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- Current Events
- i am proud of america for making trump denounce neo nazis and white nationalists
obviously he didnt want to and even said nazis have good people among them which is a f***ing joke. time to denounce hateful ideologies plainly for what they are (and i think the same should be done for islamic terror 100%)
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
I'm proud he denounced those communists in ANTIFA/Alt-Left and the Media is throwing a tantrum over it.
Up the hammers & down the nails! https://rateyourmusic.com/~RoadsterUFO
Appollyn posted...
Where did he say nazis have good people among them? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/537012/
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
RoadsterUFO posted...
I'm proud he denounced those communists in ANTIFA/Alt-Left and the Media is throwing a tantrum over it. obviously you dont like that we made him denounce neo nazis though eh?
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
andel posted...
RoadsterUFO posted...I'm proud he denounced those communists in ANTIFA/Alt-Left and the Media is throwing a tantrum over it. He denounced both. Nazism in large is frowned upon, as is racism. If I was to say I hate Socialism and Communism it'd gather a mixed response and a lot of butthurt hipster white Millennial college students screeching how it has never had a REAL implimentation of it.
Up the hammers & down the nails! https://rateyourmusic.com/~RoadsterUFO
RoadsterUFO posted...
andel posted...RoadsterUFO posted...I'm proud he denounced those communists in ANTIFA/Alt-Left and the Media is throwing a tantrum over it. he only denounced neo nazis after immense political pressure fron the public and his party and claimed there were many good people at the nazi rally
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
andel posted...
Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? Ah, well there's your problem. I avoid reading news articles anymore because most sites are unbelievably biased/intentionally misleading. If you watch the video of the press conference without all the commentary he pretty much said that nazis/white nationalists are bad, there were people outside of those groups that showed up to protest, and those people were fine people peacefully protesting. I honestly don't understand why people are getting worked up about this unless they seriously think all the people that showed up were nazis. ![]()
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? uhh it was a white nationalist/neo nazi rally, of course none of those people were good unless you consider them just standing by while 'their side' does nazi salutes and uses nazi imagery
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? all of the people that showed up were nazis. you're defending them. stop defending Nazis. |
andel posted...
Appollyn posted...andel posted...Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? Once again, show me the quote where he said nazi's have good people? Because he made it painfully obvious that he thought there were the nazi's and then the other group of people who were peacefully protesting. If you want to make the argument that he's wrong to think that not all the people who were there were nazi's that is fine. But in no way did he say nazi's have good people. And honestly, do you think that the local townspeople from the surrounding areas would not be there? I am in no way a nazi/white nationalist but if I had to vote keeping the statue up or removing it, I would vote to keep it up. Personally, I don't care either way though.
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
Appollyn posted...
show me the quote where he said nazi's have good people? It was a Nazi rally. He said some people in the rally were good people. Ipso facto, he said Nazis were good people. People at rally = Nazi Some people at rally are X = some Nazi are X.
We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.
The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...show me the quote where he said nazi's have good people? You are completely ignoring the other side of the argument. Like I said a couple posts ago, the only way you can possibly jump to conclusion is to believe 100% that showed up there were nazi's. Realistically, there were a decent amount of local townspeople there protesting. Some of those people most likely voted for him. Hence, he's going to defend the good people that were there peacefully. Heck, he even defend the good people on the left that showed up to counter-protest.
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
Mr_MacPhisto posted...
Making him? It's almost pointless to talk politics on this site. Most of them treat politics like it's one big sport. Just less enjoyable talking about haha.
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
Appollyn posted...
Like I said a couple posts ago, the only way you can possibly jump to conclusion is to believe 100% that showed up there were nazi's. It was a Nazi rally... Shouting Nazi slogans, waving Nazi flags. You think some non-Nazis just accidentally wandered in there, saw the flags and just figured it'd be rude to leave? Is that what you'd do? Imagine you go out and walk into a large group of Nazi protestors... Do you stay with the protestors? What if they had ISIS flags instead of Nazi flags? Do you keep going?
We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.
Mr_MacPhisto posted...
Making him? no, he really hasn't. |
Appollyn posted...
I feel like this logic is weak This was a movement organized and created by Nazis, promoted like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCfZtOrXkAANJi6.jpg Where Nazis literally paraded down the street, chanting, holding torches, attacking people, and killing a girl. And there were no reports of conservatives clashing with Nazis, nor conservatives leaving on mass. And this was day 2. So you're saying noble fine conservatives went, saw all these Nazis, and said "Well I'm no Nazi but I am going stand by them and join in their parade, then come back tomorrow and do the same thing, leaving them totally unchallenged, purely because I love history so much I can't bare to see a statue get taken down but I can easily bare Nazi parades." It doesn't add up. These "fine upstanding noble conservatives" who were there on Saturday were at best Nazi Sympathizers. Think about it. Imagine you're going to what you thought was a protest to keep a dentist open and instead see gangs of Nazis marching around and attacking people. Would you join them and go "Well I'mno nazi but I wanna make my point heard about that dentist!" f*** no. You'd challenge them or leave
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? Exactly. There were people there simply to defend keeping the statues. The actual Nazis/racists that were there overshadow the patriotic non-racists. The event was known to be happening for days/weeks on end and only 500 Nazis showed up. THAT'S who people are afraid of? Not the violent far left which has permeated media, academia, Hollywood, mainstream thought? Complete nonsense. The everyday liberal cannot come up with any way to credit the President for ANYTHING. He did the right thing by denouncing both sides. |
The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...Like I said a couple posts ago, the only way you can possibly jump to conclusion is to believe 100% that showed up there were nazi's. As a whole, there were very few nazi flags. The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois. Most of the people there were in normal clothes not even carrying anything other than a backpack. The majority were not doing waving nazi flags or salutes. It honestly looked like a protest that I saw in person in Springfield against our governor. So yes, if I felt strongly enough about the issue I would have still went considering it looked like any other protest. The only videos they show on the news are small clips of clashes between those minority groups on both sides of the aisle. In those cases, of course there would be more nazi flags and stupid behavior.
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
JohnLennon6 posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...I'm glad for topics like these so that I can further tag more garbage people as "Nazi sympathizer". Appollyn
We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.
andel posted...
obviously he didnt want to and even said nazis have good people among them which is a f***ing joke. time to denounce hateful ideologies plainly for what they are (and i think the same should be done for islamic terror 100%) You lie again. He never said Nazis have "good people". He clearly distinguished the "fine people" from the Nazis in his speech. |
metralo posted...
Mr_MacPhisto posted...Making him? Yes he really has. He denounced David Duke in 2000 when he was under no pressure to do so. |
Deadpool_18 posted...
JohnLennon6 posted...Deadpool_18 posted...I'm glad for topics like these so that I can further tag more garbage people as "Nazi sympathizer". What is wrong with you? You fail to even try to understand the other side then you try attacking my character.
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
Appollyn posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...JohnLennon6 posted...Deadpool_18 posted...I'm glad for topics like these so that I can further tag more garbage people as "Nazi sympathizer". Why would I try to sympathize with Nazis? Sympathizer.
We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.
Appollyn posted...
The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois. Most of the people there were in normal clothes not even carrying anything other than a backpack. The majority were not doing waving nazi flags or salutes ![]() This was Friday when people came to protest the removal of the statues. The day before the "Unite the Right" rally. They're carrying torches and chanting "blood and soil" which is a Nazi slogan. So now you have no reason to be unaware. The people who showed up to protest (or at least the ones who stayed) were not "good people." |
The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois.
ah yes, the classic "I'M A RACIST" flag. good defense. |
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? What the f*** kind of person tries this hard to defend racists lmao f***ing be honest with yourself
"Kenan & Kel is what made me realize I wasn't racist." ~ NewportBox100s
Deadpool_18 posted...
Appollyn posted...Deadpool_18 posted...JohnLennon6 posted...Deadpool_18 posted...I'm glad for topics like these so that I can further tag more garbage people as "Nazi sympathizer". Literally editing your post to try and make it more aggressive towards me when your original was perfectly fine. I honestly hope your life gets brighter so you won't have to be so invested in attacking people like this.
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
First time I've ever heard of the "blood and soil" slogan. I guess I'm just not as obsessed with Nazis like some other people are.
Brietbart identified a black guy who showed up to protest. NYT identified others. I identified a black/biracial woman who protested the removal, but she's a white supremacist or pretends to be. That would be Brittany Venti https://www.youtube.com/c/brittanyventi Her twitter account was suspended after she gloated over the woman's death. |
Appollyn posted...
As a whole, there were very few nazi flags. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCfZtOrXkAANJi6?format=jpg ![]() f*** out of here they didn't know.
We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.
Ammonitida posted...
andel posted...obviously he didnt want to and even said nazis have good people among them which is a f***ing joke. time to denounce hateful ideologies plainly for what they are (and i think the same should be done for islamic terror 100%) bulls*** but you are a known white nationalist/nazi sympathizer so your take is garbage
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
That_Happened posted...
Appollyn posted...The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois. Most of the people there were in normal clothes not even carrying anything other than a backpack. The majority were not doing waving nazi flags or salutes I agree the night before looked super sketchy so most of them were probably nazi's/white nationalists. I can't imagine the normal townspeople to go to the one at night. For the next day, It honestly looked like a normal protest to me. Maybe I have just seen too many rough looking protests before lol
PSN : Arctic_Wolf__
LOL, I love when leftist apologists have no real argument. Swerving away from facts is their specialty. Even when there's unedited video evidence in plain sight.
tommybel89 posted...
Appollyn posted...andel posted...Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? yeah one side got ran over by a neo nazi and the other side was shouting nazi slogans and death to jews type s***.
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
Appollyn posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...Appollyn posted...Deadpool_18 posted...JohnLennon6 posted...Deadpool_18 posted...I'm glad for topics like these so that I can further tag more garbage people as "Nazi sympathizer". My life is fine, thanks. It'd be better without Nazi sympathizer such as yourself thinking we owe them an ounce of understanding. You're so silly. You focused on the edit instead of answering the question. Racists are often great at deflection, though.
We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.
andel posted...
tommybel89 posted...Appollyn posted...andel posted...Appollyn posted...Where did he say nazis have good people among them? Yeah, because that reporter for The Hill was never assaulted. The left-wing idiot was not arrested. Not. |
BootyGif posted...
are thesefools itt legit nazis or just trolling? Either one is bad. Nazi ideology really isn't something that should be joked about. |
Appollyn posted...
That_Happened posted...Appollyn posted...The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois. Most of the people there were in normal clothes not even carrying anything other than a backpack. The majority were not doing waving nazi flags or salutes So you're admitting that Friday, the day with fewer white nationalists, looked super sketchy. But you're telling me that Saturday, the day of the rally that was advertised by white supremacists and neo nazis, was the day that "looked like a normal protest to you?" I don't know if I'm ready to call you an apologist, but you damn sure can't just admit when you're clearly wrong. |
andel posted...
Ammonitida posted...andel posted...obviously he didnt want to and even said nazis have good people among them which is a f***ing joke. time to denounce hateful ideologies plainly for what they are (and i think the same should be done for islamic terror 100%) Here's the transcript, liar. You've done nothing but lie. Trump: “And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. |
That_Happened posted...
Appollyn posted...That_Happened posted...Appollyn posted...The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois. Most of the people there were in normal clothes not even carrying anything other than a backpack. The majority were not doing waving nazi flags or salutes You're far better off ignoring Appollyn's ilk. They know they're wrong, they just like to toe the line so they don't get directly lumped in with the neo Nazis.
We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.
I can't think of someone that isn't a nazi that wouldn't want a Robert e lee statue taken down
Also there were not normal people protesting there. Only nazis. |
- Boards
- Current Events
- i am proud of america for making trump denounce neo nazis and white nationalists
- Boards
- Current Events
- i am proud of america for making trump denounce neo nazis and white nationalists
Ammonitida posted...Trump: “And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.
Correct. This is what Trump said. But watch the video. Hundreds of people with torches chanting "blood and soil." That really puts a hole in his "there were many other people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists" statement.The metric is not which extreme group did the worst. The second you get violent, you've lost the argument and are in the wrong. Antifa has 12+ months of physical assaults versus 1 death by a Nazi. Both sides were denounced by the President and in doing so, he finally got Antifa into the news which the mainstream (besides FOX) have barely talked about. How dense can people be?That_Happened posted...Ammonitida posted...
Trump: “And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.
Correct. This is what Trump said. But watch the video. Hundreds of people with torches chanting "blood and soil." That really puts a hole in his "there were many other people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists" statement.
I doubt Trump even knows what "blood and soil" means. Not all of us are experts in Nazi history. Trump is generally ignorant.That_Happened posted...Appollyn posted...
That_Happened posted...
Appollyn posted...
The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois. Most of the people there were in normal clothes not even carrying anything other than a backpack. The majority were not doing waving nazi flags or salutes
This was Friday when people came to protest the removal of the statues. The day before the "Unite the Right" rally. They're carrying torches and chanting "blood and soil" which is a Nazi slogan.
So now you have no reason to be unaware. The people who showed up to protest (or at least the ones who stayed) were not "good people."
I agree the night before looked super sketchy so most of them were probably nazi's/white nationalists. I can't imagine the normal townspeople to go to the one at night. For the next day, It honestly looked like a normal protest to me. Maybe I have just seen too many rough looking protests before lol
So you're admitting that Friday, the day with fewer white nationalists, looked super sketchy. But you're telling me that Saturday, the day of the rally that was advertised by white supremacists and neo nazis, was the day that "looked like a normal protest to you?"
I don't know if I'm ready to call you an apologist, but you damn sure can't just admit when you're clearly wrong.
I am saying to people outside of those fringe groups the night before looked much more sketchy than the next day in the daylight. Nothing good happens in the dark. I have skimmed through unedited videos that are hours long showing the daylight protests and it looked absolutely normal as far as protests go. I can easily imagine the normal people would show up to the daylight rally to protest peacefully while the nazi's and those starting fights would segregate themselves to their own area. Which makes sense based on the videos I have seen. I don't see how thinking normal people would show up to a mostly normal looking protest is crazy. I am perfectly fine at admitting when I am wrong considering people can die if I don't while on the job lol. We just have different views on the issue.PSN : Arctic_Wolf__Deadpool_18 posted...Appollyn posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...
Appollyn posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...
JohnLennon6 posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...
I'm glad for topics like these so that I can further tag more garbage people as "Nazi sympathizer".
Who here is a Nazi sympathizer?
What is wrong with you? You fail to even try to understand the other side then you try attacking my character.
Why would I try to sympathize with Nazis? Sympathizer.
Literally editing your post to try and make it more aggressive towards me when your original was perfectly fine. I honestly hope your life gets brighter so you won't have to be so invested in attacking people like this.
My life is fine, thanks. It'd be better without Nazi sympathizer such as yourself thinking we owe them an ounce of understanding. You're so silly. You focused on the edit instead of answering the question. Racists are often great at deflection, though.
I am now a racist as well as a nazi sympathizer now?? Wow, I wonder who I'll start hating next. It must be crazy to think a normal looking protest for the most part could possibly attract normal people protesting (talking about the day of the rally, not the night before).PSN : Arctic_Wolf__tommybel89 posted...The metric is not which extreme group did the worst. The second you get violent, you've lost the argument and are in the wrong. Antifa has 12+ months of physical assaults versus 1 death by a Nazi. Both sides were denounced by the President and in doing so, he finally got Antifa into the news which the mainstream (besides FOX) have barely talked about. How dense can people be?
Antifa fights against facism. BLM fights against racism and the corrupt police force. The Nazis fight against ..????? minorities for existing???
wow they're all the same. bad! jobs!Even if every single person that turned out for UTR was a neo-nazi and sympathizer, which is very likely given what I know now after a topic a few days ago, this quote:
"Trump: “And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
Points to Trump being stupid and misinformed and thinking there were people there outside of the Nazis. Him being wrong about that doesn't equate with him defending the nazis, which in this very quote he totally condemns. He was under the false impression that there were nazis there and that there were peaceful people there. He condemned the former. Him being wrong about the latter does not negate his condemnation of the former.
Call him stupid. Call him uninformed. Call him out for saying something that was unverified and that he had not thoroughly researched. But attribute this to what it is: him being a dumbass, not him being malicious or coming to the defense of Nazis.
He should have never spread blame to both nazis and antifa, not the same week of the tragedy. there was a time and place for mentioning the violence antifa has been involved in, but this was absolutely not it. He should have come out immediately with a condemnation of the supremacists and nazis and them alone in a general sense and gotten more specific as more info came to light. He should have tweeted about nothing else to suggest this tragedy and getting to the bottom of it wasn't his primary concern.
He f***ed up horribly and failed to seize a very obvious opportunity to actually lead and provide the nation, for the first time in his term, with some sort of unity. s*** on him for the things he actually did wrong, of which there are many, not for things that re being completely misrepresented.
Edit: didn't change anything, but just wanted to point out my "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott moment up thereDeadpool_18 posted...That_Happened posted...
Appollyn posted...
That_Happened posted...
Appollyn posted...
The videos I have seen have mainly shown confederate flags which is common in even where I live which is in Illinois. Most of the people there were in normal clothes not even carrying anything other than a backpack. The majority were not doing waving nazi flags or salutes
This was Friday when people came to protest the removal of the statues. The day before the "Unite the Right" rally. They're carrying torches and chanting "blood and soil" which is a Nazi slogan.
So now you have no reason to be unaware. The people who showed up to protest (or at least the ones who stayed) were not "good people."
I agree the night before looked super sketchy so most of them were probably nazi's/white nationalists. I can't imagine the normal townspeople to go to the one at night. For the next day, It honestly looked like a normal protest to me. Maybe I have just seen too many rough looking protests before lol
So you're admitting that Friday, the day with fewer white nationalists, looked super sketchy. But you're telling me that Saturday, the day of the rally that was advertised by white supremacists and neo nazis, was the day that "looked like a normal protest to you?"
I don't know if I'm ready to call you an apologist, but you damn sure can't just admit when you're clearly wrong.
You're far better off ignoring Appollyn's ilk. They know they're wrong, they just like to toe the line so they don't get directly lumped in with the neo Nazis.
No, you just fail to even try to look at the other side of the argument. No one here is arguing for nazi values and even sympathizing with them. We are saying it's not crazy to think good people would show up to the rally in the morning when it looked like a normal protest. Pull up unedited videos of the rally and you'll see the normal looking crowd and the idiots acting like nazi's. You just try to attack the other persons character. For someone named deadpool on here, you aren't very clever.PSN : Arctic_Wolf__tommybel89 posted...The metric is not which extreme group did the worst. The second you get violent, you've lost the argument and are in the wrong. Antifa has 12+ months of physical assaults versus 1 death by a Nazi. Both sides were denounced by the President and in doing so, he finally got Antifa into the news which the mainstream (besides FOX) have barely talked about. How dense can people be?
TIL Nazis and other right-wing extremists never killed anyone before Saturday. Not like those types of people make up the majority of deadly political violence in America.
It's so disingenuous to suddenly pretend as if all violence and anger is created equally and should be put on the same plane. What Trump said was entirely out of line in the wake of a terror attack by notoriously dangerous right-wing extremists.metralo posted...tommybel89 posted...
The metric is not which extreme group did the worst. The second you get violent, you've lost the argument and are in the wrong. Antifa has 12+ months of physical assaults versus 1 death by a Nazi. Both sides were denounced by the President and in doing so, he finally got Antifa into the news which the mainstream (besides FOX) have barely talked about. How dense can people be?
Antifa fights against facism. BLM fights against racism and the corrupt police force.
Antifa beats up reporters for The Hill as well as attacking conservative of all stripes.
BLM fights the imaginary racism of white cops despite empirical data showing no convincing evidence of systemic racially biased police brutality against blacks.
http://www.swacj.org/swjcj/archives/7.2/Klahm%20and%20Tillyer%20Article%20(5).pdfAmmonitida posted...andel posted...
Ammonitida posted...
andel posted...
obviously he didnt want to and even said nazis have good people among them which is a f***ing joke. time to denounce hateful ideologies plainly for what they are (and i think the same should be done for islamic terror 100%)
You lie again.
He never said Nazis have "good people". He clearly distinguished the "fine people" from the Nazis in his speech.
bulls*** but you are a known white nationalist/nazi sympathizer so your take is garbage
Here's the transcript, liar. You've done nothing but lie.Trump: “And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.
“OK? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”
Reporter: “You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly? (inaudible) understand what you're saying.”
Trump: “No, no. There were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I'm sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people – neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
again you are lying, trying to equate his original comments to the later backpedaling he did after facing universal condemnation (much from his own party). must suck to be impotent neo nazi scum like you ehI am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonismetralo posted...Appollyn posted...
andel posted...
Appollyn posted...
Where did he say nazis have good people among them?
Ah, well there's your problem. I avoid reading news articles anymore because most sites are unbelievably biased/intentionally misleading. If you watch the video of the press conference without all the commentary he pretty much said that nazis/white nationalists are bad, there were people outside of those groups that showed up to protest, and those people were fine people peacefully protesting. I honestly don't understand why people are getting worked up about this unless they seriously think all the people that showed up were nazis.
all of the people that showed up were nazis. you're defending them. stop defending Nazis.
Are you serious?muchdran posted...metralo posted...
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...
Appollyn posted...
Where did he say nazis have good people among them?
Ah, well there's your problem. I avoid reading news articles anymore because most sites are unbelievably biased/intentionally misleading. If you watch the video of the press conference without all the commentary he pretty much said that nazis/white nationalists are bad, there were people outside of those groups that showed up to protest, and those people were fine people peacefully protesting. I honestly don't understand why people are getting worked up about this unless they seriously think all the people that showed up were nazis.
all of the people that showed up were nazis. you're defending them. stop defending Nazis.
Are you serious?
He's wrong. Some of them were just every day white supremacists or sympathetic allies.The Deadpool posted...Appollyn posted...
Like I said a couple posts ago, the only way you can possibly jump to conclusion is to believe 100% that showed up there were nazi's.
It was a Nazi rally... Shouting Nazi slogans, waving Nazi flags.
You think some non-Nazis just accidentally wandered in there, saw the flags and just figured it'd be rude to leave?
Is that what you'd do? Imagine you go out and walk into a large group of Nazi protestors... Do you stay with the protestors?
What if they had ISIS flags instead of Nazi flags? Do you keep going?
Stop saying Nazi. It's not a good look for you.muchdran posted...The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...
Like I said a couple posts ago, the only way you can possibly jump to conclusion is to believe 100% that showed up there were nazi's.
It was a Nazi rally... Shouting Nazi slogans, waving Nazi flags.
You think some non-Nazis just accidentally wandered in there, saw the flags and just figured it'd be rude to leave?
Is that what you'd do? Imagine you go out and walk into a large group of Nazi protestors... Do you stay with the protestors?
What if they had ISIS flags instead of Nazi flags? Do you keep going?
Stop saying Nazi. It's not a good look for you.
Found another Nazi sympathizer.We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.hockeybub89 posted...muchdran posted...
metralo posted...
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...
Appollyn posted...
Where did he say nazis have good people among them?
Ah, well there's your problem. I avoid reading news articles anymore because most sites are unbelievably biased/intentionally misleading. If you watch the video of the press conference without all the commentary he pretty much said that nazis/white nationalists are bad, there were people outside of those groups that showed up to protest, and those people were fine people peacefully protesting. I honestly don't understand why people are getting worked up about this unless they seriously think all the people that showed up were nazis.
all of the people that showed up were nazis. you're defending them. stop defending Nazis.
Are you serious?
He's wrong. Some of them were just every day white supremacists or sympathetic allies.
Oh of course. People have different views automatically makes them a Nazi or white supremacist. f*** is wrong with you?Deadpool_18 posted...muchdran posted...
The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...
Like I said a couple posts ago, the only way you can possibly jump to conclusion is to believe 100% that showed up there were nazi's.
It was a Nazi rally... Shouting Nazi slogans, waving Nazi flags.
You think some non-Nazis just accidentally wandered in there, saw the flags and just figured it'd be rude to leave?
Is that what you'd do? Imagine you go out and walk into a large group of Nazi protestors... Do you stay with the protestors?
What if they had ISIS flags instead of Nazi flags? Do you keep going?
Stop saying Nazi. It's not a good look for you.
Found another Nazi sympathizer.
There it ismuchdran posted...Oh of course. People have different views automatically makes them a Nazi or white supremacist. f*** is wrong with you?
Only when they have white supremacist views do I think they are white supremacists. I'm not some SJW.muchdran posted...Deadpool_18 posted...
muchdran posted...
The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...
Like I said a couple posts ago, the only way you can possibly jump to conclusion is to believe 100% that showed up there were nazi's.
It was a Nazi rally... Shouting Nazi slogans, waving Nazi flags.
You think some non-Nazis just accidentally wandered in there, saw the flags and just figured it'd be rude to leave?
Is that what you'd do? Imagine you go out and walk into a large group of Nazi protestors... Do you stay with the protestors?
What if they had ISIS flags instead of Nazi flags? Do you keep going?
Stop saying Nazi. It's not a good look for you.
Found another Nazi sympathizer.
There it is
Here you are.We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.hockeybub89 posted...muchdran posted...
metralo posted...
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...
Appollyn posted...
Where did he say nazis have good people among them?
Ah, well there's your problem. I avoid reading news articles anymore because most sites are unbelievably biased/intentionally misleading. If you watch the video of the press conference without all the commentary he pretty much said that nazis/white nationalists are bad, there were people outside of those groups that showed up to protest, and those people were fine people peacefully protesting. I honestly don't understand why people are getting worked up about this unless they seriously think all the people that showed up were nazis.
all of the people that showed up were nazis. you're defending them. stop defending Nazis.
Are you serious?
He's wrong. Some of them were just every day white supremacists or sympathetic allies.
This should be the criticism resulting from all this. He is simply wrong. He is not wittingly or intentionally defending Nazis, he is under the wrong impress (as he often is) that there were others there besides those he condemned.
Now that doesn't excuse his lack of urgency to make a definite statement or his dozens of other f*** ups in the last week, but it covers that one.muchdran posted...
Oh of course. People have different views automatically makes them a Nazi or white supremacist. f*** is wrong with you?
yeah people waving nazi flags, chanting heil trump, blood and soil, etc.
they're nazis._RETS_ posted...hockeybub89 posted...
muchdran posted...
metralo posted...
Appollyn posted...
andel posted...
Appollyn posted...
Where did he say nazis have good people among them?
Ah, well there's your problem. I avoid reading news articles anymore because most sites are unbelievably biased/intentionally misleading. If you watch the video of the press conference without all the commentary he pretty much said that nazis/white nationalists are bad, there were people outside of those groups that showed up to protest, and those people were fine people peacefully protesting. I honestly don't understand why people are getting worked up about this unless they seriously think all the people that showed up were nazis.
all of the people that showed up were nazis. you're defending them. stop defending Nazis.
Are you serious?
He's wrong. Some of them were just every day white supremacists or sympathetic allies.
This should be the criticism resulting from all this. He is simply wrong. He is not wittingly or intentionally defending Nazis, he is under the wrong impress (as he often is) that there were others there besides those he condemned.
Now that doesn't excuse his lack of urgency to make a definite statement or his dozens of other f*** ups in the last week, but it covers that one.
That's my position.Darmik posted...Ammonitida posted...
I doubt Trump even knows what "blood and soil" means. Not all of us are experts in Nazi history. Trump is generally ignorant.
Trump said he waited to make a statement until he had all the facts.
His "waiting" probably consisted of him speed reading a Breitbart article or two.Darmik posted...Ammonitida posted...
I doubt Trump even knows what "blood and soil" means. Not all of us are experts in Nazi history. Trump is generally ignorant.
Trump said he waited to make a statement until he had all the facts.
Which is so f***ing hypocritical of that f***er.The most relaxing version of Aquatic Ambiance I've ever heard:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl61y1XM7sMDarmik posted...That wasn't the only thing he was wrong about. He criticized the counter-protestors for not having a permit to protest when they did.
There was probably a ton he was wrong about. With the permit though, I may be mistaken, but whatever permit was granted was for a specific area which of course was very quickly violated as they left that area. That course doesn't make any of the violence right.
I don't imagine a city would approve permits for 2 opposing and volatile groups in the exact same spot without establishing boundaries they needed to adhere to.Hes been denouncing racism for decades
Has done done more for minorities than anyone in this topic
Like there's so much s*** out there u can hate donald for...hating blacks and not calling out racist white people is NOT one of them.
Also tc is trolling"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.PoopMcgee420 posted...The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...
show me the quote where he said nazi's have good people?
It was a Nazi rally.
Nope not even true. Dont even need to read any more of your stupid post
Stop defending Nazis, you partisan hackeven if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - Franklin_RETS_ posted...Darmik posted...
That wasn't the only thing he was wrong about. He criticized the counter-protestors for not having a permit to protest when they did.
There was probably a ton he was wrong about. With the permit though, I may be mistaken, but whatever permit was granted was for a specific area which of course was very quickly violated as they left that area. That course doesn't make any of the violence right.
I don't imagine a city would approve permits for 2 opposing and volatile groups in the exact same spot without establishing boundaries they needed to adhere to.
Sure. Perhaps the police losing control of the situation are also responsible. It's still weird that despite blabbing on about both sides he only calls out the counter-protestors doing the wrong thing.
fenderbender321 posted...I don't agree with denouncing a group of people. I think it's okay to denounce specific actions and behaviors, but to denounce an entire group of people? That needs to stop, IMO. Both sides.
Nazis and the KKK should be easy enough to denounce without controversy.
PoopMcgee420 posted...Has done done more for minorities than anyone in this topic
Are you talking him about getting sued for discriminating against black people? I agree if so.Kind Regards,
DarmikBullet_Wing posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...
show me the quote where he said nazi's have good people?
It was a Nazi rally.
Nope not even true. Dont even need to read any more of your stupid post
Stop defending Nazis, you logical person
Saying the truth isnt defending nazis you weirdo"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.Darmik posted..._RETS_ posted...
Darmik posted...
That wasn't the only thing he was wrong about. He criticized the counter-protestors for not having a permit to protest when they did.
There was probably a ton he was wrong about. With the permit though, I may be mistaken, but whatever permit was granted was for a specific area which of course was very quickly violated as they left that area. That course doesn't make any of the violence right.
I don't imagine a city would approve permits for 2 opposing and volatile groups in the exact same spot without establishing boundaries they needed to adhere to.
Sure. Perhaps the police losing control of the situation are also responsible. It's still weird that despite blabbing on about both sides he only calls out the counter-protestors doing the wrong thing.
fenderbender321 posted...I don't agree with denouncing a group of people. I think it's okay to denounce specific actions and behaviors, but to denounce an entire group of people? That needs to stop, IMO. Both sides.
Nazis and the KKK should be easy enough to denounce without controversy.
PoopMcgee420 posted...Has done done more for minorities than anyone in this topic
Are you talking him about getting sued for discriminating against black people? I agree if so.
Ahh i see you havent researched anything...good to know"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.PoopMcgee420 posted...Bullet_Wing posted...
PoopMcgee420 posted...
The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...
show me the quote where he said nazi's have good people?
It was a Nazi rally.
Nope not even true. Dont even need to read any more of your stupid post
Stop defending Nazis, you logical person
Saying the truth isnt defending nazis you dumb f***
You said this wasn't a Nazi rally. Notice how you deleted the OFFICIAL poster image when you quoted me?even if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - FranklinDarmik posted..._RETS_ posted...
Darmik posted...
That wasn't the only thing he was wrong about. He criticized the counter-protestors for not having a permit to protest when they did.
There was probably a ton he was wrong about. With the permit though, I may be mistaken, but whatever permit was granted was for a specific area which of course was very quickly violated as they left that area. That course doesn't make any of the violence right.
I don't imagine a city would approve permits for 2 opposing and volatile groups in the exact same spot without establishing boundaries they needed to adhere to.
Sure. Perhaps the police losing control of the situation are also responsible. It's still weird that despite blabbing on about both sides he only calls out the counter-protestors doing the wrong thing.
fenderbender321 posted...I don't agree with denouncing a group of people. I think it's okay to denounce specific actions and behaviors, but to denounce an entire group of people? That needs to stop, IMO. Both sides.
Nazis and the KKK should be easy enough to denounce without controversy.
PoopMcgee420 posted...Has done done more for minorities than anyone in this topic
Are you talking him about getting sued for discriminating against black people? I agree if so.
He isn't wrong that both sides were involved with, and that many showed up for, violence. He just shouldn't have even brought that up so close to the tragedy because it deflated his condemnation. The dude babbles and is arrogant and likes to hear himself talk and will speak a ton of words without saying anything at all.
He didn't only call out the counter protesters. He just called them out in the stupidest and most ill-timed way anyone could conceive of.Its funny all the people that used to defend the BLM riots by saying "the ones breaking the law and rioting aren't with BLM" ...are now saying that all the white people in VA were Nazis.
Lmfao have to love the hypocritical left"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.Bullet_Wing posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
Bullet_Wing posted...
PoopMcgee420 posted...
The Deadpool posted...
Appollyn posted...
show me the quote where he said nazi's have good people?
It was a Nazi rally.
Nope not even true. Dont even need to read any more of your stupid post
Stop defending Nazis, you logical person
Saying the truth isnt defending nazis you dumb f***
You said this wasn't a Nazi rally. Notice how you deleted the OFFICIAL poster image when you quoted me?
It wasn't.
I delete the poster cause its obnoxious af to have the same image all over a page. Grow up"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.PoopMcgee420 posted...Its funny all the people that used to defend the BLM riots by saying "the ones breaking the law and rioting aren't with BLM" ...are now saying that all the white people in VA were Nazis.
Lmfao have to love the hypocritical left
Find one instance of me EVER defending BLM rioting. There's an archive site.even if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - FranklinPoopMcgee420 posted...Its funny all the people that used to defend the BLM riots by saying "the ones breaking the law and rioting aren't with BLM" ...are now saying that all the white people in VA were Nazis.
No. Several white people protested against the Nazis. One of them was killed by a Nazi.Kind Regards,
DarmikDarmik posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
Its funny all the people that used to defend the BLM riots by saying "the ones breaking the law and rioting aren't with BLM" ...are now saying that all the white people in VA were Nazis.
No. Several white people protested against the Nazis. One of them was killed by a Nazi.
And there are actually white people and people of color that dont want statues ripped down...and guess what theyre not nazis either....and guess what...they were at the rally this past weekend.
Yes there were Nazis
Yes there were Antifa
But there were people on both sides that were protesting the RIGHT way.
Unfortunately there were more people on both sides protesting the wrong way.
Any racist in America needs to be punched in the throat twice. Any Antifa member needs to be punched in the throat once. Both groups are terrible people."Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.Bullet_Wing posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
Its funny all the people that used to defend the BLM riots by saying "the ones breaking the law and rioting aren't with BLM" ...are now saying that all the white people in VA were Nazis.
Lmfao have to love the hypocritical left
Find one instance of me EVER defending BLM rioting. There's an archive site.
U need to learn how to read"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.- Boards
- Current Events
- i am proud of america for making trump denounce neo nazis and white nationalists
- Boards
- Current Events
- i am proud of america for making trump denounce neo nazis and white nationalists
PoopMcgee420 posted...Bullet_Wing posted...
PoopMcgee420 posted...
Its funny all the people that used to defend the BLM riots by saying "the ones breaking the law and rioting aren't with BLM" ...are now saying that all the white people in VA were Nazis.
Lmfao have to love the hypocritical left
Find one instance of me EVER defending BLM rioting. There's an archive site.
U need to learn how to read
I was just pointing out that your blanket statement doesn't cover everyone. I don't even have leftist views, I just (like most of America) strongly disapprove of our failure of a president.even if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - FranklinPoopMcgee420 posted...And there are actually white people and people of color that dont want statues ripped down...and guess what theyre not nazis either....and guess what...they were at the rally this past weekend.
Why would they be at a Nazi/White supremacist rally if they were neither of those things?Kind Regards,
DarmikDarmik posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
And there are actually white people and people of color that dont want statues ripped down...and guess what theyre not nazis either....and guess what...they were at the rally this past weekend.
Why would they be at a Nazi/White supremacist rally if they were neither of those things?
JerseyProud refuses to acknowledge it was a Nazi rallyeven if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - FranklinBullet_Wing posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
Bullet_Wing posted...
PoopMcgee420 posted...
Its funny all the people that used to defend the BLM riots by saying "the ones breaking the law and rioting aren't with BLM" ...are now saying that all the white people in VA were Nazis.
Lmfao have to love the hypocritical left
Find one instance of me EVER defending BLM rioting. There's an archive site.
U need to learn how to read
I was just pointing out that your blanket statement doesn't cover everyone. I don't even have leftist views, I just (like most of America) strongly disapprove of our failure of a president.
He didnt fail at all. Really sucks that we have a president finally that calls out groups for their bulls*** and still s***ted on.
Oh well he won the election with the bias media against him...he'll be fine"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.Darmik posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
And there are actually white people and people of color that dont want statues ripped down...and guess what theyre not nazis either....and guess what...they were at the rally this past weekend.
Why would they be at a Nazi/White supremacist rally if they were neither of those things?
Idk man to like be an American protest the removal of a statue
And at bullet being pathetic calling me JP guess i can add her to ignore list"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.PoopMcgee420 posted...Darmik posted...
PoopMcgee420 posted...
And there are actually white people and people of color that dont want statues ripped down...and guess what theyre not nazis either....and guess what...they were at the rally this past weekend.
Why would they be at a Nazi/White supremacist rally if they were neither of those things?
Idk man to like be an American protest the removal of a statue
And at bullet being pathetic calling me JP guess i can add her to ignore list
Appears I triggered JerseyProud. Don't feel bad wanting to hide who you are, I bet anyone else would be ashamed of being you as well.even if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - FranklinDarmik posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
Idk man to like be an American protest the removal of a statue
At a white supremacist rally?
Are you willing to march in white supremacist rallies to protest something you disagree with?
JerseyProud: "Blood and Soil! Heil Trump! What? Oh, don't mind me, I'm just here for the food, I'm no Nazi. This swastika is just stylish, and the Tiki torch helps me see better."even if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - FranklinDarmik posted..._RETS_ posted...
Darmik posted...
That wasn't the only thing he was wrong about. He criticized the counter-protestors for not having a permit to protest when they did.
There was probably a ton he was wrong about. With the permit though, I may be mistaken, but whatever permit was granted was for a specific area which of course was very quickly violated as they left that area. That course doesn't make any of the violence right.
I don't imagine a city would approve permits for 2 opposing and volatile groups in the exact same spot without establishing boundaries they needed to adhere to.
Sure. Perhaps the police losing control of the situation are also responsible. It's still weird that despite blabbing on about both sides he only calls out the counter-protestors doing the wrong thing.
fenderbender321 posted...I don't agree with denouncing a group of people. I think it's okay to denounce specific actions and behaviors, but to denounce an entire group of people? That needs to stop, IMO. Both sides.
Nazis and the KKK should be easy enough to denounce without controversy.
PoopMcgee420 posted...Has done done more for minorities than anyone in this topic
Are you talking him about getting sued for discriminating against black people? I agree if so.
1. First he said "many sides", then he specifically condemned the neo-Nazis. THEN when asked to clarify in another presser, he was forced to defend his original "many sides" comment. He did not only call out the counter-protestors. His later focus on them was forced by the press.
2. Trump did not formulate the rental polices that discriminated against black people. His father and landlords were accused of favoring Jews above other rental applicants, including blacks (that's some Neo Nazi there). As an immature young man in his 20s and still under his father's shadow, he vigorously defended the real estate empire his father founded against these accusations. Wrongly. When he became his own man, he supported black inclusion.
http://netrightdaily.com/2016/03/trump-insisted-on-including-jews-and-blacks-at-palm-beach-golf-course-in-1990s/Darmik posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
Idk man to like be an American protest the removal of a statue
At a white supremacist rally?
Are you willing to march in white supremacist rallies to protest something you disagree with?
Theres a statue of a firefighter in my city...if tomorrow the town wanted to remove it and i disagreed with them and went to protest and i saw KKK members do the same thing....guess what...im still going to go. Not because im racist but because i want that statue up still.
Im sorry its too difficult for you to understand"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.PoopMcgee420 posted...Theres a statue of a firefighter in my city...if tomorrow the town wanted to remove it and i disagreed with them and went to protest and i saw KKK members do the same thing....guess what...im still going to go. Not because im racist but because i want that statue up still.
Well I wouldn't side with a f***ing white supremacist rally under any circumstance. They don't deserve allies.Kind Regards,
DarmikDarmik posted...PoopMcgee420 posted...
Theres a statue of a firefighter in my city...if tomorrow the town wanted to remove it and i disagreed with them and went to protest and i saw KKK members do the same thing....guess what...im still going to go. Not because im racist but because i want that statue up still.
Well I wouldn't side with a f***ing white supremacist rally under any circumstance. They don't deserve allies.
Seee im siding with the statue....like i said
Im sorry its too difficult for you to understand"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.Ammonitida posted...Darmik posted...
_RETS_ posted...
Darmik posted...
That wasn't the only thing he was wrong about. He criticized the counter-protestors for not having a permit to protest when they did.
There was probably a ton he was wrong about. With the permit though, I may be mistaken, but whatever permit was granted was for a specific area which of course was very quickly violated as they left that area. That course doesn't make any of the violence right.
I don't imagine a city would approve permits for 2 opposing and volatile groups in the exact same spot without establishing boundaries they needed to adhere to.
Sure. Perhaps the police losing control of the situation are also responsible. It's still weird that despite blabbing on about both sides he only calls out the counter-protestors doing the wrong thing.
fenderbender321 posted...I don't agree with denouncing a group of people. I think it's okay to denounce specific actions and behaviors, but to denounce an entire group of people? That needs to stop, IMO. Both sides.
Nazis and the KKK should be easy enough to denounce without controversy.
PoopMcgee420 posted...Has done done more for minorities than anyone in this topic
Are you talking him about getting sued for discriminating against black people? I agree if so.
1. First he said "many sides", then he specifically condemned the neo-Nazis. THEN when asked to clarify in another presser, he was forced to defend his original "many sides" comment. He did not only call out the counter-protestors. His later focus on them was forced by the press.
2. Trump did not formulate the rental polices that discriminated against black people. His father and landlords were accused of favoring Jews above other rental applicants, including blacks (that's some Neo Nazi there). As an immature young man in his 20s and still under his father's shadow, he vigorously defended the real estate empire his father founded against these accusations. Wrongly. When he became his own man, he supported black inclusion.
lol revisionist history with the most garbage source imaginable...not surprisingly from a nazi sympathizerI am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-FubonisPoopMcgee420 posted...Darmik posted...
PoopMcgee420 posted...
Seee im siding with the statue....like i said
By marching with white supremacists.
Im sorry its too difficult for you to understand
its easy to understand, you are a neo naziI am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-FubonisPoopMcgee420 posted...Darmik posted...
PoopMcgee420 posted...
Theres a statue of a firefighter in my city...if tomorrow the town wanted to remove it and i disagreed with them and went to protest and i saw KKK members do the same thing....guess what...im still going to go. Not because im racist but because i want that statue up still.
Well I wouldn't side with a f***ing white supremacist rally under any circumstance. They don't deserve allies.
Seee im siding with the statue....like i said
Im sorry its too difficult for you to understand
Except that a rally to protest a statue that got taken over by white supremacist is only going to be seen as a white supremacist rally. Staying is only going to show that you are okay with white supremacist. You could always try to organize a new rally or start a petition for your local government officials. But you are hurting your own goal staying at a white supremacist rally.PoopMcgee420 posted...Theres a statue of a firefighter in my city...if tomorrow the town wanted to remove it and i disagreed with them and went to protest and i saw KKK members do the same thing....guess what...im still going to go. Not because im racist but because i want that statue up still.
That's not what this rally was. It was well known ahead of time that this was being organized by white nationalists, with the statue merely serving as a thin pretext. It was not a benign statue protest that white supremacists happened to show up at.kin to all that throbsTmaster148 posted...
Except that a rally to protest a statue that got taken over by white supremacist is only going to be seen as a white supremacist rally. Staying is only going to show that you are okay with white supremacist. You could always try to organize a new rally or start a petition for your local government officials. But you are hurting your own goal staying at a white supremacist rally.
Im not arguing that...im arguing that there were people on BOTH sides that went there to protest. Im saying that those are the people TRUMP complimented.
Trump since i could remember has ripped apart racism and the kkk. (Going back to early 90s). He sent out tweets denouncing hatred and violence. His daughter straight up said kkk. Vp said it and the house said it. Trump then said it again on Monday.
At this point he has constantly been asked over nn over about kkk the white racists for over a year. He has always answered and denounced them...now hes probably tired of it. Should he have said kkkk or w.e by name...yeah probably.
But his tweets were 100% on point. Antifa went there with weapons and tension looking for a fight and the piece of s***s white trash were glad to help them out..
So no not everyone there was a nazi or antifa and we shouldnt condem everyone that was there.
But apparently me saying some facts gets some hypocrites upset. Dont know why, dont care why"Larry Brown has never won a championship." - bond21
Trump is my president.Bullet_Wing posted...Appears I triggered JerseyProud.
Suddenly EVERYTHING about that account is explained.The most relaxing version of Aquatic Ambiance I've ever heard:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl61y1XM7sM- Boards
- Current Events
- i am proud of america for making trump denounce neo nazis and white nationalists
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