A Bernie Sanders supporter says she separated from her husband of 22 years after finding out that he had decided to vote for President Donald Trump. Gayle McCormick, 73, first learned of her husband's voting plans over lunch with friends
"It totally undid me that he could vote for Trump," McCormick said. "I felt like I had been fooling myself. It opened up areas between us I had not faced before. I realized how far I had gone in my life to accept things I would have never accepted when I was younger." "I was incensed," she told the New York Post. "I said, 'I can't believe that somebody I could be married to could vote for someone whose track record is so obviously poor in terms of civil liberties, his feelings about women, how he treats people in general.'" Her husband reportedly changed his mind and ended up writing in former Congressman Newt Gingrich in November 2016, but the damage had already been done. McCormick, a retired prison guard who describes herself as a "Democrat leaning toward socialist," said that while she and her husband are "too old" to get divorced, she has since moved out of their California home and now has her own dwellings in Bellingham, Washington. "It really came down to the fact I needed to not be in a position where I had to argue my point of view 24/7," she told Reuters. "I didn't want to spend the rest of my life doing that." But she admitted that she doesn't expect the transition away from her old life to be a smooth one. "I'm scared I have to find a new dentist. I have to find a new doctor," she told the New York Post. "Those are things that don't seem like much, but when you're 73 and you have diabetes and you've had a stroke, it gets scary to find new people and starting over." In spite of everything, McCormick said she is still on good terms with her husband and plans to maintain a friendly relationship with him. "I like the fact that Bill and I are staying connected for the positive stuff in our lives. I'm very, very proud of that, for him and me," she said. "I think we've done a marvelous job in doing that and maintaining the friendships that we've made together. I'm very proud of that." A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll illustrates the extent to which the 2016 presidential election has affected people's lives. It may be surprising to learn that 16 percent of respondents said they have "stopped talking to a family member or close friend" as a result of the election, while 13 percent admitted to having "ended a relationship with a family member or close friend." Full Article: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/22-years-marriage-seemed-be-holding-strong-couple-everyone-around-them-thought-they-were ![]() 80/80 Have you lost any friends or family over political views?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off.
Hivebent4life alt
Isabelle-K posted...
None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. ![]()
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
This goes way beyond "political differences."
Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17) |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Isabelle-K posted...None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. lol the look on his face when he looks at her eyes. he's like "now i know I'm dumping you."
Most capitalists don't know that you can't become rich without doing the opposite of Jesus Christ's golden rule. Maybe that's why rich folk don't go to heaven.
Isabelle-K posted...
None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. Judging by that uncharitable, knee jerk reaction I'd say they were better off. Disgusting how you would treat your own family members if they voted differently. People are individuals, you don't own anyone.
Rule, Britannia!
GhostSweeper posted...
Judging by that uncharitable, knee jerk reaction I'd say they were better off. Disgusting how you would treat your own family members if they voted differently. People are individuals, you don't own anyone. Pearl clutching: The post
Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17) |
The only family members I know voted for Mango Mussolini were my born-again Christian aunt, my seventeen years unemployed navy Vet uncle (who has been living in my grandmothers house since) and my poorly educated Grandmother.
Nobody else in my extended family voted for that monster. But they all have one thing in common: they all religiously watch Fox News.
Moral nihilism and the Alt-Right go hand in hand, never give up fighting for what is right
(edited 11 hours ago)quote
Isabelle-K posted...
None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. Is this a Tony Kojima alt? Anywho, Joke poster posting a joke response. Also, that lady is a joke and her husband is a joke if he switched his response just to please her.
"Decorating your own meltdowns is all well and good,but a trainwreck is a trainwreck and it might be time to get a paramedic."
(edited 11 hours ago)quote
GhostSweeper posted...
Isabelle-K posted...None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. Several of Trump's campaign promises involved things that would harm both myself, and some other relatives of mine. If any of my family had voted for him, it would have shown that they clearly didn't give a s*** about me, or the rest of the family.
Hivebent4life alt
You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists.
Justin2Krelian posted...
You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists. Considering they cut ties with supporters, I don't think they ever speak to Trump voters
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
Justin2Krelian posted...
You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists. Maybe they shouldn't have gave him the primary. Acting like they aren't as supportive doesn't excuse them. They fell for an obvious con, a charlatan, a man making demonstrably impossible promises that can't take responsibility, can't be honest, has no respect for institutions or the democratic process. A man that uses rhetoric of despots like locking up political opponents. A man the venerates killers and tyrants like Putin.
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...
Justin2Krelian posted...You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists. Go on |
It's her choice. I don't see why it should matter to us.
If someone had such different values from me that I couldn't be around them, I wouldn't anymore. That applies to anyone in my life. I only associate with people that I would feel comfortable introducing to others. That said, I don't discriminate along political lines. Only certain beliefs. I refuse to associate with bigots, be they mysoginists or hardcore men suck feminists. |
Dark_Spiret posted...
so f***ing stupid. I mean, sure, but that's still no reason to divorce your husband.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Heineken14 posted...
Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Right. You take a vow to love them for better and for worse. For health and sickness. |
GhostSweeper posted...
Isabelle-K posted...None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. True. However, among ideological purists, some view the opposing ideology as "actively trying to destroy our country/people/etc." and therefore view those who vote for that side as voting for treason/evil/murder/genocide/baby murder/murder of foreigners/etc. These nutjobs exist on both sides, and the most extreme will disown/shun family and anyone else who doesn't share their ideological views.
Meet Captain Euro, the coolest superhero this side of Aquaman!~~Portal of Evil
[Disillusioned Independent] |
TimeForAction posted...
Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Yeah
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
Isabelle-K posted...
GhostSweeper posted...Isabelle-K posted...None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. There are people who disown their parents/kids/siblings over political differences. Justin2Krelian posted... You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists. Yeah, and most of those people are either indifferent to Trump (largely due to not caring about/not knowing anything about politics), are HIGHLY critical of him, or no longer support him. If I am referring to Trump's hardcore or core supporters, then I use the word "Trump cultists"
Meet Captain Euro, the coolest superhero this side of Aquaman!~~Portal of Evil
[Disillusioned Independent] |
TimeForAction posted...
Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. You also vow: "Until Death do we part." No one takes Marriage Vows seriously anymore. It's disgusting.
Which dystopia do you want to live in? Huxley or Orwell? - AtmosOmega
You guys on this board can be a little biased... |
Taishi Ci CCR posted...
TimeForAction posted...Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Chief among them in our a****** in chief, Donnie. Or the equally slimy Newt Gingrich.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
He didn't actually vote for Trump though. So she separated due to a misunderstanding?
If you see this then l posted from mobile. |
Here are Free Republic quotes about disowning family members, BTW, so that you can see it from the conservative side, since we already have a liberal example in this thread.
I don’t have that problem...everyone in my family has always worked and never on entitlements. That said, I told both of my children that if I even think they voted or would vote for an evil demon like Obama, I’d disown both of them. I have many relatives I have cut off over Obama. And I don’t regret it. I simply refuse to associate with evil and those who support it. If Satan himself showed up and loved ones followed him, I’d cut them out of my life. This calls into the same category. But everyone will have to decide for themselves. This guy mentions a family of Obama cultists. (he actually said something other than "liberal idiots", but I changed it to that to avoid violating the ToU) We have (liberal idiots) in our family as well. Some of them could not worship the Obamas any more than they do. Their house is actually a shrine to them, I kid you not. Their refrigerator is even plastered with photos of Barry, Michelle, and the girls instead of their own children. I could go on and on describing the religious symbols and items that are on display in each room of the house, including the bathrooms. Unfortunately they are not the only (liberal idiots) in our family, just the most devoted. They are so rigid in their thinking that “liberal is good and conservative is bad - actually not just bad but evil” that I seriously don't think there is anything that would wake them up - other than a Damascus Road experience. It is not that they are unintelligent. They are all highly educated. But all of these people are surrounded by (idiot liberals) in their daily lives. Nearly everyone they come in contact with, it seems think exactly like they do. So they think we are the narrow minded ones who are uninformed. SO you can see a theme here, between these and Isabelle's & Ghostsweeper's quotes.
Meet Captain Euro, the coolest superhero this side of Aquaman!~~Portal of Evil
[Disillusioned Independent] |
With me, the only reason I'd do it is because some GOP politicians have literally said they want me and people like me to die. That's the reason I cut off GOP voters. I don't cut off my British relatives who vote Conservative, because while they are a bad party, no prominent Conservative politician is anywhere near as bad as the worst of the GOP.
Sources: http://religionnews.com/2016/05/27/gop-congressman-cites-bible-verses-calling-gays-worthy-of-death/ http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/12/republican-politician-says-theres-a-difference-between-humans-and-gay-people-6632841/ As an LGBT+ person I cannot bring myself to associate with anybody who would support a political party that endorses these messages.
Hivebent4life alt
TimeForAction posted...
Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Yeah, but then he wrote in Newt Gingrich, so we know how seriously he takes those vows...
Green Bay Packers 12-7 Fire Ted Thompson
Seattle Sounders 4-5-4 16pts MLS Champions |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Isabelle-K posted...None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off. That's a girl who's trying to hide the fact she's rocking a remote controlled vibrator and her new boyfriend is controlling it.
I make videos of cool and fun games.
(edited 9 hours ago)quote
The guy ended up voting for Gingrich. Fair, next
Currently playing: The Saboteur, Breath of the Wild, Rivals of Aether
It's a story in a tabloid, wouldn't give it much thought. Tabloids are the click bait and trolls of news print. Usually people know each well enough to either know and accept where they differ or to have moved on years ago. Although if they really were hard core on each side they might be so insufferable that they only could stand each other's presence.
I've seen the future, baby: it is murder
I would hope this wasn't the deciding factor because if it was they are both f***ing stupid
The internet, where people come to be a dumbass.
TimeForAction posted...
Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Women traditionally never follow wedding vows
It's me assassingriskel alt 10
TimmyTurner1716 posted...
TimeForAction posted...Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Yeah cus men don't have a long history of cheating and breaking vows. Stop trying to pretend that one side is at fault of the other. All humans can be s***ty, hell getting a divorce in itself isn't even "s***ty". Besides its not liking wedding vows are a blood oath. If someone isn't happy with their relationship there is no reason they should feel obligated to stay in the relationship for the rest of their lives. Its bad for them and probably their partner. I don't even know why this is news.
(edited 7 hours ago)quote
somelatinphrase posted...
TimmyTurner1716 posted...TimeForAction posted...Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Nah women are not loyal.
It's me assassingriskel alt 10
Sadly my did is a trump supporter. I've talked to him about it, and hoped he would see reason, but no luck. It honestly bothers me quite a bit, because I thought my dad was better than that.
Although it did make me feel slightly better to find out that he doesn't really believe in the things trump believes. He is closer to a never hillary voter. He voted for trump because he wasn't hillary. He thinks trump is an idiot, but doesn't think it matters. He thinks trump's asinine behavior is hilarious, and doesn't think it matters. He doesn't seem to think trumps behavior and actions will have any long term or serious consequences. He thinks both democrats and republican congress members are liars and crooks. Everything else is just ignorance. He supported trump leaving the Paris Accords, only because he had been watching fox news and everything he thought and knew about it was wrong. |
22 years of marriage over, cuz Political differences? That's tragic.
261, please learn from this article. Politics isn't so paramount in our lives, that you'd ostracize your family and your friends. At least I hope you wouldn't alienate them based upon ones politics. It's ok to Agree to Disagree on the issues. We are all Never going to agree and think alike. That's a good thing! Imagine if We all thought alike and believed in the same things. Would be a rather boring existence, don'tcha think?
Nothing of Great value & Worth was ever gained without some form of chance taking or risk.
Porunga posted...
Sadly my did is a trump supporter. I've talked to him about it, and hoped he would see reason, but no luck. It honestly bothers me quite a bit, because I thought my dad was better than that. People who said that they didn't vote FOR Trump, but AGAINST Hillary are there worst. It's the same damn thing. Imagine this argument: I didn't choose to let him die. I chose to not perform the Heimlich Maneuver even though I could have.
You guys hate SJWs? Blame your favorite developers for pandering to white men for the past 30 years.
TimmyTurner1716 posted...
somelatinphrase posted...TimmyTurner1716 posted...TimeForAction posted...Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Hey man if you wanna believe that to make up for your glaring insecurities and inadequacy be my guest. Women aren't losing out.
(edited 7 hours ago)quote
pnut027 posted...
Porunga posted...Sadly my did is a trump supporter. I've talked to him about it, and hoped he would see reason, but no luck. It honestly bothers me quite a bit, because I thought my dad was better than that. I agree, but as I said it does make me feel a little better that he isn't a vile and hateful person believing what trump believes. The result is the same, but it is a small comfort. He is from Kansas, so I think him being a republican was inevitable. He is a good person, and I believe most of his political stances comes from ignorance rather than hate and spite. As I said, small comforts. |
Wow.....there's no moving out and staying married.
But each their own.
Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are.
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y115/jckorn86/smallerbanner.jpg |
TimmyTurner1716 posted...
somelatinphrase posted...TimmyTurner1716 posted...TimeForAction posted...Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. According to French research 61% of wives cheat on their husbands. That's almost 2/3rds. Crazy
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
UnfairRepresent posted...
TimmyTurner1716 posted...somelatinphrase posted...TimmyTurner1716 posted...TimeForAction posted...Heineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...so f***ing stupid. Exactly
It's me assassingriskel alt 10
The rationale is a bit silly, but who knew so many people here were rage filled when it comes to stuff like couples separating? Not even divorcing, but simply the idea that two people who were once in love, or at least felt like they were, no longer being together is THAT big of a deal?
The Great Muta 22 posted...
The rationale is a bit silly, but who knew so many people here were rage filled when it comes to stuff like couples separating? Not even divorcing, but simply the idea that two people who were once in love, or at least felt like they were, no longer being together is THAT big of a deal? It aint. People split for dumber reasons so... |
- Boards
- Politics
- Woman leaves her husband of 22 years because he supports president Donald Trump.
omega bahumat posted...It's her choice. I don't see why it should matter to us.
If someone had such different values from me that I couldn't be around them, I wouldn't anymore.
That applies to anyone in my life. I only associate with people that I would feel comfortable introducing to others. That said, I don't discriminate along political lines. Only certain beliefs. I refuse to associate with bigots, be they mysoginists or hardcore men suck feminists.
You're not worth the pot you piss inSeems fairly overreactive for me strictly from a time standpoint. I completely understand the idea of seeing difference because you've progressed ideologically and he hasn't, but after 22 years if you can't sit down, have enough honest heart to hearts resolve it and move on than you probably just wanted s new relationship. Which is weird at 73 cuz I don't know what to think.
Pretty much everyone IRL that I know who voted for Trump pretty much fits the mold. The already aforementioned born again Uncle, crazy cousin who was posting Saul Lintsky conspiracy theories on FB so much that I hid his feed, old friend who was a Libertarian and moved to the woods to be a doomsday prepper and a guy from New York who was raised believing Trumps business lies.
But the last one is the best. I recently met the biggest Trump supporter through a mutual friend and he guaranteed me that Trump would be in there for 8 years. "You just KNOW it!" and has to constantly reference and thinks it's cool our President is in the WWE HOF. He caught me smoking pot once at a friends party, while he was clutching a bottle of depressant, and was like "When I was a cop there were more deaths from weed than alcohol." I lol'd at that made up fact and later found out he was a day desk clerk for local police and that he actually lives in his parents basement. An expert on everything who knows nothing. He constantly tries to one up stories, and will literally and I mean that word the way it's supposed to be used, stop you every sentence of a story to relate something that he had done like that. My post is done but I'm going to verbatim a story I was trying to tell last night about putting together a trip with my guy friends from the past TO SOMONE ELSE that this dude WALKED UP ON, just to vent my head and for my own personal s***s and giggles cuz it literally just happened.
"One of my buddies had never been to Disney, outside the parks, and tried any of that stuff."
"I have a Disney pass!"
"Cool. So we planned a little day trip like eight of us and we booked a tea time at one of the Disney courses."
"You only pay 35 for cart fees at those course with an annual pass! Did you know that?"(FL rate is actually cheaper if you were less worried about your exclusivity)
"Nah, but we did 25 on GolfNow. So the whole idea of the trip was a fun day, around the parks without going in or spending a lot of money. Next we went to rent boats from the Polynesian."
"Oh my god they have they have that restaurant there!"
"Yeah Ohana. It's delicious. Anyway..."
"Is that it? The place with the Hawaiian food and the bread, is that the Polynesian or the Grand Floridian?"(Just the context on that one)
MY WIFE FROM THE SIDE: "Dude we got married there, we ought to know."
"It's Ohana, at the Polynesian, because that's actually we ate after we got done. Spoiler alert."
"But you're sure that's the one at the Polynesian?"Yup Joked can really be an ass at times, a kick ass, hilarious ass, but an ass none the less.- J Dogg WWJBD/JBPHC =w= RIP MitchA Bernie Sanders supporter
Stop reading right there. Definitely not of sound mind.All lives matter. Except terrorist.Each relationship is unique and, as they've been married for 22 years, we lack context to make any meaningful judgement on their choice.
Ending relationships because of political differences in general is certainly something we can talk about however.
Politics are divisive, now more than ever. You don't win by showing how you can make things better but by convincing people your opponent is the worst person they could ever vote for, that they're straight up evil. How can you maintain a close relationship with someone supporting a madman hellbent on destroying your country and everything that's important to you? Either they're evil themselves or they're just too dumb to realize what is oh so obvious. Either way, odds are you don't respect them too much.
Of course, it all depends on how much you're invested in it.I'm sorry but if Donald Trump is your breaking point there were other, significantly more severe, issues in your marriage already. Nice click bait piece though.The only people that can say what matters to gaming are those that buy and play them.-Ollie Barder, Forbes ContributorHey, but we were told "Love Trumps Hate"......well apparently not.Political correctness is the fascism of the 90s-Roger EbertUnfairRepresent posted...A Bernie Sanders supporter says she separated from her husband of 22 years after finding out that he had decided to vote for President Donald Trump. Gayle McCormick, 73, first learned of her husband's voting plans over lunch with friends
"It totally undid me that he could vote for Trump," McCormick said. "I felt like I had been fooling myself. It opened up areas between us I had not faced before. I realized how far I had gone in my life to accept things I would have never accepted when I was younger."
"I was incensed," she told the New York Post. "I said, 'I can't believe that somebody I could be married to could vote for someone whose track record is so obviously poor in terms of civil liberties, his feelings about women, how he treats people in general.'"
Her husband reportedly changed his mind and ended up writing in former Congressman Newt Gingrich in November 2016, but the damage had already been done.
McCormick, a retired prison guard who describes herself as a "Democrat leaning toward socialist," said that while she and her husband are "too old" to get divorced, she has since moved out of their California home and now has her own dwellings in Bellingham, Washington.
"It really came down to the fact I needed to not be in a position where I had to argue my point of view 24/7," she told Reuters. "I didn't want to spend the rest of my life doing that."
But she admitted that she doesn't expect the transition away from her old life to be a smooth one.
"I'm scared I have to find a new dentist. I have to find a new doctor," she told the New York Post. "Those are things that don't seem like much, but when you're 73 and you have diabetes and you've had a stroke, it gets scary to find new people and starting over."
In spite of everything, McCormick said she is still on good terms with her husband and plans to maintain a friendly relationship with him.
"I like the fact that Bill and I are staying connected for the positive stuff in our lives. I'm very, very proud of that, for him and me," she said. "I think we've done a marvelous job in doing that and maintaining the friendships that we've made together. I'm very proud of that."
A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll illustrates the extent to which the 2016 presidential election has affected people's lives.
It may be surprising to learn that 16 percent of respondents said they have "stopped talking to a family member or close friend" as a result of the election, while 13 percent admitted to having "ended a relationship with a family member or close friend."
Full Article: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/22-years-marriage-seemed-be-holding-strong-couple-everyone-around-them-thought-they-were
Have you lost any friends or family over political views?It's not stupidity, it's something much worse. It's... the GameSpot comment section!-Stebsis
Gimme dat, gimme dat, gimme dat DramaFAQs-misterbumVon23 posted...Isabelle-K posted...
None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off.
Is this a Tony Kojima alt?
Anywho, Joke poster posting a joke response.
Also, that lady is a joke and her husband is a joke if he switched his response just to please her.
If he wanted to please her he'd have voted for Bernie right? He wrote in Newt Gingrich.You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.I would never cut anyone off for political differences. If you are that close to somebody then you know them more than who they vote for. There are a million reasons as to why people vote the way they do. 99% of the time it was well intentioned. I would talk to them to try to understand, as I do with everyone, but I would still love her. It'll take more than a vote for me to turn on family.Games I'm looking forward to: Super Smash Bros 3DS & Wii U, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Kingdom Hearts HD Remix 2.5, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XVmninp posted...I would never cut anyone off for political differences. If you are that close to somebody then you know them more than who they vote for. There are a million reasons as to why people vote the way they do. 99% of the time it was well intentioned. I would talk to them to try to understand, as I do with everyone, but I would still love her. It'll take more than a vote for me to turn on family.
I agree with this. I would never vote for Trump but I'm sure I interact with people on a daily basis that did. Nice people. I'm sure I have friends who did, maybe even family members who did. Takes more than a difference of opinion on politics to make me cut someone off.You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.I say, good.
GhostSweeper posted...Isabelle-K posted...
None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off.
Judging by that uncharitable, knee jerk reaction I'd say they were better off. Disgusting how you would treat your own family members if they voted differently. People are individuals, you don't own anyone.
You're supporting someone who's a sexist, racist bigot. It's understandable that he would disown them if they had voted for Trump.(edited 5 hours ago)quoteMy brother still supports Trump but he has always been a stubborn a****** so nothing has really changed. I tolerate him at times but he is an emotional roller coaster.Brought to you by GameFlux
Free GameFAQs app on Google Play!This woman should be hailed as a hero.100% of white supremacists, white power and white hate groups are Trump fans and supportersBastionofStraz posted...This woman should be hailed as a hero.
I definitely agree. She has a brain.I call shenanigans.
That's not the real reason.All for profit and profit for all.
Giants and Yankees!Shinobi120 posted...BastionofStraz posted...
This woman should be hailed as a hero.
I definitely agree. She has a brain.
Liberal logic^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgIts really not any of my business what state her marriage is in or the reasons for said state.I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-JoshGood for herI don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I am your sXe hero.
They should build a mosque in mecca. Right next to the dome of the rock. -- Lord SideousI like how it mentioned that he ultimately wrote in Newt Gingrich instead, as if Newt Gingrich is any more respectable than Trump.PSN: TheUndying84Even my dumbest, most conservative relatives and friends didn't vote for Trump. Not sure what I would say to a friend who actually did that.It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
- willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcasTypical liberal "tolerance"Like a corpse in a shallow grave, corruption rises to the surface...Xipe-Totec posted...Typical liberal "tolerance"
This stupidity always gets thrown around every time a liberal doesn't like something. There's a difference between tolerating somebody legally and tolerating somebody socially. I don't think Trump supporters should be thrown in jail. I just think they're stupid and probably wouldn't have much to discuss with them.It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
- willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcasGood, she did the right thing. He voted for Trump because Trump wants to hurt people. She couldn't tolerate such a person.Greatest Shows of All Time.
Avatar: The Last Airbender, SWAT Kats, Sailor Moon, Tetsuwan Atom 2K3, Transformers, Spiderfriends(edited 3 hours ago)quoteXipe-Totec posted...Typical liberal "tolerance"
This is why we shouldn't call it tolerance, it implies we don't like minorities/gays/whatever but graciously allow them to pretend they are real people anyway instead of not disliking them in the first place.
Of course, even then its stupid to compare not mistreating people for things beyond their control with not mistreating people over choices they had full control over.I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-Joshmrplainswalker posted...a liberal doesn't like something.
This is what a liberal defines divorcing a husband of 22 years^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgUnfairRepresent posted...This is what a liberal defines divorcing a husband of 22 years
Yeah...she decided she didn't like him anymore. So what? Like I said, social tolerance vs legal tolerance.It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
- willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcasmrplainswalker posted...Even my dumbest, most conservative relatives and friends didn't vote for Trump. Not sure what I would say to a friend who actually did that.
Not talk politics maybe?You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.ChaoticKnuckles posted...mrplainswalker posted...
Even my dumbest, most conservative relatives and friends didn't vote for Trump. Not sure what I would say to a friend who actually did that.
Not talk politics maybe?
Or better yet, talk politcs and still be a friend^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpggood moveArrrr the SS Goku, Mighty fine boat... -fatmatt
Hope Frieza doesn't chuck an Iceberg at the Goku, otherwise it's all over. -NekoslashChaoticKnuckles posted...Not talk politics maybe?
All of my friends tend to talk politics, so it would come up in group discussions at some point. At which point I would ask them why. So far Trump supporters have no good answer to that question. Everything Trump campaigned on was dumb. Then in his victory party, he admitted that he lied about his promises to get votes. Then he backpedaled on everything he promised, all the while sounding like a dumbass in speeches and on twitter.
If you got caught up in the furor and voted for him, I guess I could kind of understand that. But if you still support him after all his stupid s***, lies, ineffectiveness at everything and broken oaths...what the hell is wrong with you?
Edit: I'll add that if they voted for him as the "lesser of two evils," that also gets a pass from me. As long as they recognize that he's still awful. If they're one of these dips*** cultists who think he's amazing and constantly say "MAGA" and talk about winning...then they're stupid to the point that they would have never been my friend in the first place. That's like a person who plays chess with you and insists that they won after flipping the board. Why would I hang out with somebody like that?It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
- willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcas(edited 3 hours ago)quoteKeep it up liberals. Your "anyone who voted for Trump is a disgusting racist sexist monster" s*** is going to guarantee another four years of the Donald. Amazing how a party's stupidity can continue after it lost them an election, but such is the way of the left.
By all means, continue throwing the racist/sexist label at everyone who disagrees with you. That's why your would-be Queen Hilary got absolutely embarrassed despite all the polls saying she had it in the bag. People are absolutely sick of the left and all their PC followers that have the most ass-backwards viewpoints imaginable. A ton of independents voted Trump just to stick it to all the crybabies on the left. lmao(edited 3 hours ago)quoteWalterBlue posted...Amazing how a party's stupidity can continue after it lost them an election, but such is the way of the left.
Trump supporters should be thankful every day for the fact Liberals are so emotional and crazy
If they were acting reasonably Trump would never have won and if somehow he did, he would be roadblocked at every corner.
Right now Trump is dominating purely because his opposition melts down every time he tweets^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgSouth Park is genius. You're mad at people voting for a douche when you voted for a turd. Sorry the turd didn't win, maybe next time.(edited 2 hours ago)quoteUnfairRepresent posted...ChaoticKnuckles posted...
mrplainswalker posted...
Even my dumbest, most conservative relatives and friends didn't vote for Trump. Not sure what I would say to a friend who actually did that.
Not talk politics maybe?
Or better yet, talk politcs and still be a friend
That works too.You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.User728 posted...Sounds like she's a crazy lady and a piece of garbage.
AKA a typical non-Trump voter. Based upon the post-election reactions from the left, I don't understand how anyone in their right mind can either vote for a DNC or be a part of the DNC themselves.You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.This is GameFAQs. People here take great pride in ignoring common sense.(edited 2 hours ago)quoteWalterBlue posted...Keep it up liberals. Your "anyone who voted for Trump is a disgusting racist sexist monster" s*** is going to guarantee another four years of the Donald. Amazing how a party's stupidity can continue after it lost them an election, but such is the way of the left.
By all means, continue throwing the racist/sexist label at everyone who disagrees with you. That's why your would-be Queen Hilary got absolutely embarrassed despite all the polls saying she had it in the bag. People are absolutely sick of the left and all their PC followers that have the most ass-backwards viewpoints imaginable. A ton of independents voted Trump just to stick it to all the crybabies on the left. lmao
issue is that trump voters are not necessarily "evil"
but they are intentionally uninformed and are perpetuating ignorance
ignorance held its ground for far too long as a reason to get away with doing dumb s***
we are crossing over a line where all the ignorant people are causing major damage to the country
any person who got good vibes from trump during his presidential run didn't take 5 f***ing minutes to look up his documented history of being a massive egomaniac
when you look at how bad of a candidate Hillary really was .......when you put her against trump she looks pretty f***ing good despite her awful flawsFree thinkers are dangerousThis is just pure mental. This "us versus them and they're evil" mentality of the left has gotten way out-of-hand.3Storms posted...This is just pure mental. This "us versus them and they're evil" mentality of the left has gotten way out-of-hand.
That's what happens when the right stirs that pot for 16 years.Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.Anarchy_Juiblex posted...Justin2Krelian posted...
You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists.
Maybe they shouldn't have gave him the primary. Acting like they aren't as supportive doesn't excuse them.
They fell for an obvious con, a charlatan, a man making demonstrably impossible promises that can't take responsibility, can't be honest, has no respect for institutions or the democratic process. A man that uses rhetoric of despots like locking up political opponents. A man the venerates killers and tyrants like Putin.
You mean like Obama?Poopsock NationWalterBlue posted...Keep it up liberals. Your "anyone who voted for Trump is a disgusting racist sexist monster" s*** is going to guarantee another four years of the Donald. Amazing how a party's stupidity can continue after it lost them an election, but such is the way of the left.
By all means, continue throwing the racist/sexist label at everyone who disagrees with you. That's why your would-be Queen Hilary got absolutely embarrassed despite all the polls saying she had it in the bag. People are absolutely sick of the left and all their PC followers that have the most ass-backwards viewpoints imaginable. A ton of independents voted Trump just to stick it to all the crybabies on the left. lmao
Well said brother.Poopsock NationxOmniCloudx posted...You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.
The reason people get so up in arms over divorce reasons is because when you get married you're vowing not to leave the other person over petty stuff. It's not really the same as any other coupling, you make no such promise to someone you're just dating. You can leave over the smallest thing, when it comes to marriage it's supposed to be deeper than that.You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.This is mind cancer. When you engage in Othering to the point where you you're convinced anyone on the other side is pure evil, you're officially brainwashed.
Let's not even pretend half the board doesn't think like these simpletons.It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Rico, YOU know what to DO!-Kicksave- posted...This is mind cancer. When you engage in Othering to the point where you you're convinced anyone on the other side is pure evil, you're officially brainwashed.
Let's not even pretend half the board doesn't think like these simpletons.
Have you ever heard Trump talking?Behold my beauty!ChaoticKnuckles posted...xOmniCloudx posted...
You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.
The reason people get so up in arms over divorce reasons is because when you get married you're vowing not to leave the other person over petty stuff. It's not really the same as any other coupling, you make no such promise to someone you're just dating. You can leave over the smallest thing, when it comes to marriage it's supposed to be deeper than that.
That was only true in traditional marriage. In modern day marriage literally none of the vows of traditional marriage have to be used as you can make up your own. You also don't need anyone religious or affiliated with the church make it legal either these days as it's now a state controlled option due to the legal aspects of it. These days marriage is just a glorified symbol or business move.This is GameFAQs. People here take great pride in ignoring common sense.(edited 2 hours ago)quoteChaoticKnuckles posted...xOmniCloudx posted...
You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.
The reason people get so up in arms over divorce reasons is because when you get married you're vowing not to leave the other person over petty stuff. It's not really the same as any other coupling, you make no such promise to someone you're just dating. You can leave over the smallest thing, when it comes to marriage it's supposed to be deeper than that.
Yeah, only Trump can choose to leave multiple wives! For everyone else, it's a lifetime commitment! Get it right, librulz!100% of white supremacists, white power and white hate groups are Trump fans and supporters- Boards
- Politics
- Woman leaves her husband of 22 years because he supports president Donald Trump.
xOmniCloudx posted...ChaoticKnuckles posted...
xOmniCloudx posted...
You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.
The reason people get so up in arms over divorce reasons is because when you get married you're vowing not to leave the other person over petty stuff. It's not really the same as any other coupling, you make no such promise to someone you're just dating. You can leave over the smallest thing, when it comes to marriage it's supposed to be deeper than that.
That was only true in traditional marriage. In modern day marriage literally none of the vows of traditional marriage have to be used as you can make up your own. You also don't need anyone religious or affiliated with the church make it legal either these days as it's now a state controlled option due to the legal aspects of it. These days marriage is just a glorified symbol or business move.
I get what you're saying but just because a lot of people treat it like any other relationship doesn't mean it's turned into one. There are plenty of us out there who take marriage very seriously. I frown upon people who enter into it frivolously and I frown upon people that exit it for frivolous reasons. Making up the vows doesn't change the promise that you're making to that other person. I know I can't stop anyone from getting married for money or getting divorced over who their partner voted for but I certainly don't agree with it or approve or think that it's no big deal.You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.(edited 2 hours ago)quoteBastionofStraz posted...ChaoticKnuckles posted...
xOmniCloudx posted...
You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.
The reason people get so up in arms over divorce reasons is because when you get married you're vowing not to leave the other person over petty stuff. It's not really the same as any other coupling, you make no such promise to someone you're just dating. You can leave over the smallest thing, when it comes to marriage it's supposed to be deeper than that.
Yeah, only Trump can choose to leave multiple wives! For everyone else, it's a lifetime commitment! Get it right, librulz!
I hope you're not implying that I feel that way, because I don't. If Trump left his wives over frivolous things he shouldn't have done that either. And he shouldn't have married them in the first place if something frivolous could cause him to leave. I know how I feel about marriage is very old fashioned but it's how I feel. I took a lot of time before I finally got married and I fully intend to honor that commitment for the rest of my life.You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI."It's okay to dump your husband of 22 years because I don't actually value vows at all and was lying to mislead people when I said them!"
That's your argument for not being a terrible person?^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgChaoticKnuckles posted...xOmniCloudx posted...
ChaoticKnuckles posted...
xOmniCloudx posted...
You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.
The reason people get so up in arms over divorce reasons is because when you get married you're vowing not to leave the other person over petty stuff. It's not really the same as any other coupling, you make no such promise to someone you're just dating. You can leave over the smallest thing, when it comes to marriage it's supposed to be deeper than that.
That was only true in traditional marriage. In modern day marriage literally none of the vows of traditional marriage have to be used as you can make up your own. You also don't need anyone religious or affiliated with the church make it legal either these days as it's now a state controlled option due to the legal aspects of it. These days marriage is just a glorified symbol or business move.
I get what you're saying but just because a lot of people treat it like any other relationship doesn't mean it's turned into one. There are plenty of us out there who take marriage very seriously. I frown upon people who enter into it frivolously and I frown upon people that exit it for frivolous reasons. Making up the vows doesn't change the promise that you're making to that other person. I know I can't stop anyone from getting married for money or getting divorced over who their partner voted for but I certainly don't agree with it or approve or think that it's no big deal.
Your vows ARE your promises. Your marriage will always depend on your promises seeing that. Are you forgetting the people who marry only for visas or citizenship? They don't care about any of that since it's just business for them. Factually, marriage is just a legal status these days with any individual beliefs being outright irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. No matter how you feel, the legal side will always prevail over your feelings.
I personally think marriage is pointless when people have the ability to make up what they please about it and then have the option to divorce anyway. Divorce alone negates marriage having any credibility. People would take it far more seriously if there was actually a serious consequence for not trying to be absolutely sure you chose the right person.This is GameFAQs. People here take great pride in ignoring common sense.Eliteguard999 posted...The only family members I know voted for Mango Mussolini were my born-again Christian aunt, my seventeen years unemployed navy Vet uncle (who has been living in my grandmothers house since) and my poorly educated Grandmother.
Nobody else in my extended family voted for that monster.
But they all have one thing in common: they all religiously watch Fox News.
"boo hoo! the mango trump monster!"UnfairRepresent posted..."It's okay to dump your husband of 22 years because I don't actually value vows at all and was lying to mislead people when I said them!"
That's your argument for not being a terrible person?
Its so interesting that you were at their wedding and know the exact vows made during it. Please tell us more, was the wedding cake good?I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-JoshNow a trailer park in washington has yet another cat lady moving inXbox GT: l0rdg0ld666 | 3DS FC: 1848-2391-0198
[LXGC] - Lethal Xtreme Gaming crewSurprised this was news. Did she leave him and then call the press?When in danger or in doubt
Run in circles scream and shoutA lot of people are saying it's a shame that this drove them apart after being so long, but I'm going to go the other way and say it's actually pretty admirable that someone her age wasn't afraid to make such a radical change that she thought would better her life (let's put aside the debate of whether political differences should be a deciding factor). We're conditioned to think of divorce as an inherently sad thing, but people get divorced because they're not happy together. So many people stay in miserable marriages out of sheer inertia, and I think it's brave to break away from that mentality of staying together just to avoid admitting defeat."50 Cent is just an alt account I use to troll the world." -T MacI hope this is a case where she wanted out of the marriage anyway and this was just the thing she latched onto to give herself permission to go through with it.
I can't imagine ostracizing family, friends or especially someone you are otherwise in a happy relationship with purely over a difference in political views. Politics is important, but it's not that important.Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.Political views are how you think the world should be. If you think the world should be like Trump, then well I just don't know what to tell you.UnfairRepresent posted...Trump supporters should be thankful every day for the fact Liberals are so emotional and crazy
If they were acting reasonably Trump would never have won and if somehow he did, he would be roadblocked at every corner.
Right now Trump is dominating purely because his opposition melts down every time he tweets
Multiple scientific studies have shown that conservatives are objectively more emotional than liberals.PSN: TheUndying84I seriously doubt this was the real reason. More like a convenient excuse after a lifetime of mediocre marriage.Thus I became a madman.Justin2Krelian posted...You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists.
Right, and that means the entire Republican party is full of s***.Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)SPMcGuilicutty posted...Justin2Krelian posted...
You guys realize most of the people who voted for Trump were just regular Republican voters, not hardcore Trumpists.
Right, and that means the entire Republican party is full of s***.
AS opposed to the Democratic party and Hiliary Clinton who are bastions of hope, truth and courage
While they accept Saudi Arabian money and throw Sanders under the bus^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgUnfairRepresent posted...BUT HILLARY CLINTON, I CANNOT DIRECTLY CRITICIZE TRUMP
If I had a nickle for every time a conservative has deflected to Clinton or Obama, I'd be rich enough to run for president and make them vote for me.Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)(edited 49 minutes ago)quoteI never said or implied that you can't critcize Trump.
I just pointed out that defending literally divorcing your husband of 22 years because he supports Trump by going "Well Republicans are all s***!" is incredibly foolhardy when not only is a sad and pathetic reason to disregard marriage vows but also both parties are covered to the rim in s*** in fact I'd argue the Democrats are worse on that level.^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgUnfairRepresent posted...I never said or implied that you can't critcize Trump.
I just pointed out that defending literally divorcing your husband of 22 years because he supports Trump by going "Well Republicans are all s***!" is incredibly foolhardy when not only is a sad and pathetic reason to disregard marriage vows but also both parties are covered to the rim in s*** in fact I'd argue the Democrats are worse on that level.
But that's wrong. Democrats didn't elect a corrupt, idiotic, crude, crass, know-nothing, racist joke of a president. Voting for Trump demonstrates either an extreme lapse in judgement, or worse, he's exactly what you wanted, in which case it reflects on your character. You can't just scream "both sides same but actually democrats worse" at me, because it doesn't work on me.
I wouldn't want to be married to someone who is either so misanthropic that they voted for this jackass, or so brainwashed that they just reflexively vote R no matter who is at the top of the ballot.Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)xOmniCloudx posted...ChaoticKnuckles posted...
xOmniCloudx posted...
ChaoticKnuckles posted...
xOmniCloudx posted...
You can make your own vows and marriage stopped meaning anything when divorce was allowed. It's the same as any coupling, just with tax writes off. If you don't want to be with someone leave, it really is that simple. Amazing that people get butthurt over the reasons why people get divorced but then throw that at others. You'll never make me stay in another miserable relationship ever again regardless of how long I was with someone.
The reason people get so up in arms over divorce reasons is because when you get married you're vowing not to leave the other person over petty stuff. It's not really the same as any other coupling, you make no such promise to someone you're just dating. You can leave over the smallest thing, when it comes to marriage it's supposed to be deeper than that.
That was only true in traditional marriage. In modern day marriage literally none of the vows of traditional marriage have to be used as you can make up your own. You also don't need anyone religious or affiliated with the church make it legal either these days as it's now a state controlled option due to the legal aspects of it. These days marriage is just a glorified symbol or business move.
I get what you're saying but just because a lot of people treat it like any other relationship doesn't mean it's turned into one. There are plenty of us out there who take marriage very seriously. I frown upon people who enter into it frivolously and I frown upon people that exit it for frivolous reasons. Making up the vows doesn't change the promise that you're making to that other person. I know I can't stop anyone from getting married for money or getting divorced over who their partner voted for but I certainly don't agree with it or approve or think that it's no big deal.
Your vows ARE your promises. Your marriage will always depend on your promises seeing that. Are you forgetting the people who marry only for visas or citizenship? They don't care about any of that since it's just business for them. Factually, marriage is just a legal status these days with any individual beliefs being outright irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. No matter how you feel, the legal side will always prevail over your feelings.
I personally think marriage is pointless when people have the ability to make up what they please about it and then have the option to divorce anyway. Divorce alone negates marriage having any credibility. People would take it far more seriously if there was actually a serious consequence for not trying to be absolutely sure you chose the right person.
You know the bolded part is illegal right? Just because people do it doesn't change my opinion on what marriage should be nor is it something I'm okay with. People do stuff all the time that isn't cool, just because it happens and I can't do anything about it doesn't mean I'm cool with it. And there have to be options for divorce, such as if your spouse abuses you. There are legitimate reasons for divorce, which is why it exists. Doesn't change how I personally feel about marriage at all.You look EXTREMELY immature when you announce that you're about to ignore someone. No one cares, including the person about to be ignored. Just FYI.Eliteguard999 posted...The only family members I know voted for Mango Mussolini were my born-again Christian aunt, my seventeen years unemployed navy Vet uncle (who has been living in my grandmothers house since) and my poorly educated Grandmother.
Nobody else in my extended family voted for that monster.
But they all have one thing in common: they all religiously watch Fox News.
Comparing Trump to Mussolini ... And, the Left still can't figure out how they lost - idiotic rhetoric.Thebrah posted...UnfairRepresent posted...
Isabelle-K posted...
None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off.
lol the look on his face when he looks at her eyes. he's like "now i know I'm dumping you."
haha yepThe ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing- SocratesThis situation provides further evidence for the notion that many Leftists see a different political opinion as a personal attack against them.
We see this unfortunate phenomenon right here on 261, where people with differing opinions are smeared as trolls by the intolerant.The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing- SocratesIMadepooh4U posted...This situation provides further evidence for the notion that many Leftists see a different political opinion as a personal attack against them.
Conservatism isn't a "political opinion."Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)SPMcGuilicutty posted...IMadepooh4U posted...
This situation provides further evidence for the notion that many Leftists see a different political opinion as a personal attack against them.
Conservatism isn't a "political opinion."
I know going to regret this but what is it then?When in danger or in doubt
Run in circles scream and shoutUnfairRepresent posted...I never said or implied that you can't critcize Trump.
I just pointed out that defending literally divorcing your husband of 22 years because he supports Trump by going "Well Republicans are all s***!" is incredibly foolhardy when not only is a sad and pathetic reason to disregard marriage vows but also both parties are covered to the rim in s*** in fact I'd argue the Democrats are worse on that level.
Who gives a s***? People can get divorced (or not) for whatever goddamn reason they want. Your continued mentioning of this stupid point indicates some rather archaic views on your part.PSN: TheUndying84UnfairRepresent posted...I never said or implied that you can't critcize Trump.
I just pointed out that defending literally divorcing your husband of 22 years because he supports Trump by going "Well Republicans are all s***!" is incredibly foolhardy when not only is a sad and pathetic reason to disregard marriage vows but also both parties are covered to the rim in s*** in fact I'd argue the Democrats are worse on that level.
Still waiting on that cake flavor, vow witnessing wedding attendee.
And seriously, you are acting like severe differences in ideology is some little 'he keeps forgetting to put the seat back down' thing instead of a huge thing that can easily generate a lot of friction depending on how seriously they take certain issues.I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-Joshcrillgamer posted...SPMcGuilicutty posted...
IMadepooh4U posted...
This situation provides further evidence for the notion that many Leftists see a different political opinion as a personal attack against them.
Conservatism isn't a "political opinion."
I know going to regret this but what is it then?
A philosophy.The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing- Socratescrillgamer posted...I know going to regret this but what is it then?
It's greed, spite, and bigotry, masquerading as a serious political ideology.Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)IMadepooh4U posted...A philosophy.
It's not a philosophy, as it is both morally and intellectually bankrupt.Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)On topic marriage is serious imo. If you're not going to have kids don't bother. The kids get a little screwed up in divorces. Not to mention child support and/or alimony. Not easy to find a good partner either.When in danger or in doubt
Run in circles scream and shout(edited 19 minutes ago)quoteSPMcGuilicutty posted...
But that's wrong. Democrats didn't elect a corrupt, idiotic, crude, crass, know-nothing, racist joke of a president.
No they just attempted to and failed.^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgMy s***ty uncle who is a registered sex offender voted for Trump. We already hated him before that, but now we hate him even more. We can't ignore him though since my grandparents wouldn't like that. But once they pass away I am never talking to him again.
Oh also he is a die hard republican who calls liberals lazy, yet he is in his 50's and has no job and lives off my grandpa and grandma.Please stop reading this signature(edited 4 minutes ago)quoteHeineken14 posted...Dark_Spiret posted...
so f***ing stupid.
I mean, sure, but that's still no reason to divorce your husband.
TimeForAction posted...Heineken14 posted...
Dark_Spiret posted...
so f***ing stupid.
I mean, sure, but that's still no reason to divorce your husband.
Right. You take a vow to love them for better and for worse. For health and sickness.
Sadly, these days that is just a formality.
Some even change the vow to "for as long as our love shall last".
I think it's silly. I think before people decide to get married, they need to have some sort of counseling, to better help them understand what they are getting into.
Some people LITERALLY go to divorce as a default option. It's so stupid.PSN: KillingLegacy Gamertag: Killing LegacyUnfairRepresent posted...SPMcGuilicutty posted...
But that's wrong. Democrats didn't elect a corrupt, idiotic, crude, crass, know-nothing, racist joke of a president.
No they just attempted to and failed.
No, they didn't.Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)Isabelle-K posted...None of my family were moronic enough to vote for Trump, but if they had, I'd have cut them off.
This is weekdays wrong with both democrats and republicans, and a root cause as to why our government gets nothing done, and I fear it's even worse at this point with democrats.
We've forgotten we're all Americans regardless of which do-nothing, lazy corrupt party you support.Oh wow, I must be so dumb, I put an "e" instead of an "a"
I definitely didn't do it on purpose to troll/mess with you grammar Nazis
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