s*** has become a problem in the first place. Take responsibility for a change. Your widescale protests and destruction of large portions of cities are getting others to protest.
Yeah, white supremacy is a perfectly reasonable response. That is why most white people and most Americans of any allegiance completely condemn these racist f***s.--kresnik-- posted...Bishop9800 posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
You can talk when your side stops with the violence. Fact: it flared up in the left first and obama fueled it.
How did Obama fueled this?
Openly taking sides in racial battles. Endorsing blm.
Trump needs to take sides here. America vs Nazi Scumf***shockeybub89 posted...--kresnik-- posted...
Bishop9800 posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
You can talk when your side stops with the violence. Fact: it flared up in the left first and obama fueled it.
How did Obama fueled this?
Openly taking sides in racial battles. Endorsing blm.
Trump needs to take sides here. America vs Nazi Scumf***s
Nope. The liberals are doing the same s***, but the media jus coincidentally happened to start this whole "white terrorist" bulls***. Stop acting like it's one side. The left has resorted to open and blatant violence before he was even elected.
Keep trying, though.southcoast09AssTank really is living up to his reputation in here.
I don't even know what to say, the idea of a mod espousing these views and ignoring reality really shows why the site is the way it is
@SBAllen should be ashamedTutelary: A "guardian" http://i.imgur.com/P5uVu.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/C9kLq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UpvEW.gifCE political discussions are painful. I don't know why I torture myself reading them. You see a ton of people who are certain they are wholly right, that are looking for something, anything that will let them continue to feel that way.http://i.imgur.com/8pzUM.gif http://i.imgur.com/Oh1iujg.gif
The only bad part about flying is having to come back down to the f***in' world ~RatAssultTank posted...Also of note: David Duke literally endorsed Obama in 2008...
He talks about how Obama's life story and what he's done as a community organizer is deserving of some respect and vote-worthy. Then goes on to say he's more establishment that will do nothing for European Americans and calls McCain a betrayer of European Americans. That's not an endorsement.Sig User Logic
http://i.imgur.com/lA5fm7w.jpg--kresnik-- posted...hockeybub89 posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
Bishop9800 posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
You can talk when your side stops with the violence. Fact: it flared up in the left first and obama fueled it.
How did Obama fueled this?
Openly taking sides in racial battles. Endorsing blm.
Trump needs to take sides here. America vs Nazi Scumf***s
Nope. The liberals are doing the same s***, but the media jus coincidentally happened to start this whole "white terrorist" bulls***. Stop acting like it's one side. The left has resorted to open and blatant violence before he was even elected.
Keep trying, though.
Only Nazis and Trump garglers even think there are two sides to this. Did you seriously just say the media invented white terrorism? Were you under the impression that Caucasians were incapable of committing terrible acts of violence for political means? You do know right-wing white terrorists are the most prolific terrorists in America? And no, I am not saying the right is all terrorists as most right-wingers have enough self-respect to not defend this.Capn Circus posted...One group assembled, the other group counter protested that assembly---members from both groups clashed and fought. Both are to blame. It's really as simple as that.
When you show up to an area with the intent to incite violence and use hateful images, bigoted and insulting chants, and then try to plead ignorance to your part in the role I'm not going to feel bad for you.
Sorry alt-right, the face of your movement is now neo nazism. You reap what you sow and who you get in bed withTheTutelary posted...AssTank really is living up to his reputation in here.
I don't even know what to say, the idea of a mod espousing these views and ignoring reality really shows why the site is the way it is
SBAllen should be ashamed
I think the attacks are reprehensible.
Neo-Nazis, Nazis, the KKK, and other hate groups are the scum of the Earth. My whole point in this topic has been that Trump has denounced hate groups such as the KKK in the past.https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20- Monthly Competitions with Karma or Steam prizes!
RIP Mith. You were a good friend and will be missed. ;-;AssultTank posted...TheTutelary posted...
AssTank really is living up to his reputation in here.
I don't even know what to say, the idea of a mod espousing these views and ignoring reality really shows why the site is the way it is
SBAllen should be ashamed
I think the attacks are reprehensible.
Neo-Nazis, Nazis, the KKK, and other hate groups are the scum of the Earth. My whole point in this topic has been that Trump has denounced hate groups such as the KKK in the past.
Did you read the topic title? Your point doesn't refute it.Ad Hominem.LordRazziel posted...CE political discussions are painful. I don't know why I torture myself reading them. You see a ton of people who are certain they are wholly right, that are looking for something, anything that will let them continue to feel that way.
Yeah it's basically a case of the blind leading the blind on all sides and whenever someone actually says something sensible they get told to shut the f*** up.Who knew bananas could be so lethal?
Proud member of The Church of The God-Emperor of Man.AssultTank posted...So you're saying that emotion is more important than facts. Good to know.
Yes, @AssultTank, emotion is more important than facts. Because white supremacists don't run on facts; they run on emotion. Their hate is their passion. Their anger is their fuel. Emotions matter.AssultTank posted...My whole point in this topic has been that Trump has denounced hate groups such as the KKK in the past.
while I agree, my issue is really that it's always been half-hearted. like I said earlier, compare the statements he made against those groups and compare it to what he's said about illegal immigrants, BLM activists, democrats in general, or those politicians on both sides who don't bend the knee
it's crazy how free-spirited he is against them, but when it comes to alt-right nazi kkk motherf***ers it's more of a "well I mean, of course I don't like them. by the way, did you see this bill I signed?" instead of the harsher language seemingly reserved for those who don't vote for himhockeybub89 posted...--kresnik-- posted...
hockeybub89 posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
Bishop9800 posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
You can talk when your side stops with the violence. Fact: it flared up in the left first and obama fueled it.
How did Obama fueled this?
Openly taking sides in racial battles. Endorsing blm.
Trump needs to take sides here. America vs Nazi Scumf***s
Nope. The liberals are doing the same s***, but the media jus coincidentally happened to start this whole "white terrorist" bulls***. Stop acting like it's one side. The left has resorted to open and blatant violence before he was even elected.
Keep trying, though.
Only Nazis and Trump garglers even think there are two sides to this. Did you seriously just say the media invented white terrorism? Were you under the impression that Caucasians were incapable of committing terrible acts of violence for political means? You do know right-wing white terrorists are the most prolific terrorists in America? And no, I am not saying the right is all terrorists as most right-wingers have enough self-respect to not defend this.
All this Nazi bulls*** didn't start until the sjws and blm practically made us public enemy number one. The nazis are scum, but this whole "vilify the white guy" movement isn't new. People are, understandably, fed up. What these nazis are doing is reprehensible, but every act they've stopped to -- the bar has already been set by antifa and the anti capitalist terrorists.southcoast09Yeah. White citizens in general.
Are you denying the things like test score requirements, glass ceilings because of affirmative action, being the ONE group without a special interest group??
It's been going on since I was a kid. This is "progress" and globalism at its core.southcoast09--kresnik-- posted...Yeah. White citizens in general.
Are you denying the things like test score requirements, glass ceilings because of affirmative action, being the ONE group without a special interest group??
It's been going on since I was a kid. This is "progress" and globalism at its core.
I'm denying there's any reason whatsoever for white Anglo-Saxon Americans like you and I to feel racially persecuted, and I'm also questioning your good intentions, if it wasn't obvious.Banana_Cyanide posted...Glass_Phantom posted...
Made "us" public enemy number one?
Poorly worded, I'll agree, but read the rest of the post.
Please, won't someone think of the most wealthy and powerful demographic in the world. Who'll fight for their best interests when other demographics are struggling to attain their table scraps?Posted with GameRaven 3.2.1Glass_Phantom posted...--kresnik-- posted...
It's been going on since I was a kid. This is "progress" and globalism at its core.
In that case, I'll gladly have another helping of progress and globalism.
You and the other 49% of the country who opposed Trump. (He won when you take away hillarys duplicate and illegal immigrant and DECEASED votes).southcoast09--kresnik-- posted...Glass_Phantom posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
It's been going on since I was a kid. This is "progress" and globalism at its core.
In that case, I'll gladly have another helping of progress and globalism.
You and the other 49% of the country who opposed Trump. (He won when you take away hillarys duplicate and illegal immigrant and DECEASED votes).
How many votes did those comprise?Posted with GameRaven 3.2.1Glass_Phantom posted...--kresnik-- posted...
Yeah. White citizens in general.
Are you denying the things like test score requirements, glass ceilings because of affirmative action, being the ONE group without a special interest group??
It's been going on since I was a kid. This is "progress" and globalism at its core.
I'm denying there's any reason whatsoever for white Anglo-Saxon Americans like you and I to feel racially persecuted, and I'm also questioning your good intentions, if it wasn't obvious.
Then you're blind to he issues that have been going on for decades. If the government enacted a rule stating that African Americans required higher test scores and would be excluded from the work force in preference of, say, immigrants, would you not feel that it's racist and unfair? I would. That's what's been going on
To Asian and white people.
You explain to me how affirmative action was NOT harmful to white people.
*grabs popcorn*southcoast093rd_Best_Master posted...Please, won't someone think of the most wealthy and powerful demographic in the world. Who'll fight for their best interests when other demographics are struggling to attain their table scraps?
Did you even read my post? Or more accurately did you even comprehend my post?Who knew bananas could be so lethal?
Proud member of The Church of The God-Emperor of Man.God, I can't believe I'm responding to CE's most obvious troll.
But I feel obligated to point everyone in the directions of the responses to this tweet. It might give you a bit of perspective on your 'argument'.
https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/896326301832925184Winner of the Third Hacked User Contest.
World's #1 Phoenix Wright fan.Banana_Cyanide posted...3rd_Best_Master posted...
Please, won't someone think of the most wealthy and powerful demographic in the world. Who'll fight for their best interests when other demographics are struggling to attain their table scraps?
Did you even read my post? Or more accurately did you even comprehend my post?
I read your bulls***. Is there a dearth of white males in any aspect of society or do you just follow your feelings and assume there are?Posted with GameRaven 3.2.1- Boards
- Current Events
- If Trump refuses to condemn his voter base for all of last night, it'll escalate
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