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- Oh shit 45 has weakened us so much
Do you remember how WEAK 45 is about everything Russia related? How he lets them do anything they want, and how he allows them to troll us and laugh at us?
Do you remember how much time 45 has spent calling Hispanics rapists, criminals, lazy, drug mules and rapists again? Do you remember how he goes out of his way to do things such as canceling the 5 de mayo day, raiding that day’s festivals, and putting their babies in concentration camps? Do you remember how he threatened to invade Venezuela for shits and giggles? Ok, connect the 3 dots, what do you get? ; https://www.foxnews.com/world/russia-sends-two-bombers-in-support-of-venezualas-socialist-regime-amid-soaring-us-russia-relationship FUCK!!! OK, so the two countries have now signed a military cooperation agreement, they have started having joint military exercises (like we do with South Korea) and Russia has stationed two nuclear capable planes in Venezuela (to put things in perspective, we shit bricks over Cuba having ONE missile). Great! Now Russia could literally nuke us outside of the planet thanks to 45’s incompetence, compromised position and racism. Do we have nuclear planes right in russia’s backyard? Of course not, Russia would not allow that. Thanks redcaps, thanks for causing this. Don’t worry though, you can still harass minorities, which is all you care about... MAGA am I right? I am so pissed right now. Yeah redcaps go ahead and call me a “triggered lib” or downplay that Russia has now been able to station TWO nuclear planes in this continent, it will just go to show how treasonous you are just for the sake of enabling racism |
@Middle_hope posted...
Orange Man bad. Aren't you the guys who call people NPCs?
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
https://imgur.com/mPvcy |
Yeah, it's pretty worrying considering that Russia recently made a weapons deal that excluded using USD. And I think Iran is supposed to be sending some ships over near Venezuela as well. All that Venezuelan oil....
Doom_Art posted... @Middle_hope posted...Orange Man bad. Yeah and he posts racist drivel on his alts too.
"I don't think anyone seriously thinks that Trump supporters orgasm when they see racism in the news." - Me, reassuring Ammonitida
America is a tune. It must be sung together. --50 Blessings
https://i.imgtc.com/naDxbk4.jpg |
Kineth posted...
Yeah, it's pretty worrying considering that Russia recently made a weapons deal that excluded using USD. And I think Iran is supposed to be sending some ships over near Venezuela as well. All that Venezuelan oil.... Soon the dollar will stop being the main currency too thanks to this stupidity... good going 45. We could say he marked the end of our global dominance. If only we had any allies in Latin America.... oh I forgot, he called them all rapists and criminals and won the presidency on the promise (well kept, mind you) of enabling vicious racism against them. Yup! We’re on our own! |
50Blessings posted...
Russia has nuclear planes in our back yard and all you can do is say “but Obama”? They could end hitting us with one of those bombs and your reply would probably be “I bet this bomb was made with Hillary uranium one”. You people are amazing. Just think and use your head of a second: you can’t be racist if you’re dead! You want to stay alive, so you want to care about this |
Doom_Art posted...
@Middle_hope posted...Orange Man bad. The edgy alt right's come to play.
"Grand Upper!" - Axel Stone
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618079256 |
EliteC posted...
You people are amazing. Just think and use your head of a second: you can’t be racist if you’re dead! You want to stay alive, so you want to care about this Maybe if you dips used your heads years ago we wouldn't be in this situation at all. Also, I could use the exact same logic as you. Russia has nuclear planes in our back yard and you use it as a means to virtue signal and yell "You all racist." Just shut the fuck up, you don't really care, you just hate the President.
America is a tune. It must be sung together. --50 Blessings
https://i.imgtc.com/naDxbk4.jpg |
@Middle_hope posted...
>:^l I was just asking about the NPC thing because you're literally the third person I've seen this morning say "orange man bad" in response to criticism about Trump Just found that a little funny lol
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
https://imgur.com/mPvcy |
50Blessings posted...
EliteC posted...You people are amazing. Just think and use your head of a second: you can’t be racist if you’re dead! You want to stay alive, so you want to care about this Lmao “If you were better years ago 45 would not have fucked up!” How can you say I don’t care? I don’t want to get nuked. And neither should you. Is being able to be openly racist that important to you? |
Delta_F14 posted...
lol @ calling Trump "45", keep denying reality. He is the 45th president. What is unreal about it? You redcaps are unbelievable. He just costed us the worst National security risk in decades and all you care about is for me to spell his 3 names and bend my knee when I say them? |
Delta_F14 posted...
lol @ calling Trump "45", keep denying reality. What's being denied here? Cuz he is the 45th president so it's not like this is denying he's president. |
Tmaster148 posted...
Delta_F14 posted...lol @ calling Trump "45", keep denying reality. Yeah exactly. He is just mad I am not spelling “Donald “Jay” Trump” (“jay” mistake on purpose, so many redcaps think they is his middle name) and saying “long live the king” while typing it. |
EliteC posted...
This is good news. Where? Incirlik Air Base, Turkey is likely the closest, although it's our nuclear submarine fleet that is most likely our principal first strike tool. I can't comment on where any of those might be located. Aegis, a US ABM system, is being deployed in Poland.
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...
NPC beep booped...Orange Man bad. this in combo with your sig is hilarious
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
https://imgur.com/mPvcy |
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...
EliteC posted...(to put things in perspective, we shit bricks over Cuba having ONE missile). MRBM and IRBM*.
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
Doom_Art posted...
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...NPC beep booped...show hidden quote(s) It's a shame my full posting history isn't available. I bitch about SJWs because generically, I think they're dishonest, unreasonable, inconsistent and bigoted. Trump too is dishonest, unreasonable, inconsistent and bigoted. He, and most of the rest of the GOP, and a concerning amount of their voters are as well. No matter how much I point out what I consider to be unfair attacks against them simply for the sake of integrity, or rant about dumb crap that happens to be from the left, I am still very much against Trump and his cultists.
It's okay to be white.
Darkman124 posted...
EliteC posted...This is good news. Where? Poland is useful for something finally lol |
Doom_Art posted...
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...NPC beep booped...show hidden quote(s) Wow I hadn’t even seen his sig. I am surprised that gamefaqs allows for alt-right signatures (what’s next, the 14 words in signature form?) but I guess I shouldn’t, considering the epic post deleting moderator vendetta I faced yesterday for calling out racism ... |
DrascalKiller posted...
If I had to guess, this is more to put pressure on Bolsonaro in Brazil. His rhetoric should worry any neighbor, especially Cuba and Venezuela. Still troubling, but not quite the same as a missile being stationed in Cuba. I didn’t think about that. Why would bolsonaro care? Doesn’t Russia love him as well? |
@Caution999 posted...
You seem emotional, TC. I wouldn't throw stones if I were you, Caution. lol
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
https://imgur.com/mPvcy |
Caution999 posted...
You seem emotional, TC. ... you wept over the caution club pics going public, begged for forgiveness, talked to us about the “content of your heart” and made teary eyes please for “turning the page”. It doesn’t get more emotional than that. Heck you weep and mark any post with such pics. Don’t throw stones if you’re standing inside a glass house buddy |
EliteC posted...
Caution999 posted...I'm just letting you know that your life is fine, man. Yes, because 1) I had edgy opinions that may have been dumb because I bought into propaganda. 2) I learned my lesson. I learned that I shouldn't direct hate towards others who think differently than me. The only hate I have left is for mainstream media. Not you.
The best posts, believe me.
Well if we're going to be absolutely honest and objective, and I'm speaking as a non-American here, therefore from an unbiased and disinterested position on this very specific matter, if we turn the clock back in time a bit... the US Intelligence community (not necessarily the entire deep state) did orchestrate the coup in Ukraine at "Maidan 2" in 2014 and tried to pass it for allegedly a "democratic protest" (via NGOs funded directly by the CIA lol - always follow the money) -- unlike "Maidan 1" in 2004 and the orange revolution of course, who WERE actually democratic that time around -- in order to oust a democratically elected President who had the cheek of wanting to establish better business and diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation.
The current Russian move, while cheeky indeed, is merely a dose of exactly the same medicine, meddling in affairs at the other end of the globe where they don't really belong (like the US in Ukraine) while at the same time treading on the other biggie's game preserve and pissing them off in the process (the US in Ukraine). And to think they told me the Cold War ended in 1989 with the Perestroika, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact armies ! I hope I'm not blowing anything out of historical proportions.
Ave Caesar, Rosae Rosam et Spiritus Rex ! - Voila, ca ne veut absolument rien dire mais l'effet reste le meme
https://i.imgtc.com/eRE0ORV.jpg |
Caution999 posted...
2) I learned my lesson. I learned that I shouldn't direct hate towards others who think differently than me. The only hate I have left is for mainstream media. Not you. No you haven't. |
A few things:
1. I would be more worried about ICBMs/SLBMs from Russia. 2. The US has nuclear missile in Turkey pointed at Russia. 3. We would have more allies in South America if we hadn't fucked with their countries during the Cold War. 4. IB you accuse me of being a Trump supporter.
Rumble Roses. Someone enters the room. Them: O_O Me: What?! I always play games without my pants on!- Inmate 922335
#ImpeachToadDickTrump |
EliteC posted...
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...DarthWendy posted...show hidden quote(s) It’s actually the concern with many Americans, you’re unable to get past a binary and, if I may add, hegemonic thought pattern, mostly because you never extend your eyes and thought towards foreign publications and foreign Intelligence communities (such as European), you would get different perspectives and analysis of given events. And it’s not meant as an insult ! People who know me better know how close my heart is to the American people. But your curiosity lacks, so you only inform yourselves from US sources. Moreover, whoever isn’t 100% WITH you isn’t necessarily AGAINST you. I’m not American of course, but I bat for the West without hesitations, and I am a forever loyal friend of America. But in “my” West, ideally the former “Reds” aren’t to be made enemies again, like in the glorious 50s and their constant nuclear threat. So allow me to reassure you, no payment in roubles arrives in my account, I am just merely encompassing a bigger, less partisan, image of things.
Ave Caesar, Rosae Rosam et Spiritus Rex ! - Voila, ca ne veut absolument rien dire mais l'effet reste le meme
https://i.imgtc.com/eRE0ORV.jpg |
Lonestar2000 posted...
A few things: About #3. You have a point. But also, we would still probably not have them because 45 has been amazingly racist to them for 2 years |
DarthWendy posted...
EliteC posted...Anarchy_Juiblex posted...show hidden quote(s) You routinely post pro-Le Pen stuff... come on |
EliteC posted...
DarthWendy posted...EliteC posted...show hidden quote(s) Uuuuh... what ? Marine Le Pen is the head of the nationalist French party, which I don't vote for, I vote conservative. Where in the Almighty's name have you ever seen any "pro-Le Pen stuff" in my posts ? And on top of that, what the eff does that have any gosh darn thing to do with the US - Russian Federation antagonism, and what does Marine Le Pen have to do with anyone being pro or anti Russia ? You lost me there o_O
Ave Caesar, Rosae Rosam et Spiritus Rex ! - Voila, ca ne veut absolument rien dire mais l'effet reste le meme
https://i.imgtc.com/eRE0ORV.jpg |
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- Oh shit 45 has weakened us so much
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