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Sunday, January 7, 2018

What are your feelings on people that support Trump?

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  3. What are your feelings on people that support Trump?
Your feelings? - Results (75 votes)
All of them are terrible no mattet what
Some of them may not be terrible depending on circumstances
Voted best user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017
Current e-argument streak: 11215 wins. 0 losses.
Ask me if I would eat da booty.
(message deleted)
None of them are terrible.
"Wanting something doesn't make it a human right."
Tenmyouji 1 day ago#5
I don't agree with their decision to support him, but not going to label them all as "terrible" for doing so.
SageHarpuia 1 day ago#6
I don't develop strong feelings soley on what candidate a person votes for.
My name is Harpuia, one of the four Guardians of Master X and General of the Strong Air Battalion, The Rekku Army.
LinksLiege 1 day ago#7
I reserve judgment until I learn about why they voted that way.
This is LinksLiege's signature. It is fantastic.
Doom_Art 1 day ago#8
I can understand having the opinions of the alt-right (likely as a result of ignorance, poor education, fear, persecution complex, etc) 

But I will never be able to understand liking or supporting Trump himself
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
--kresnik-- 1 day ago#9
Doom_Art posted...
I can understand having the opinions of the alt-right (likely as a result of ignorance, poor education, fear, persecution complex, etc) 

But I will never be able to understand liking or supporting Trump himself

He represents the direction that the majority of the working, tax paying citizens want our country to go. The modern conservatives represent progress.
USA #1
Ajit Pai #1
They have the right to support whomever they choose. That's the beauty of America that liberals love to forget--we have freedom of choice, we don't have to follow the liberal way. Not every Trump supporter is a horrible person just like not every liberal is a horrible person.
Villain 1 day ago#11
All are terrible. Supporter =\= voter. 
Formerly known as Will VIIII
bevan306 1 day ago#12
i keep my shit to myself cause tbh talking politics is pointless to me
I'm honestly intrigued by them. Trump has flip-flopped on enough of his key talking points that I'm curious why someone would continue to support him. I also want to understand why they feel his behavior makes him a good leader, considering how much of the President's responsibility can essentially be boiled down to be being likable and getting along with others.
Antifar 1 day ago#15
At a minimum, they value...uh, whatever it is they like about Trump over the very obvious xenophobia racially-charged bullshit he carries with him. To say nothing about the incompetence and the weirdness of seeing this guy carry on old feuds with b-list media figures and thinking he's some sort of alpha badass.
kin to all that throbs
UncleBourbon33 posted...
None of us are terrible.
CE's source of sage-ly advice
TheRealDill2000 posted...
UncleBourbon33 posted...
None of us are terrible.
President Trump 2020
Doom_Art 1 day ago#18
--kresnik-- posted...
TheRealDill2000 posted...
UncleBourbon33 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Lol I beg to differ
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
at election time, i would have said only some of them are terrible depending on circumstances. however, at this point, i cannot in good faith say that anymore.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
UrCa1988 1 day ago#20
Scum of the earth.
"Sometimes, all the stupidity in the world is boiled down to one single product that you can buy at Home Depot."
Zikten 1 day ago#21
I feel like anyone who votes for the first option is just as bad as the enemy they claim to hate. they have become what they hate. I thought liberals were about understanding and love? guess not.....

way to be just like racists, guys
Zikten posted...
I feel like anyone who votes for the first option is just as bad as the enemy they claim to hate. they have become what they hate. I thought liberals were about understanding and love? guess not.....

way to be just like racists, guys

"Trump supporter" isn't a race
UnholyMudcrab  needs big 31 day ago#23
DuranOfForcena posted...
Zikten posted...
I feel like anyone who votes for the first option is just as bad as the enemy they claim to hate. they have become what they hate. I thought liberals were about understanding and love? guess not..... 

way to be just like racists, guys

"Trump supporter" isn't a race

Gafemage 1 day ago#24
I just know the rest of this topic's gonna be extremely good.
Zikten posted...
I feel like anyone who votes for the first option is just as bad as the enemy they claim to hate. they have become what they hate. I thought liberals were about understanding and love? guess not.....

way to be just like racists, guys

Supporting someone who is a racist and trying to further the wage gap is a terrible thing. 

Trump is a terrible person with terrible ideas.

Stop with your false equivalency bullshit.
Zikten 1 day ago#26
DuranOfForcena posted...
Zikten posted...
I feel like anyone who votes for the first option is just as bad as the enemy they claim to hate. they have become what they hate. I thought liberals were about understanding and love? guess not.....

way to be just like racists, guys

"Trump supporter" isn't a race

I said like racists. you are doing what racists do. taking a broad stereotype and projecting hate on it based on your assumptions.
UnholyMudcrab posted...

not all whites though

Zikten posted...
I said like racists. you are doing what racists do. taking a broad stereotype and projecting hate on it based on your assumptions.

nope, it's not based on our assumptions, it's based on their track record
His supporters here are all trolls
PSN: Adrian396
XBL: Prime Legacy Nintendo ID: Apocalypse
Zikten 1 day ago#29
DuranOfForcena posted...
nope, it's not based on our assumptions, it's based on their track record

you can't say they all are bad, you haven't met them all.
JustMyOpinion 10 hours ago#30
Almost 50/50
Voted best user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017
Current e-argument streak: 11215 wins. 0 losses.
EffectAndCause 10 hours ago#31
I feel bad for them. They were the easiest group of people to fool in American history.
SoIidLegacy 9 hours ago#32
I can the reason people voting for him being that Hilary was the only other candidate who stood a chance and they were hoping they picked the lesser of two evils. I can also understand if people sincerely believed they were voting for the right person for the job. Most of us get suckered into voting for someone because of a successful charismatic campaign at some point in our lives, or because they get the feeling everyone around them votes for the same party and they think they're supposed to do that too (or that because of this reason there's no use in voting another party anyway).
I can relate to it all to some extent.

What I cannot understand is some people to this day still sincerely believe Trump is a competent president, after the things he has done and said during the past year.
'It's better to be a coward for a minute than dead for the rest of your life.'
Only his alt-right fanbase could be consistently considered terrible people. Most of his supporters are just very ignorant people who are easily riled up and controlled. Trump was proof that it only takes a very skeletal and vague set of strong views to court half the US's vote (actually I would say Obama did that before him but Trump is certainly a whole other level of view distillation).
SoIidLegacy posted...
What I cannot understand is some people to this day still sincerely believe Trump is a competent president, after the things he has done and said during the past year.

Why would people believe otherwise? He's accomplished more in his first year than many do in complete terms. The economy is booming. People are uniting. What more could you ask for?
CE's source of sagely advice
Millennials 9 hours ago#35
There's no good reason to support him but I understand that a portion of his voters were broken, desperate people willing to buy into anything to relieve them of their plight. I hate that the system failed them so badly that they thought Trump was a viable option and can't hold that against them too much.
CarlGrimes 9 hours ago#36
LinksLiege posted...
I reserve judgment until I learn about why they voted that way.

Pure spite to the DNC and the rigging of their nomination.
You'll get a funeral if you don't wise up and call me....Carl Poppa.
Villain posted...
All are terrible. Supporter =\= voter.
Some are okay, others should be fed to wolves
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
I'm a Center Right Republican.

I didn't vote for Trump.

I just wish he'd take a more diplomatic attitude on things than the personal attitude nonsense.
The Evil Republicans - Est.2004 - WoT
[Government Destabilizing Branch]
  1. Boards
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  3. What are your feelings on people that support Trump?