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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

All new full Trump interview transcript

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Antifar 2 hours ago#1
BAKER: What are the – what are the main goals?

TRUMP: I want to achieve growth. We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world, essentially, you know, of the size. But we’re the highest-taxed nation in the world. We have — nobody knows what the number is. I mean, it used to be, when we talked during the debate, $2.5 trillion, right, when the most elegant person — right? I call him Mr. Elegant. I mean, that was a great debate. We did such a great job. But at that time I was talking $2.5 trillion. I guess it’s $5 trillion now. Whatever it is, it’s a lot more. So we have anywhere from 4 [trillion] to 5 or even more trillions of dollars sitting offshore.

We want to get that back, No. One, at a very reasonable cost. And that cost is going to be 10 percent. And right now, it’s so high that, No. One: You would never do it on a business basis. But, No. Two: Bureaucratically it’s impossible. Did you know that? I have friends that try and get their money back. They say they have to go through years of writing out forms and this and that to bring money back into the country. We’re going to make that one — like a half-a-page document. It’s going to be very easy to bring your money back in. And it’s going to be taxed at 10 percent, which is a rate that’s — it’s within reason. And so that’s one of the things we want to do. That’ll be an easy one. That’s one that — you know, it’s — when you talk about a country that’s broken or a system that’s broken, there’s something — the $5 trillion, let’s call it — that the Democrats and the Republicans agree should come back in. It’s been out there for years. Nobody ever did anything about it. I mean, Obama ...

WSJ: Well –

TRUMP: Obama could have gotten that money back in very easily, even if they did a separate bill. But nobody ...

BAKER: Right. But a 10 percent corporate rate, that’s ...

TRUMP: Ten percent.

WSJ: Ten percent repatriation.

BAKER: Repatriation rate.

WSJ: A repatriation rate. A 10 percent repatriation rate.

WSJ: What do you think is a reasonable corporate rate? We’ve heard 20 percent, but —

TRUMP: Well, you know, we’re going for 15 [percent]. We’re going to see, and we’ll see. But, you know, I don’t want to say anything about negotiation. I mean, we are asking for 15 percent, and we think we’re going to grow tremendously.

So I deal with foreign countries, and despite what you may read, I have unbelievable relationships with all of the foreign leaders. They like me. I like them. You know, it’s amazing. So I’ll call, like, major — major countries, and I’ll be dealing with the prime minister or the president. And I’ll say, how are you doing? Oh, don’t know, don’t know, not well, Mr. President, not well. I said, well, what’s the problem? Oh, GDP 9 percent, not well. And I’m saying to myself, here we are at like 1 percent, dying, and they’re at 9 percent and they’re unhappy. So, you know, and these are like countries, you know, fairly large, like 300 million people. You know, a lot of people say — they say, well, but the United States is large. And then you call places like Malaysia, Indonesia, and you say, you know, how many people do you have? And it’s pretty amazing how many people they have. So China’s going to be at 7 [percent] or 8 percent, and they have a billion-five, right? So we should do really well.

But in order to do that — you know, it’s tax reform, but it’s a big tax cut. But it’s simplification, it’s reform, and it’s a big tax cut, 15 –
kin to all that throbs
Antifar 2 hours ago#2
Inject this s*** directly into my veins

WSJ: You mentioned the Iran deal, but it’s been certified as in compliance twice now. It comes up again in September. Would you – is there going to come a point where you just –

TRUMP: Well, we’re doing major studies. Oh, I would be very surprised if they will be – look, we’ve been extremely nice to them. We’ve been extremely nice to them in saying they were compliant, OK? We’ve given them the benefit of every doubt. But we’re doing very detailed studies. And personally, I have great respect for my people. If it was up to me, I would have had them noncompliant 180 days ago.

WSJ: Do you expect them to be declared noncompliant the next time?

TRUMP: Personally, I do. I do.

WSJ: In September?

TRUMP: I think they’ll be noncompliant. I think they’re taking advantage of this country. They’ve taken advantage of a president, named Barack Obama, who didn’t know what the hell he was doing. And I do not expect that they will be compliant.

WSJ: Will you overrule your staff on that, if they come back with a recommendation –

TRUMP: Oh, sure. Sure. Look, I have a lot of respect for Rex and his people, good relationship. It’s easier to say they comply. It’s a lot easier. But it’s the wrong thing. They don’t comply. And so we’ll see what happens. I mean, we’ll talk about this subject in 90 days. But, yeah, I would be – I would be surprised if they were in compliance.
kin to all that throbs
gikos 2 hours ago#3
I can't be the only one who was laughing and going *wtf is this*
Not even Ice cream can give me a brain freez like this can
"You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty." - Sacha Guitry (1885-1957)
_Near_ 2 hours ago#4
the man can't get through a f***ing sentence
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.
This reminds me of Tom Cruise's interviews about scientology where he goes on for 10 minutes and the tl;dr summary is "(literally nothing)"
"I can i i everything else," Bob reportedly said. Alice replied: "Balls have zero to me to me to me..." (Facebook AIs talking to each other)
Antifar 2 hours ago#6
Also in this interview he lies about the Boy Scouts saying his was the best speech they've ever had.
kin to all that throbs
Coke or mental illness

Why not both
Antifar posted...
Also in this interview he lies about the Boy Scouts saying his was the best speech they've ever had.

It was the best speech ever given to the Boy Scouts. I listened to it and he got in a really good jab at Obama.
"If the day does not require an AK, it is good." The Great Warrior Poet, Ice Cube
Malfurion 2 hours ago#9
Hey he knows Malaysia and Indonesia. He's smarter than I thought.
I don't click on Youtube links
(edited 2 hours ago)reportquote
Yazarogi 2 hours ago#10
DifferentialEquation posted...
Antifar posted...
Also in this interview he lies about the Boy Scouts saying his was the best speech they've ever had.

It was the best speech ever given to the Boy Scouts. I listened to it and he got in a really good jab at Obama.

not sure if srs?
"There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... but stardust." - Pinbacker
hockeybub89 2 hours ago#11
Tmaster148 2 hours ago#12
Yazarogi posted...
DifferentialEquation posted...
Antifar posted...
Also in this interview he lies about the Boy Scouts saying his was the best speech they've ever had.

It was the best speech ever given to the Boy Scouts. I listened to it and he got in a really good jab at Obama.

not sure if srs?

It's DE. Whether or not he's actually serious, it's probably just better to ignore him.
Bluebomber182 2 hours ago#13
*reads transcript*

WWE Champ The Maharaja Jinder Mahal
iPhone_7 2 hours ago#14
Before the entire world was laughing at us and President Obama; now they respect us thanks to President Trump. Bigly
(edited 2 hours ago)reportquote
Antifar 1 hour ago#15
Malfurion posted...
Hey he knows Malaysia and Indonesia. He's smarter than I thought.

It's pretty amazing how many people they have
kin to all that throbs
hockeybub89 1 hour ago#16
Antifar posted...
Malfurion posted...
Hey he knows Malaysia and Indonesia. He's smarter than I thought.

It's pretty amazing how many people they have

He has unbelievable relationships with their leaders.
littlebro07 1 hour ago#17
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  3. All new full Trump interview transcript

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