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- The NY Post: Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot
We see one truly solid takeaway from the story of the day: Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot.
kin to all that throbs
JohnLennon6 posted...
Antifar posted... have you seen the presidents twitter? xD damn you trumpeters are f***ing delusional |
E32005 posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... Am I wrong? If these newspapers had said anything about the Obama daughters you guys would be flipping your s***.
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissions |
JohnLennon6 posted...
Antifar posted... So did Presidents
Kind Regards,
Darmik |
JohnLennon6 posted...
Antifar posted... This kid is going to have his world rocked when he gets to high school history
- literal garbage
literal_garbage posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... Who was this post directed towards?
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissions |
JohnLennon6 posted...
literal_garbage posted... You, my lad
- literal garbage
JohnLennon6 posted...
E32005 posted... Obama daughters were children he's an adult. We're not talking about his kid with Melania.l |
Guys, just stop feeding him.
E32005 posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... Hasn't stopped people from making abhorrent comments about him.
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissions |
E32005 posted...
Obama daughters were children he's an adult. We're not talking about his kid with Melania.l People did though. |
UnholyMudcrab posted...
Guys, just stop feeding him. i should know better but some of his comments are so f***ing dumb |
literal_garbage posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... I'm probably older than you. Antifar honestly comes across as a teenager.
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissions |
Antifar posted...
There's a long history of newspapers being...shall we say, blunter in their criticisms than the neutered journalism of the past 30-40 years I think that this is the first time in history that American newspapers have ever raked this sort of muck before.
- literal garbage
Darmik posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... No they didn't this is a complete white washing of history. LBJ used to talk to reporters with the bathroom door open while he was taking a s***. And used to wave his dick around at people Kennedy puts clinton to shame in the affairs department, and abused various drugs. Reagan was going through dementia Nixon. well enough said. |
Xeno14 posted...
Darmik posted... Heh that sorta stuff hasn't even leaked out about Trump yet. I was talking about his public persona. I'm sure we'll be hearing weird ass stories about Trump years after the guy is dead.
Kind Regards,
Darmik |
JohnLennon6 posted...
Antifar posted... Why shouldn't we applaud the return of honesty and straight talk to our discourse?
kin to all that throbs
Xeno14 posted...
No they didn't Still classier than the current buffoon.
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
http://signavatar.com/26999_s.png |
It's Nixon's fault the press pries so much into presidents, really. They pretty much turned a blind eye towards stuff like philandering before then(and not just the Dems either, though you have to go back a ways, of course), but Nixon was hiding actual malfeasance while also openly hating on the media.
But yes, the Trumps are a stupid family, and Donald Jr. is probably the dumbest of the lot. He basically admitted he tried to collude with a Russian government agent. And, also, LOL at people who try to excuse it as some sort of Democratic plot. First, the Democrats are incompetent. Second, even if we allow that, somehow, someway, without any evidence, this meeting was masterminded by Democratic operatives to discredit Trump, consider the following points: 1)It wasn't exposed until JUST NOW i.e. long after it could have helped elect President (Hillary) Clinton 2) Donald Jr. took the bait. Donald Jr. as well as President Trump's then-campaign manager and his son-in-law all WANTED to collude with a hostile foreign government. |
Worse, he dragged brother-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign chief Paul Manafort into the meeting, which proved to be a bid by a Moscow fixer to undo a US law causing trouble for her clients. (Reportedly, Kushner walked out within 10 minutes while Manafort did work on his phone.) oh gooood
Etherealfare posted...
Lyndon Baines Johnson's well documented history of showing off his junk http://gawker.com/lbj-was-obsessed-with-his-dick-1694599317 From an excerpt of Robert Caro's biography, via the New York Review of Books:
kin to all that throbs
Etherealfare posted...
the long history of s*** our presidents have done. Trump isn't the outlier that people think he is. ![]() |
Antifar posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... Not what I said.
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissions |
JohnLennon6 posted...
Antifar posted... f*** off JohnLennon6 i have heard enough of your lies and the BS. quit feeding everybody this s*** you turd. |
http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/p1lcf20-650x728.jpg http://static6.businessinsider.com/image/509e6baeecad04621e000009-700-758/new-york-post-petraeus.jpg?maxX=700 http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/5813f650b28a6477058b5b3f-700/nypost-weiner.jpg http://i.huffpost.com/gen/956490/images/o-NEW-YORK-POST-HILLARY-CLINTON-facebook.jpg Yeah the NY Post is certainly known for their class
Support local music.
But not if it sucks. |
It's a sad state of affairs on CE when all the Trump s***posters come out of their hovels like clockwork over topics like this.
So far we've got JohnLennon6, literal_garbage - where are DifferentialEquation and Howl? Asleep perhaps? We need more of you guys to complete the set.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z316/CeliaOfTheSky/Pinky0926.jpg |
JohnLennon6 posted...
Mackorov posted... no, it really isn't NYPost is owned by news corp, aka murdoch family it's supposed to be the newspaper wing of fox news when news corp is against a republican, that republican f***ed up big
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
Darkman124 posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... I'd say it reflects more on the s***ty quality of the newspaper.
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissions |
JohnLennon6 posted...
I'd say it reflects more on the s***ty quality of the newspaper. i'll be the first to note that the NYPost is a terrible newspaper but one of the core problems with it is that it's a republican mouthpiece that does not try to hide that it is a republican mouthpiece. it makes no efforts to maintain even the slightest facade of impartiality; it leads with its bias and markets itself to conservatives who are seeking a safe space. this is a typical article it produces: http://nypost.com/2017/07/11/why-the-latest-russia-story-is-just-another-trump-witch-hunt/ so with that in mind, when it's calling DTJ an idiot, what it's actually saying is "Why are you f***ing this up for us?!"
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
Antifar posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... and a paper that generally leans very conservative, at that.
Now Playing: Persona 5 (PS4), The Old Blood (PC)
(~);} - Get out the pans, don't just stand there dreamin' - {;(~) |
JohnLennon6 posted...
Mackorov posted... Curious. I thought the exact same line about you and @Mal_Fet
Live to train. Train to fight. Fight to live. When you retire, think only on fighting.
Take me away, I don't mind, but you better promise I'll be back in time! |
literal_garbage posted...
JohnLennon6 posted... Yeah some older campaigns were brutal. IIRC I think a few even had duels <_<
I'm Mary Poppins y'all.
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/665/328/d75.gif |
Gorbachev posted...
This is the greatest presidency ever. For news fodder |
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- Current Events
- The NY Post: Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot
- Boards
- Current Events
- The NY Post: Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot
Let's go over a few thoughts here:
* Trump Jr and the lawyer he met with are both private citizens. Nothing wrong with 2 private citizens meeting, even if they are from different countries. The claims about the lawyer having "ties" to the Russian government are pretty sketchy if you look into them. She doesn't work for the government, and she doesn't hold any political office.
* Even if the lawyer said "I have dirt on Hillary", we don't know for certain if that's why the meeting took place. People like that meet all the time. It really shows a lack of understanding of the business world to assume that because you saw one email that said he had dirt on Hillary,
* It is entirely possible, legal, and even understandable, for somebody to meet with somebody to hear about potential dirt on their opponent, and then not release that info. People seem to be assuming that Trump Jr met with the lawyer in hopes to obtain dirt, and then intended on releasing that dirt to the public. That's a massive assumption.
* No dirt on Hillary was actually released.fenderbender321 posted...
Let's go over a few thoughts here:
* Trump Jr and the lawyer he met with are both private citizens. Nothing wrong with 2 private citizens meeting, even if they are from different countries. The claims about the lawyer having "ties" to the Russian government are pretty sketchy if you look into them. She doesn't work for the government, and she doesn't hold any political office.
* Even if the lawyer said "I have dirt on Hillary", we don't know for certain if that's why the meeting took place. People like that meet all the time. It really shows a lack of understanding of the business world to assume that because you saw one email that said he had dirt on Hillary,
* It is entirely possible, legal, and even understandable, for somebody to meet with somebody to hear about potential dirt on their opponent, and then not release that info. People seem to be assuming that Trump Jr met with the lawyer in hopes to obtain dirt, and then intended on releasing that dirt to the public. That's a massive assumption.
* No dirt on Hillary was actually released.
just tell them all your base doesn't belong to us because we were getting stoned...they'll understand-Ken156TommyG663513 posted...
fenderbender321 posted...
Let's go over a few thoughts here:
* Trump Jr and the lawyer he met with are both private citizens. Nothing wrong with 2 private citizens meeting, even if they are from different countries. The claims about the lawyer having "ties" to the Russian government are pretty sketchy if you look into them. She doesn't work for the government, and she doesn't hold any political office.
* Even if the lawyer said "I have dirt on Hillary", we don't know for certain if that's why the meeting took place. People like that meet all the time. It really shows a lack of understanding of the business world to assume that because you saw one email that said he had dirt on Hillary,
* It is entirely possible, legal, and even understandable, for somebody to meet with somebody to hear about potential dirt on their opponent, and then not release that info. People seem to be assuming that Trump Jr met with the lawyer in hopes to obtain dirt, and then intended on releasing that dirt to the public. That's a massive assumption.
* No dirt on Hillary was actually released.
Do you have anything worthwhile to contribute to this topic?
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissionsGorbachev posted...
E32005 posted...
For news fodder
Our country is falling apart for real. Elon Musk is right. We live in a simulation, and our programmers are just messing eith us now.
Trump is Malware
fenderbender321 posted...
we don't know for certain if that's why the meeting took place
“If it’s what you say I love it.”
fenderbender321 posted...
* It is entirely possible, legal, and even understandable, for somebody to meet with somebody to hear about potential dirt on their opponent, and then not release that info. People seem to be assuming that Trump Jr met with the lawyer in hopes to obtain dirt, and then intended on releasing that dirt to the public. That's a massive assumption.
April 19th, 2016: “DCLeaks.com” url/address registered.
May 3rd, 2016: Donald J. Trump becomes becomes presumptive nominee after Ted Cruz and John Kasich withdraw from race.
May 26th, 2016: Donald J. Trump officially secure majority of GOP delegates, officially clinching the nomination of the Republican party.
June 3rd, 2016: First email contact between Rob Goldstone and Donald Trump Jr. about meeting with “Russian government lawyer” with damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
June 7th, 2016: Donald J Trump gives speech in which he promises a major speech about Hillary Clinton’s crimes on June 13th. “I am going to give a major speech on … probably Monday [June 13th] of next week and we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons. I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
http://i.imgur.com/mPvcy.pngJohnLennon6 posted...
Do you have anything worthwhile to contribute to this topic?
Do you?
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
http://signavatar.com/26999_s.pngBLAKUboy posted...
JohnLennon6 posted...
Do you have anything worthwhile to contribute to this topic?
Do you?
He doesn't. He never does. He just likes bumping topics adding nothing.
JohnLennon6 posted...
BLAKUboy posted...
JohnLennon6 posted...
Do you have anything worthwhile to contribute to this topic?
Do you?
I have been one of the most active users in this topic.
You've been saying mind numbingly stupid things over and over. I guess you consider that a contribution.
just tell them all your base doesn't belong to us because we were getting stoned...they'll understand-Ken156Doom_Art posted...
fenderbender321 posted...
we don't know for certain if that's why the meeting took place
%u201CIf it%u2019s what you say I love it.%u201D
fenderbender321 posted...
* It is entirely possible, legal, and even understandable, for somebody to meet with somebody to hear about potential dirt on their opponent, and then not release that info. People seem to be assuming that Trump Jr met with the lawyer in hopes to obtain dirt, and then intended on releasing that dirt to the public. That's a massive assumption.
April 19th, 2016: %u201CDCLeaks.com%u201D url/address registered.
May 3rd, 2016: Donald J. Trump becomes becomes presumptive nominee after Ted Cruz and John Kasich withdraw from race.
May 26th, 2016: Donald J. Trump officially secure majority of GOP delegates, officially clinching the nomination of the Republican party.
June 3rd, 2016: First email contact between Rob Goldstone and Donald Trump Jr. about meeting with %u201CRussian government lawyer%u201D with damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
June 7th, 2016: Donald J Trump gives speech in which he promises a major speech about Hillary Clinton%u2019s crimes on June 13th. %u201CI am going to give a major speech on %u2026 probably Monday [June 13th] of next week and we%u2019re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons. I think you%u2019re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.%u201D
And what did he say on June 13th?
And again, if this was all exchanged through private citizens, what is the issue?JohnLennon6 posted...
I have been one of the most active users in this topic.
That didn't answer my question.
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
http://signavatar.com/26999_s.pngTommyG663513 posted...
JohnLennon6 posted...
BLAKUboy posted...
JohnLennon6 posted...
Do you have anything worthwhile to contribute to this topic?
Do you?
I have been one of the most active users in this topic.
You've been saying mind numbingly stupid things over and over. I guess you consider that a contribution.
Are you actually interested in having a political discussion?
He has good daygame
- MasterOfMissions- Boards
- Current Events
- The NY Post: Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot
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