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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Trump Nicknames

--Creature from the Orange Lagoon

--Orange Krampus (Santa's demonic companion, leaves coal in the stockings of naughty kids)

--Bigly be thy name
--Cheeto Jebus
--Cheeto Satan
--The False Profit (The False Prophet; Biblical and Quranic end-times figure similar to the Antichrist)
--Golden Calf of Doom (a common idol in antiquity)
--The Magic Cheeto (parody of "The Magic Negro", Rush Limbaugh's nickname for Obama)
--The Orange Messiah
--Saint Cheeto

--The Annoying Orange (insufferable former Cartoon Network show with a fitting title)
--Donny Jar Jar
--The Great Trumpzoo (The Great Gazoo)
--The Great Whore of Babble-On (Whore of Babylon, Biblical apocalyptic figure)
--Jar Jar Trump
--Orange Teletubby
--Orange Troll Doll
--Shitpost in Human Form
--Shitpost Incarnate
--Trolnald Dump
--Trumpley Crusher (Wesley Crusher, the teen from ST:NG) (I came up with this one)
--Trump Trump Binks
--Trumpy-Doo (Scrappy-Doo) (credit goes to editorialist John Carney)

--Bigly Mouth
--Leaker of the Free World
--Poe's Law In Human Form (credit goes to JHadenfe on Reddit)
--Sarlaac-Mouthed Vulgarian (Play on "Cheeto-Fingered Vulgarian, which is a play on "Short-Fingered Vulgarian)

--Cadet Bone Spurs (Reason for his military exemption from 'Nam)
--Bonespurs-for-Brains (credit goes to Klaus Oppat of Comment-News)

--The Great Divider
--The Muscovian Candidate
--Orange Nero (Brutal Roman dictator famous for idly playing a harp while watching Rome burn)
--Orange Omen of Doom
--Steak Ruiner

--Bitchie Rich (Richie Rich, a Hanna Barbara character)
--Gossamer-Skinned Bully
--Large-Mouthed Ass (large-mouthed bass)
--Little Donnie Diva
--President SnowFLAKE
--Prima Donald
--Six Million Ruble Man-Baby
--Sparkly Princess Trumpelina

--Creep Throat (Because he gave classified military info to Putin)
--Sleaze Whiz (I came up with this one while bored at a motel)

--David Duke Nukem (credit goes to Gritbusters)

--Darth Avarice (Star Wars extended universe character; credit goes to ForsakenHermit)
--Darth Cheddar
--Darth Cheeto
--Darth Covfefe (Trump's Sith name)
--Darth MAGA
--Darth TaxeVader
--Donny Jar Jar
--Jar Jar Trump
--Tangerine Palpatine
--Trump Trump Binks
--Yam Vader

Friday, September 7, 2018

Trump wants Sessions to investigate author of NYT op-ed

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  3. Trump wants Sessions to investigate author of NYT op-ed
Giant_Aspirin 4 hours ago#1

"Yeah, I would say Jeff should be investigating who the author of this piece was because I really believe it's national security," Trump told reporters Friday aboard Air Force One.

Neither Trump nor the White House have identified a specific crime that has been committed.

the more he rallies against this op-ed the more i believe it tbqh
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
tremain07 4 hours ago#2
Is this more of this GO AFTER MY ENEMIES JEFF! shit?
IGN: Sun 
FC: 0061-0132-7564
Giant_Aspirin 4 hours ago#3
tremain07 posted...
Is this more of this GO AFTER MY ENEMIES JEFF! shit?

yup. the same JEFF that he was shitting all over, what, last week?
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
BLAKUboy 4 hours ago#4
Someone really needs to tell him that hurting his feelings is not a national security threat.
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
Everything negative ever said or written about trump is true, whereas everything positive is false.
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
BLAKUboy posted...
Someone really needs to tell him that hurting his feelings is not a national security threat.

I'd bet someone did, and he just stomped his feet and said "I'm the President! It's national security if I say so!".
Guns; freedom you can hold in your hand.
Sampson, Terrordactyl
Giant_Aspirin 4 hours ago#7
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
Everything negative ever said or written about trump is true, whereas everything positive is false.

its more like "the bigger the denial and backlash the more truth it has"
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
BLAKUboy 4 hours ago#8
Trump basically directly confirmed a number of stories in both the op-ed and Woodward's book in his rally last night.
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
eston 4 hours ago#9
Wait, so

Doesn't the fact that he is referring to this as a national security threat more or less confirm the truthfulness of the article? If the things being said in the article were untrue, then it would indicate to Trump that the person who wrote it isn't actually a high level staffer. But what he's saying is "I don't want this staffer in my meetings because it could be dangerous" - literally acknowledging that it really could be one of his people
E32005 4 hours ago#10
Giant_Aspirin posted...
tremain07 posted...
Is this more of this GO AFTER MY ENEMIES JEFF! shit?

yup. the same JEFF that he was shitting all over, what, last week?

Stable genius
Can't Trump just nuke the nyt or something?
Giant_Aspirin 4 hours ago#12
BLAKUboy posted...
Trump basically directly confirmed a number of stories in both the op-ed and Woodward's book in his rally last night.

he was literally slurring his speech during that rally. even worse than that time he made an announcement regarding Jerusalem.
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
SageHarpuia 4 hours ago#13
>Someone claims to have been snatching important papers off of the desk of the President of the United States

>Liberals don't think it should be investigated
"You will pay dearly for your futile resistance!"
Giant_Aspirin 4 hours ago#14
SageHarpuia posted...
>Someone claims to have been snatching important papers off of the desk of the President of the United States

>Liberals don't think it should be investigated

nothing in the op-ed implies the author was reading or accessing documents (s)he didn't have clearance for. the person is a "high ranking White House official". here it is, in case you'd like to read it

where did you get this idea of "snatching important papers off of the desk of the PotUS"?

edit: were you talking about this?

because that doesnt imply that the author of the op-ed was "snatching papers".
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
pegusus123456 4 hours ago#15
SageHarpuia posted...
>Someone claims to have been snatching important papers off of the desk of the President of the United States

>Liberals don't think it should be investigated

Don't you think it's a little concerning that the President's attention span about issues of national policy lasts as long as the paper's physically sitting in front him?
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
SageHarpuia posted...
>Someone claims to have been snatching important papers off of the desk of the President of the United States

>Liberals don't think it should be investigated

I say investigate away, the reason they were doing this(if it even happened) will come out as well.
Guns; freedom you can hold in your hand.
Sampson, Terrordactyl
solosnake 4 hours ago#17
Honestly, of all the crazy crap thats been going on, this is the most egregious. If that op-ed is real the guy should go to prison.
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
BLAKUboy 3 hours ago#18
Giant_Aspirin posted...

There's no real chance it's not a man. There's basically no female high-ranking officials in the WH.
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
BWing 3 hours ago#19
solosnake posted...
Honestly, of all the crazy crap thats been going on, this is the most egregious. If that op-ed is real the guy should go to prison.

Why? For saving the country from the wannabe dictators whims?
Is there any evidence that the author of this has actually broken any laws?
Support local music.
Giant_Aspirin 3 hours ago#21
solosnake posted...
Honestly, of all the crazy crap thats been going on, this is the most egregious. If that op-ed is real the guy should go to prison.

for what? what crime was committed? other than being a partisan chicken shit and putting his party before the Constitution and not doing the duty he swore to uphold?
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
Giant_Aspirin 3 hours ago#22
shockthemonkey posted...
Is there any evidence that the author of this has actually broken any laws?

exactly zero.
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
SageHarpuia posted...
>Someone claims to have been snatching important papers off of the desk of the President of the United States

>Liberals don't think it should be investigated

That was from the Woodward book, not the NYT op-ed
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
SageHarpuia 3 hours ago#24
pegusus123456 posted...
SageHarpuia posted...
>Someone claims to have been snatching important papers off of the desk of the President of the United States

>Liberals don't think it should be investigated

Don't you think it's a little concerning that the President's attention span about issues of national policy lasts as long as the paper's physically sitting in front him?

That in no way justifies stealing it.
"You will pay dearly for your futile resistance!"
Giant_Aspirin 3 hours ago#25
SageHarpuia posted...
pegusus123456 posted...
SageHarpuia posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Don't you think it's a little concerning that the President's attention span about issues of national policy lasts as long as the paper's physically sitting in front him?

That in no way justifies stealing it.

please re-read this entire topic and stop spreading fake news. thanks.
Playing: Dead Cells; Xenoblade 2; Mario Odyssey
(~);} - I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up - {;(~)
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
BruceWayneJr 3 hours ago#26
The Great Muta 22 posted...
SageHarpuia posted...
>Someone claims to have been snatching important papers off of the desk of the President of the United States

>Liberals don't think it should be investigated

That was from the Woodword book, not the NYT op-ed

And that "someone" was named as Gary Cohn in the book. Swing and a miss.
He might be the president, but it's not his country.
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  3. Trump wants Sessions to investigate author of NYT op-ed