Poor Hillary. Big, bad Donald Trump got so close to her during the presidential debate last fall, she says, that he “made her skin crawl.”
Fools think there are good and bad guys in intl. relations.-Terran
Currently Listening To: Ondore's Lies |
she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
My skin would crawl if I got near Trump too.
Posted with GameRaven 3.2.2
She lost all the debates if you ignore what the word "debate" actually means.
Also, Trump didn't write "Art of the Deal", time to let that one go.
Yup Joked can really be an ass at times, a kick ass, hilarious ass, but an ass none the less.- J Dogg WWJBD/JBPHC =w= RIP Mitch
How does she think Bill Clinton's victims feel?
Hello world!
AceMos posted...
she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things She was fed the answers in at least one of them beforehand lol
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still |
AceMos posted...
she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things Unfortunately too many Americans see 'babbling like a moron' as 'being passionate about the issues' and are far too willing to give candidates a pass for not knowing s*** about those issues as long as they can talk loudly and continuously about them.
"We want to support what's right, our opponents want to support what's wrong. That's the difference."
Lol you post fake news about hillary 8 months into trumps presidency. Time to stop being a joke person.
Sorry if my posts make you feel emotional. It is not my intent.
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AngelsNAirwav3s posted...
How does she think Bill Clinton's victims feel? The 'champion of women' called them bimbos and defended her husband. Conveniently playing the 'I'm a poor weak woman who felt threatened' card now for sympathy. ![]() How fake does this woman sound?
Just sayin'
Playing the victim is so presidential.
Covenant posted...
Playing the victim is so presidential. Well of course! Every time Donald Trump speaks he paints himself as a victim of the media, business, Congress, the far-left, the deep state, and so many more! There's nothing more presidential these days.
"We want to support what's right, our opponents want to support what's wrong. That's the difference."
God bless that brave woman. That must have been terrifying.
Covenant posted...
Playing the victim is so presidential. Social Justice Warriors will eat it up though. Cause they don't want to end sexism. They just want to end anything they don't like while taking advantage of anything that benefits them.
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still |
Haha yeah what's so unnerving about a demonstrably unhinged man who abused his ex-wife creeping up behind you for no apparent reason?
AceMos posted...
she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things Keep in mind, most people didn't watch the debates for hillary, they watched the debates to see if Trump would improve. For some reason, America treats Trump like he's their child, so any progress, regardless of how insignificant it is, would result in people taking pride in it.
My Mario Maker Levels |
untrustful posted...
AceMos posted...she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things Wow, he didn't rip off his pants and take a s*** on the stage! This man has earned my vote. |
Dwavenhobble posted...
AceMos posted...Yeah but she won all three lolshe crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things Also, preparing for debates =/= a bad thing lol Also, would hearing the questions before the debate have helped Donnie provide coherent answers at all? Probably not lol Also, you later posted some tripe about an imaginary boogeyman getting imaginary benefits from making claims about a system that only benefits them (if that seems convoluted, it's probably because your thought process is asinine), but you couldn't think of a single example. Probably because you're wrong lol
\m/ RIP Ronnie James Dio, July 1942-May 2010. I hope you enjoyed your unparalleled musicianship while it lasted (all 67 years, dude). \m/
For one, I'm glad Trump made her feel that way. That's what she gets for the hit job on Bernie and handing over the Presidency to a right-wing nutcase.
Lillymon posted...
Covenant posted...Playing the victim is so presidential. Nice deflection, kiddo. You're not wrong, but you're also not on topic. Kia123Amini posted... Yeah but she won all three lol I'm not sure GameFAQs understands what constitutes winning a Presidential debate. A debate is about appealing to an audience and Clinton didn't appeal to anybody who wasn't already going to vote to her. |
Covenant posted...
She got bigger debate bumps, if I recall. |
this will be in the fiction section right?
2017 - Super Mario Odyssey delayed
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Russian Rocket posted...
She got bigger debate bumps, if I recall. She had a 98% chance to win the election, if I recall. |
Covenant posted...
Russian Rocket posted...Covenant posted...She got bigger debate bumps, if I recall.
\m/ RIP Ronnie James Dio, July 1942-May 2010. I hope you enjoyed your unparalleled musicianship while it lasted (all 67 years, dude). \m/
Now the human side of Hillary comes out. She should of shivered whenever Trump loomed over her for extra points with people instead of just writing about it later.
It's funny to see her and others on the left talk about what happened as if they have any understanding. They wouldn't be in this position if they did.
dermoratraken posted...
It's funny to see her and others on the left talk about what happened as if they have any understanding. They wouldn't be in this position if they did. Not necessarily true. I mean Trump won and right before the election wanted to do away with the electoral college, el oh fkn el. |
Dwavenhobble posted...
AceMos posted...she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things She was told the questions once in the Democratic primary debates. She wasn't given "answers" to anything during the debates with Trump.
"I'm all lost in the supermarket. I can no longer shop happily."
AngelsNAirwav3s posted...
How does she think Bill Clinton's victims feel? About the same as Trump's.
Kia123Amini posted...
Profoundly ignorant garbage My comment is relevant. The evidence presented to refute my claim was a matter of polls, which, as we all know, were highly unreliable. People spent months after the election trying to figure out why, in their words, the polls were wrong. Nice try, though. |
One of her biggest problems was that she took the high road too much. As a pascifist that's a weird thing to say, but I feel like if she had just went back at him a little she would have gotten a lot more respect from people.
Just being the bigger person allows the other to keep being a child. Anyone who can't already see the difference, won't, so she only changed the minds of anyone who weren't sure about both of them to begin with. The only way she would have ever swayed people from his side is to be get a little dirty while still being an adult about it. Basically, you can play the way he plays but keep your dignity doing it and then with both those examples on stage they'll see the extra layer of petulance in him and how unnecessary it is. At least that's how would do it. Be a bigger, smarter, more sarcastic yet respectful dickhead.
Yup Joked can really be an ass at times, a kick ass, hilarious ass, but an ass none the less.- J Dogg WWJBD/JBPHC =w= RIP Mitch
battourye posted... Hillary. Big, bad Donald Trump got so close to her during the presidential debate last fall, she says, that he “made her skin crawl.” How is this viewed as a bad thing? |
When I saw this story I was like "ugh." Women need to learn not to expose weakness like that.
But if I said that openly at work I'd be reprimanded for it. The same exact thing happened to Bush, you know (perhaps not as severely), and he wrote about it in different terms--he didn't show all his cards to the reader, he just told you the minimum you needed to know. Now Bush handled it better than Clinton did at the time. I've read praise for how Bush handled it, in a way that diminished Gore, nothing either way about how Clinton handled it. It's reasonable for her to point that out, though I think she handled it well enough that it is not relevant. Like she said, she is a pro at keeping her cool on the outside and not letting it get to her. But that is not the story here anymore. The story here is her effeminate, overdramatic display of feelings. That's a shame. For the record, I am fully aware that what I have said just now represents harsh institutional sexism.
Do your own research!
DefYouth posted...
Dwavenhobble posted...AceMos posted...she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things How do you get "answers" to a debate? How do trump humpers tie their own shoes?
XBOX Live Gamertag: DevilAnse33v2
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Covenant posted...
Kia123Amini you're saying that, because polls said that more people would vote for Hillary (which they were correct about), then all polls are wrong, and the debate bump was fake news?Profoundly ignorant garbage Profoundly ignorant garbage is right, but you put it in the wrong spot, tbh.
\m/ RIP Ronnie James Dio, July 1942-May 2010. I hope you enjoyed your unparalleled musicianship while it lasted (all 67 years, dude). \m/
Kia123Amini posted...
so you're saying that, because polls said that more people would vote for Hillary Oversimplified to the point of irrelevance. I didn't expect anything else, though. then all polls are wrong Strawman. No, not all polls are wrong. Just the polls that experts spent months dissecting to see why they failed to accurately reflect reality. Kia123Amini posted... and the debate bump was fake news? I wouldn't call it fake news unless it were intentional and I don't care to speculate over the motives of the people pushing these polls. The polls did not reflect reality and the debate bumps seen in the polls did not reflect reality, either. We have President Donald Trump as evidence of that, if the legions of experts dissecting the polls to figure out where they went wrong isn't enough for you. |
You know what is funny?
Imagine if Hillary acted like Bernie. Bombastic screaming, railing against the establishment, the whole song and dance. What would people say about her then? Hysterical. Unhinged. Emotional. A woman in politics has to be very careful how she presents herself. Donald Trump's bravado was seen as 'manly'. If Hillary did it she would have been 'b****y'.
Democracy is a theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it, good and hard.
-H.L. Mencken |
DefYouth posted...
She was given the questions in advance of one of the debates too so she and her team could prepare answers. Even with all that, that's the best she could do? Really her and a team of people working on the best answer and that's the best they could do?
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still |
Dwavenhobble posted...
DefYouth posted... I don't care if she failed to impress you. Honestly, I'm not much of a fan myself. I just wanted to clarify that she was not given questions in advance of any of the Trump debates.
"I'm all lost in the supermarket. I can no longer shop happily."
Luminozero posted...
You know what is funny? Yeah pretty much. Hopefully the next female candidate doesn't have to put up with this bulls***. |
Covenant posted...
Lillymon posted...Covenant posted...Playing the victim is so presidential. #1: Donald Trump's name is in the title of this topic. #2: The first post mentions Donald Trump several times. #3: When talking about how 'presidential' someone is or is not, it would seem reasonable to compare them to the current president.
"We want to support what's right, our opponents want to support what's wrong. That's the difference."
B-but, "I said kiddo"
AceMos posted...
she crushed him in all 3 debates whiel he kept bablign like a moron and could not shut up and let her speak she remained calm and on point of things If this was true, she would be President |
The book is just a spite project. Shillary is quite the soulless creature. If she's been married to slick willie for 40 years, Trump would be nothing new. Definitely wouldn't phase her.
Plus she's lying through her teeth as anyone with a brain would be able to see just by watching the debate. She literally walked into his area, walking in from of him, something she was obviously coached to do by some body language expert into order to project dominance. Obviously Trump's been trained in body language tactics as well and instantly knew what she was trying to do. So he countered it by standing up behind her and lurking. She's just mad it backfired on her. Literally 4d Connect Four. |
Does TC know this is the end of summer in 2017, not 16????
Lillymon posted...
#1: Donald Trump's name is in the title of this topic. Superficial bulls***. Lillymon posted... #3: When talking about how 'presidential' someone is or is not, it would seem reasonable to compare them to the current president. Maybe if you believe the current President to be a paragon of presidential behavior. |
AceMos posted...
she crushed him in all 3 debates First one is arguable, but the second and third were devastating to Hillary. Especially the second one--Trump's "because you'd be in jail" line became legendary almost instantly.
I write Naruto Fanfiction.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
AceMos posted...she crushed him in all 3 debates Lol no only people as stupid as trump would have considered his idiocy winning.
Sorry if my posts make you feel emotional. It is not my intent.
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