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- How Trump's rant shifted public opinion on the NFL
![]() Seems to me that this suggests the protests in and of themselves weren't polarizing or alienating people from the NFL until Trump chose to focus on it.
kin to all that throbs
If there's one positive thing in this bizarre turn-around on support of freedom of speech from Trump supporters, it's that maybe the NFL can f*** off with the corporate influence it has.
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wait, are you telling me that Trump fuels the fire of division in America by engaging in volatile, half-assed rhetoric?
This is America, where a lying, cheating degenerate can prosper. |
_Near_ posted...
wait, are you telling me that Trump fuels the fire of division in America by engaging in volatile, half-assed rhetoric? http://pm1.narvii.com/5746/b588449bae03e3c0fb84cc6eb30b5cb26cc843ce_hq.jpg
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
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Antifar posted...
Seems to me that this suggests the protests in and of themselves weren't polarizing or alienating people from the NFL until Trump chose to focus on it. Literally you posted surveys about people not watching the NFL because of the protest for 6 f***ing months
If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all
Antifar posted...
Seems to me that this suggests the protests in and of themselves weren't polarizing or alienating people from the NFL until Trump chose to focus on it. You'd be wrong. This was pissing people off last season before Trump was even elected. http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/news/nfl-tv-ratings-rasmussen-reports-poll-colin-kaepernick-anthem-protest-reaction-effect/95jdoch1ngj103xvbkllcbvk Published on Oct. 5, 2016
- The Admiral
The NFL is s*** we just didn't notice it until DONALD TRUMP pointed it out. Try harder next time Antifa!!
Also the NFL has ratings drop before the Kaep drama. They’re actually going up now and it started with preseason....ratings have been an issue long before the flag nonsense. To say Kaep is a major reason why is foolish.
Interestingly enough ratings went up more after Trumps dumb comments.
"I devour urine just like my Portland Trailblazers, with piss poor defense."
VipaGTS posted...
Also the NFL has ratings drop before the Kaep drama. They’re actually going up now and it started with preseason....ratings have been an issue long before the flag nonsense. To say Kaep is a major reason why is foolish. They're not going up now aside from a few specific games. Overall, they're down for the year again: http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/news/nfl-tv-television-ratings-down-numbers-national-anthem-protests/l2x7dhlkuubk1tbeftag9ttis The league's average TV audience through Week 5 of the 2017 season dropped 7 percent vs. the same period of the 2016 season, according to Nielsen data obtained by Sporting News. Worse for the league, the average game audiences are down 18 percent compared to the first five weeks of the 2015 season. Literally down 18% since this Kaepernick bulls*** started.
- The Admiral
VipaGTS posted...
Also the NFL has ratings drop before the Kaep drama. This. I believe it started in 2012, when the referees were talking about more money.
I don't have to insult you. I have proven that you are a hypocrite and a fool. That's not insulting you, that's exposing you.
PSN-Bishop9800 |
Zero_Destroyer posted...
If there's one positive thing in this bizarre turn-around on support of freedom of speech from Trump supporters This isn't an issue about free speech. Trump hasn't ordered the arrest of any kneelers. If he did, then you'd be right. Employers can fire people for their politics. It isn't a protected thing like race or gender. Let's be real here, vehement democrats do the same thing when it comes to political views they don't like. |
Funbazooka posted...
Zero_Destroyer posted...If there's one positive thing in this bizarre turn-around on support of freedom of speech from Trump supporters There's nothing wrong with an employer firing someone. The president saying someone should be fired though is definitely messed up and anyone that values freedom of speech should recognize he shouldn't be doing so Even hardcore conservatives like Rush f***ing Limbaugh recognize the problem |
Funbazooka posted...
This isn't an issue about free speech. It very clearly is. Trump may not be outright violating the first amendment (yet), but he is toeing a very dangerous line. Add on his threatening to challenge the license of a news organization that reported a negative story on him, and we're in a bad situation.
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
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Funbazooka posted...
Zero_Destroyer posted...If there's one positive thing in this bizarre turn-around on support of freedom of speech from Trump supporters It's about the value of free speech in general society, not the strict constitutional definition. Conservatives are often outraged over people being fired for their (sometimes offensive) viewpoints, but suddenly it's entirely okay on this subject and that whole "the concept of freedom of speech in a society" goes out the window. America would be a much worse place if every offhand political comment or action that offended your employer got you fired. Conservatives have (justifiably) expressed outrage in many of these cases, yet not when the agenda (protests) doesn't fit their viewpoints.
Enjoy movies and television? Check out my blog! I do reviews and analyses.
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VipaGTS posted...
They’ve been trending down for years. Long before the Kaepernick issue. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/11/nfl-tv-ratings-rankings-no-1-show-snf-mnf-local-markets
If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all
Antifar posted...
eems to me that this suggests the protests in and of themselves weren't polarizing or alienating people from the NFL until Trump chose to focus on it. That chart clearly shows that it's Trump supporters who are easily manipulated by a f***ing cheeto.
You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
{Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite} |
The Admiral posted...
Antifar posted...Seems to me that this suggests the protests in and of themselves weren't polarizing or alienating people from the NFL until Trump chose to focus on it. That 1/3rd are a bunch of idiots. I always mute or fast forward through the national anthem like commercials (depending on whether watching live or on DVR).
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
The President has free speech as well. Anyone can call for the firing of someone. It's their right, no matter where they fall on the political spectrum. And both sides do this routinely. They're exercising that freedom.
I think you're pretending to be fair and unbiased here if you don't understand that. Those guys can kneel at the flag and anthem and anyone can say what they want about it. Period. |
Funbazooka posted...
The President has free speech as well. Anyone can call for the firing of someone. It's their right, no matter where they fall on the political spectrum. And both sides do this routinely. They're exercising that freedom. No problem. Just don't complain when companies are firing ppl for saying racist or homophobic things - like so many conservatives did.
You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
{Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite} |
Funbazooka posted...
The President has free speech as well. Anyone can call for the firing of someone. It's their right, no matter where they fall on the political spectrum. And both sides do this routinely. They're exercising that freedom. \ He has said he was use his power as President to force compliance. If Obama said we should fired all these people with CSA s***. Republican would be going crazy
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
Funbazooka posted...
If you value free speech then you ought to recognize that President Trump and anyone who backs him up has a right to it as well, like anyone else, no matter how much you hate him. Actually, there are limits on what public officials are allowed to say while in office.
You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
{Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite} |
Funbazooka posted...
If you could cite the specific law that Trump is violating by calling for firings, I'd be interested in hearing it. .S. Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 11, Section 227, which is titled, “Wrongfully influencing a private entity’s employment decisions by a Member of Congress or an officer or employee of the legislative or executive branch.” It states: (a) Whoever, being a covered government person, with the intent to influence, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation, an employment decision or employment practice of any private entity — (1) takes or withholds, or offers or threatens to take or withhold, an official act, or (2) influences, or offers or threatens to influence, the official act of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 15 years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States. (b) In this section, the term “covered government person” means — (1) a Senator or Representative in, or a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress; (2) an employee of either House of Congress; or (3) the President, Vice President, an employee of the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, or any other executive branch employee (as such term is defined under section 2105 of title 5, United States Code). -- The president is literally using his power to stop free speech and people are ok with .
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
Funbazooka posted...
If you could cite the specific law that Trump is violating by calling for firings, I'd be interested in hearing it. No one said that.
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@gguirao posted...
I've always sided with the NFL in this debate, and nothing has changed. At what point? When the NFL backed the players or when they caved to Trump? That distinction is pretty important.
Typical gameFAQers are "Complainers that always complain about those who complain about real legitimate complaints."-Joker_X
@Funbazooka got nuked
R.I.P. Bilbo-Swaggins: Victim of the CommunistFAQS Regime
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Zeeak4444 posted...
@gguirao posted...I've always sided with the NFL in this debate, and nothing has changed. The protesters.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Antifar posted...
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/11/upshot/trump-nfl-polarization.html Not sure I understand the graph. Are they saying Trump voters view the NFL unfavorably after the rant? |
cjsdowg posted...
Funbazooka posted...If you could cite the specific law that Trump is violating by calling for firings, I'd be interested in hearing it. Trump isn't calling for the firing of anyone because of a partisan political affiliation. Standing for the anthem isn't a question of partisan politics. You can be a patriot no matter if you're Democrat or Republican. But that's not the main problem here He hasn't threatened an official act or influenced an official act or anything like that. That's what this whole thing hinges on, if anyone tried to prosecute him on this. "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners — when somebody disrespects our flag — to say, 'Get that son of a b*tch off the field right now. Out. He's fired. He's fired!'" There's a huge difference between that and something like, "Fire so-and-so or there will be trouble, because I'm the President" That's the sort of thing you'd have to prove, because it's a threat. |
Funbazooka posted...
Yes he has , he is taking about taking away the tax breaks that they get because of this. He literally said that Colin doesn't have a job because people were scared of what he could do. But it's trump he can literally take credit for subverting freedom of speech and people will defend him. He literally had closed door meetings with owners and when they said they would force people to stand , he took credit for that. You Trump fans would be happy in place like NK where they come down hard on people who don't support the state.
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
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- How Trump's rant shifted public opinion on the NFL
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