Notice anything odd?
From Sunday through Wednesday this week there's almost nothing on his calendar.
Trump is leaving for an overseas trip to France later Wednesday to celebrate Bastille Day on July 14. Some have assumed he's been preparing for that trip, while others, and news reports, say the administration is in crisis mode, the White House in a bunker mentality after months of increasingly bad news surrounding the Russia investigation.
So what exactly is the President doing this week?
Hanging out with the religious right. The far Christian right. The very anti-gay, anti-choice, religious right.
"President Donald Trump, who has remained out of public view since returning from Europe late Saturday, welcomed evangelical leaders into the Oval Office on Monday for a prayer session," CNN reports Wednesday.
Former Liberty University senior vice president Johnnie Moore posted this photo:
Such an honor to pray within the Oval Office for @POTUS & @VP .
The photo "also showed Vice President Mike Pence, with his eyes shut, participating in the Oval Office prayer session," CNN notes. "Others pictured in posts from the Oval Office included Jack Graham, the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, and Michele Bachmann, the former Republican congresswoman from Minnesota."
But Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) delivers a complete accounting of the Christian far right attendees in the Oval Office prayer meeting. It's a who's who of the anti-gay Christian right.
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council (FRC); Pastor John Hagee, founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio; Paula White, senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida; former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann; Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition; Gary Bauer, president of American Values; Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas; Jim Garlow, senior pastor of Skyline Church in La Mesa, California; Rodney Howard-Browne, senior pastor at the River at Tampa Bay Church, Mike Evans, the founder of Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem, and Richard Land, president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte and others.
Johnnie Moore told CBN, "We enjoy an open door, not just in the Eisenhower Building, but in the West Wing."
And Moore notes that the group spent the entire day Monday in the White House:
The Daily Mail adds, "Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne led a prayer circle alongside his wife Adonica in the White House and then shared the image on Facebook."
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, President Trump gave an exclusive interview with none other than televangelist Pat Robertson, the founder of the "700 Club." Robertson's positions are wildly antithetical to mainstream America, and his comments frequently draw the ire of liberals across the country.
B-b-but Trumpanzees told me that Daddy Trump was totally a supporter of gay rights.
He held a flag once, so he's obviously pro-LGBT
Posted with GameRaven 3.2
ImAMarvel posted...
Michele Bachmann
oh god not her again
I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals FUH-LAMING! - Homer Simpson
Phantom_Nook posted...
He held a flag once, so he's obviously pro-LGBT
you mean that upside-down flag with "LGBTs for Trump" scribbled on it by a 4 y/o?
I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals FUH-LAMING! - Homer Simpson
HylianFox posted...
ImAMarvel posted...
Michele Bachmann
oh god not her again

I don't understand. If you only talk to people who agree with you, you will never change anyone's mind about anything. Why is talking to someone who has different views to you a bad thing? In the UK Corbyn was attacked about this as well because he spoke to IRA leaders in the 90s. How is anything ever gonna change if there is no dialogue?
f*** it, I rather he wastes his time praying than trying to govern
Support local music. But not if it sucks.
(Topic Creator)1 hour ago#8
UnfairRepresent posted...
I don't understand.
If you only talk to people who agree with you, you will never change anyone's mind about anything.
Why is talking to someone who has different views to you a bad thing?
In the UK Corbyn was attacked about this as well because he spoke to IRA leaders in the 90s.
How is anything ever gonna change if there is no dialogue?
Why do you assume he's talking to them to change them?
Obama let's Muslims in the White House, no one bats an eye...but Trump prays with some evangelicals, and everyone goes apes***. You guys really need a hobby.
PSN: scorpion_4160 Currently Playing: NCAA 14, Darksiders series(PS3)
scorpion41 posted...
Obama let's Muslims in the White House, no one bats an eye...but Trump prays with some evangelicals, and everyone goes apes***. You guys really need a hobby.
this tbqh
"private property is theft, mmkay" - averagejoel
scorpion41 posted...
Obama let's Muslims in the White House, no one bats an eye...but Trump prays with some evangelicals, and everyone goes apes***. You guys really need a hobby.
What's wrong with Muslim folk in da white house?
As long as Bachmann uses the restroom, she is pro-transgender rights. ~ ~
ImAMarvel posted...
Why do you assume he's talking to them to change them?
Because Unfair will post whatever he needs to say to argue with people.
ImAMarvel posted...
Why do you assume he's talking to them to change them?
I didn't say he was. I just said open dialogue is a good thing. Tell me is a Christian came up to you and "Talked to you to change you into being a Christian" how successful would he be? out of 100? I'd estimate 7 to 11 Now imagine if no Christian ever spoke to you ever. How sucessfull would that be for your conversion. I'd estimate 1 to 5 Now imagine Christians just talked to you. You know, like normal people do. How successful would he be at converting you? I'd estimate 15 to 75 That's how life works. That's how I am opening your mind right now in ways you do not even fully comprehend
UnfairRepresent posted...
ImAMarvel posted...
Why do you assume he's talking to them to change them?
I didn't say he was.
I just said open dialogue is a good thing.
Tell me is a Christian came up to you and "Talked to you to change you into being a Christian" how successful would he be? out of 100?
I'd estimate 7 to 11
Now imagine if no Christian ever spoke to you ever. How sucessfull would that be for your conversion.
I'd estimate 1 to 5
Now imagine Christians just talked to you. You know, like normal people do. How successful would he be at converting you?
I'd estimate 15 to 75
That's how life works. That's how I am opening your mind right now in ways you do not even fully comprehend
This is dishonest and you know it. He invited them in for a prayer session, not a meeting to discuss oppositional viewpoints.
| ~ ~
pinky0926 posted...
This is dishonest and you know it. He invited them in for a prayer session, not a meeting to discuss oppositional viewpoints.
You keep putting words in my mouth and then complaining about them When did I say Trump was trying to debate them and put them to rights?
UnfairRepresent posted...
pinky0926 posted...
This is dishonest and you know it. He invited them in for a prayer session, not a meeting to discuss oppositional viewpoints.
You keep putting words in my mouth and then complaining about them
When did I say Trump was trying to debate them and put them to rights?
Your implication here is that he's merely talking to some people, as one would engage in a polite discussion with someone you've been led to be acquainted to whether you happen to like them, agree with them, or remain contentious with them. The reality is he invited Christian evangelicals to pray with. That's very much a strong statement about where you sit on the fence. Let's take an extreme example to demonstrate the point: Trump invites extreme Wahhabist clerics into the office and gets on his prayer mat and takes part in Salah. You don't think that would or should court comment?
pinky0926 posted...
Let's take an extreme example to demonstrate the point: Trump invites extreme Wahhabist clerics into the office and gets on his prayer mat and takes part in Salah. You don't think that would or should court comment?
You're comparing a terrorist group to Christians. It would also be worth comment if Trump was hanging out with serial rapists. But it wouldn't be worth comment if he was meeting Jews or Sikhs or mountainclimbers no
The President shouldn't pray with anyone.
scorpion41 posted...
Obama let's Muslims in the White House, no one bats an eye
rightists flipped out over this don't lie
Arrrr the SS Goku, Mighty fine boat... -fatmatt Hope Frieza doesn't chuck an Iceberg at the Goku, otherwise it's all over. -Nekoslash
ImAMarvel posted...
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council (FRC)
Praying with the head of a literal anti-gay hate group. Nice >_> I'm sure Trump is trying to convince that guy to change his ways like Unfair said lmao
gafemaqs posted...
scorpion41 posted...
Obama let's Muslims in the White House, no one bats an eye...but Trump prays with some evangelicals, and everyone goes apes***. You guys really need a hobby.
What's wrong with Muslim folk in da white house?
I don't have to insult you. I have proven that you are a hypocrite and a fool. That's not insulting you, that's exposing you. PSN-Bishop9800
UnfairRepresent posted...
You're comparing a terrorist group to Christians.
It would also be worth comment if Trump was hanging out with serial rapists.
But it wouldn't be worth comment if he was meeting Jews or Sikhs or mountainclimbers no
I shouldn't have to again point out that I deliberately used an extreme example to help illustrate the argument I was making, but apparently I do. Also he prayed with them, that's the point. Also evangelical ministers who hold anti LGBT platforms are pretty extreme from a certain perspective.
So does "Separation of Church and State" not exist anymore?
hockeybub89 posted...
The President shouldn't pray with anyone.
This. It's just weird. Also, perhaps this is their process for changing him into a lizard man.
Calwyn posted...
So does "Separation of Church and State" not exist anymore?
This doesn't violate that, the president can pray if he wants to.
pinky0926 posted...
Also evangelical ministers who hold anti LGBT platforms are pretty extreme from a certain perspective.
really, the only difference between ISIS and some Christians is the Christians tend to be far more subtle about it
I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals FUH-LAMING! - Homer Simpson
Calwyn posted...
So does "Separation of Church and State" not exist anymore?
This, what he did was wildly unconstitutional.
This is my year of Pokemon! Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
HylianFox posted...
pinky0926 posted...
Also evangelical ministers who hold anti LGBT platforms are pretty extreme from a certain perspective.
really, the only difference between ISIS and some Christians is the Christians tend to be far more subtle about it
Exhibit #1. Scott Lively. ~ ~
Read Trump's interview with the Advocate in 2000. Trump's a great guy, friendly to gays
"I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
Capn Circus posted...
Read Trump's interview with the Advocate in 2000. Trump's a great guy, friendly to gays
Because people don't change. ~ ~
scorpion41 posted...
Obama let's Muslims in the White House, no one bats an eye...but Trump prays with some evangelicals, and everyone goes apes***. You guys really need a hobby.
"let's" Joke post
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
Capn Circus posted...
Read Trump's interview with the Advocate in 2000. Trump's a great guy, friendly to gays
You clearly aren't. Is he also friendly to "the blacks"?
Capn Circus posted...
Read Trump's interview with the Advocate in 2000. Trump's a great guy, friendly to gays
Trump needs to cut your pay. You're doing a terrible job
scorpion41 posted...
Obama let's Muslims in the White House, no one bats an eye...
There is nothing Obama did where the reaction was "no one bats an eye."
We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.
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